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the commonwealth of oceana-第38章

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mpanies may as well be called centuries as those of the Romans; for the Romans related not; in so naming theirs; to the number。 And whereas they were distributed according to the valuation of their estates; so are these; which; by virtue of the last order; are now accommodated with their triennial officers。 But there be others appertaining to this tribe whose election; being of far greater importance; is annual; as follows in     The twenty…second order; 〃Whereby the first class having elected their triennial officers; and made oath to the old tribunes; that they will neither introduce; cause; nor to their power suffer debate to be introduced into any popular assembly of this government; but to their utmost be aiding and assisting to seize and deliver any person or persons in that way offending; and striking at the root of this commonwealth; to the Council of War; are to proceed with the other two classes of the prerogative tribe to election of the new tribunes; being four annual magistrates; whereof two are to be elected out of the cavalry at the horse urn; and two out of the infantry at the foot urn; according to the common ballot of the tribes。 And they may be promiscuously chosen out of any classes; provided that the same person shall not be capable of bearing the tribunitian honor twice in the term of one galaxy。 The tribunes thus chosen shall receive the tribe (in reference to the power of mustering and disciplining the same) as commanders…in…chief; and for the rest as magistrates; whose proper function is prescribed by the next order。 The tribunes may give leave to any number of the prerogative; not exceeding 100 at a time; to be absent; so they be not magistrates nor officers; and return within three months。 If a magistrate or officer has a necessary occasion; he may also be absent for the space of one month; provided that there be not above three cornets or ensigns; two captains; or one tribune so absent at one time。〃

    To this the Archon spoke at the institution after this manner:

〃MY LORDS:     〃It is affirmed by Cicero; in his oration for Flaccus; that the commonwealths of Greece were all shaken or ruined by the intemperance of their Comitia; or assemblies of the people。 The truth is; if good heed in this point be not taken; a commonwealth will have bad legs。 But all the world knows he should have excepted Lacedaemon; where the people; as has been shown by the oracle; had no power at all of debate; nor (till after Lysander; whose avarice opened a gulf that was not long ere it swallowed up his country) came it ever to be exercised by them。 Whence that commonwealth stood longest and firmest of any other but this; in our days; of Venice; which; having underlaid herself with the like institution; owes a great; if not the greater; part of her steadiness to the same principle; the great Council; which is with her the people; by the authority of my Lord Epimonus; never speaking a word。 Nor shall any commonwealth; where the people in their political capacity is talkative; ever see half the days of one of these; but; being carried away by vainglorious men (that; as Overbury says; void more than they drink); swim down the stream; as did Athens; the most prating of these dames; when that same ranting fellow Alcibiades fell a…demagoguing for the Silician War。     〃But whereas debate; by the authority and experience of Lacedaemon and Venice; is not to be committed to the people in a well…ordered government; it may be said that the order specified is but a slight bar in a matter of like danger; for so much as an oath; if there be no recourse upon the breach of it; is a weak tie for such hands as have the sword in them; wherefore what should hinder the people of Oceana; if they happen not to regard an oath from assuming debate; and making themselves as much an anarchy as those of Athens? To which I answer; Take the common sort in a private capacity; and; except they be injured; you shall find them to have a bashfulness in the presence of the better sort; or wiser men; acknowledging their abilities by attention; and accounting it no mean honor to receive respect from them; but if they be injured by them; they hate them; and the more for being wise or great; because that makes it the greater injury。 Nor refrain they in this case from any kind of intemperance of speech; if of action。 It is no otherwise with a people in their political capacity; you shall never find that they have assumed debate for itself; but for something else。 Wherefore in Lacedaemon where there was; and in Venice where there is; nothing else for which they should assume it; they have never shown so much as an inclination to it。     〃Nor was there any appearance of such a desire in the people of Rome (who from the time of Romulus had been very well contented with the power of result either in the parochial assemblies; as it was settled upon them by him; or in the meetings of the hundreds; as it was altered in their regard for the worse by Servius Tullius) till news was brought; some fifteen years after the exile of Tarquin; their late King (during which time the Senate had governed pretty well); that he was dead at the Court of Aristodemus the tyrant of Cumae。 Whereupon the patricians; or nobility; began to let out the hitherto dissembled venom which is inherent in the root of oligarchy and fell immediately upon injuring the people beyond all moderation。 For whereas the people had served both gallantly and contentedly in arms upon their own charges; and; though joint purchasers by their swords of the conquered lands; had not participated in the same to above two acres a man (the rest being secretly usurped by the patricians); they; through the meanness of their support and the greatness of their expense; being generally indebted; no sooner returned home with victory to lay down their arms; than they were snatched up by their creditors; the nobility; to cram jails。 Whereupon; but with the greatest modesty that was ever known in the like case; they first fell upon debate; affirming 'That they were oppressed and captivated at home; while abroad they fought for liberty and empire; and that the freedom of the common people was safer in time of war than peace; among their enemies than their fellow…citizens。' It is true that when they could not get the Senate; through fear; as was pretended by the patricians; to assemble and take their grievances into consideration; they grew so much the warmer; that it was glad to meet; where Appius Claudius; a fierce spirit; was of opinion that recourse should be had to consular power; whereby some of the brands of sedition being taken off; the flame might be extinguished。 Servilius; being of another temper; thought it better and safer to try if the people might be bowed than broken。     〃But this debate was interrupted by tumultuous news of the near approach of the Volsci; a case in which the Senate had no recourse but to the people; who; contrary to their former custom upon the like occasions; would not stir a foot; but fell a…laughing; and saying; 'Let them fight that have something to fight for。' The Senate that had purses; and could not sing so well before the thief; being in a great perplexity; found no possible way out of it but to beseech Servilius; one of a genius well known to be popular; that he would accept of the consulship; and make some such use of it as might be helpful to the patrician interest。 Servilius; accepting of the offer; and making use of his interest with the people; persuaded them to hope well of the good intention of the fathers; whom it would little beseem to be forced to those things which would lose their grace; and that in view of the enemy; if they came not freely; and withal published an edict; that no man should withhold a citizen of Rome by imprisonment from giving his name (for that was the way; as I shall have opportunity hereafter to show more at large; whereby they drew out their armies); nor to seize or sell any man's goods or children that were in the camp。 Whereupon the people with a mighty concourse immediately took arms; marched forth; and (which to them was as easy as to be put into the humor; and that; as appears in this place; was not hard) totally defeated the Volsci first; then the Sabines (for the neighboring nations; hoping to have had a good bargain of the discord in Rome; were up in arms on all sides); and after the Sabines the Aurunci。 Whence returning; victorious in three battles they expected no less than that the Senate would have made good their words; when Appius Claudius; the other Consul; of his innate pride; and that he might frustrate the faith of his colleague; caused the soldiers (who being set at liberty; had behaved themselves with such valor) to be restored at their return to their creditors and their jails。     〃Great resort upon this was made by the people to Servilius; showing him their wounds; calling him to witness how they had behaved themselves; and minding him of his promise。 Poor Servilius was sorry; but so overawed with the headiness of his colleague; and the obstinacy of the whole faction of the nobility; that; not daring to do anything either way; he lost both parties; the fathers conceiving that he was ambitious; and the people that he was false; while the 
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