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the commonwealth of oceana-第41章

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 cause than her prudence; which will appear to be greater; as we look nearer; for the effects that proceed from fortune; if there be any such thing; are like their cause; inconstant。 But there never happened to any other commonwealth so undisturbed and constant a tranquillity and peace in herself as are in that of Venice; wherefore this must proceed from some other cause than chance。 And we see that as she is of all others the most quiet; so the most equal commonwealth。 Her body consists of one order; and her Senate is like a rolling stone; as was said; which never did; nor; while it continues upon that rotation; never shall gather the moss of a divided or ambitious interest; much less such a one as that which grasped the people of Rome in the talons of their own eagles。 And if Machiavel; averse from doing this commonwealth right; had considered her orders; as his reader shall easily perceive he never did; he must have been so far from attributing the prudence of them to chance; that he would have touched up his admirable work to that perfection which; as to the civil part; has no pattern in the universal world but this of Venice。     〃Rome; secure by her potent and victorious arms from all external causes of commotion; was either beholden for her peace at home to her enemies abroad; or could never rest her head。 My lords; you that are parents of a commonwealth; and so freer agents than such as are merely natural; have a care。 For; as no man shall show me a commonwealth born straight that ever became crooked; so no man shall show me a commonwealth born crooked that ever became straight。 Rome was crooked in her birth; or rather prodigious。 Her twins; the patrician and plebeian orders; came; as was shown by the foregoing story; into the world; one body but two heads; or rather two bellies; for; notwithstanding the fable out of AEsop; whereby Menenius Agrippa; the orator that was sent from the Senate to the people at Mount Aventin; showed the fathers to be the belly; and the people to be the arms and the legs (which except that; how slothful soever it might seem; they were nourished; not these only; but the whole body must languish and be dissolved); it is plain that the fathers were a distinct belly; such a one as took the meat indeed out of the people's mouths; but abhorring the agrarian; returned it not in the due and necessary nutrition of a commonwealth。 Nevertheless; as the people that live about the cataracts of Nilus are said not to hear the noise; so neither the。 Roman writers; nor Machiavel the most conversant with them; seem among so many of the tribunitian storms to hear their natural voice; for though they could not miss of it so far as to attribute them to the strife of the people for participation in magistracy; or; in which Machiavel more particularly joins; to that about the agrarian; this was to take the business short; and the remedy for the disease。     〃A people; when they are reduced to misery and despair; become their own politicians; as certain beasts; when they are sick; become their own physicians; and are carried by a natural instinct to the desire of such herbs as are their proper cure; but the people; for the greater part; are beneath the beasts in the use of them。 Thus the people of Rome; though in their misery they had recourse by instinct; as it were; to the two main fundamentals of a commonwealth; participation of magistracy and the agrarian; did but taste and spit at them; not (which is necessary in physic) drink down the potion; and in that their healths。 For when they had obtained participation of magistracy it was but lamely; not to a full and equal rotation in all elections; nor did they greatly regard it in what they had got。 And when they had attained to the agrarian; they neglected it so far as to suffer the law to grow obsolete; but if you do not take the due dose of your medicines (as there be slight tastes which a man may have of philosophy that incline to atheism) it may chance to be poison; there being a like taste of the politics that inclines to confusion; as appears in the institution of the Roman tribunes; by which magistracy and no more the people were so far from attaining to peace; that they in getting but so much; got but heads for an eternal feud; whereas if they had attained in perfection either to the agrarian; they had introduced the equality and calm of Lacedaemon; or to rotation; and they had introduced that of Venice: and so there could have been no more enmity between the Senate and the people of Rome than there was between those orders in Lacedaemon; or is now in Venice。 Wherefore Machiavel seems to me; in attributing the peace of Venice more to her luck than her prudence; of the whole stable to have saddled the wrong horse; for though Rome in her military part could beat it better; beyond all comparison; upon the sounding hoof; Venice for the civil part has plainly had the wings of Pegasus。     〃The whole question then will come upon this point; whether the people of Rome could have obtained these orders? And first; to say that they could not have obtained them without altering the commonwealth; is no argument; seeing neither could they; without altering the commonwealth; have obtained their tribunes; which nevertheless were obtained。 And if a man considers the posture that the people were in when they obtained their tribunes; they might as well; and with as great ease (forasmuch as the reason why the nobility yielded to the tribunes was no other than that there was no remedy) have obtained anything else。 And for experience; it was in the like case that the Lacedaemonians did set up their ephors;and the Athenians;after the battle of Plataea; bowed the Senate (so hard a thing it is for a commonwealth that was born crooked to become straight) as much the other way。 Nor; if it be objected that this must have ruined the nobility (and in that deprived the commonwealth of the greatness which she acquired by them); is this opinion holding; but confuted by the sequel of the story; showing plainly that the nobility; through the defect of such orders (that is to say; of rotation and the agrarian); came to eat up the people; and battening themselves in luxury; to be; as Sallust speaks of them; 'a most sluggish and lazy nobility; in whom; besides the name; there was no more than in a statue;' and to bring so mighty a commonwealth; and of so huge a glory; to so deplorable an end。 Wherefore means might have been found to remove the enmity that was between the Senate and the people of Rome。     〃My lords; if I have argued well; I have given you the comfort and assurance that; notwithstanding the judgment of Machiavel; your commonwealth is both safe and sound; but if I have not argued well; then take the comfort and assurance which he gives you while he is firm; that a legislator is to lay aside all other examples; and follow that of Rome only; conniving and temporizing with the enmity between the Senate and the people as a necessary step to the Roman greatness。 Whence it follows that your commonwealth; at the worst; is that which he has given you his word is the best。     〃I have held your lordships long; but upon an account of no small importance; which I can now sum up in these few words: where there is a liquorishness in a popular assembly to debate; it proceeds not from the constitution of the people; but of the commonwealth。 Now that your commonwealth is of such a constitution as is naturally free from this kind of intemperance; is that which; to make good; I must divide the remainder of my discourse into two parts:     〃The first; showing the several constitutions of the assemblies of the people in other commonwealths;     〃The second; comparing our assembly of the people with theirs; and showing how it excludes the inconveniences and embraces the conveniences of them all。     〃In the beginning of the first part I must take notice; that among the popular errors of our days it is no small one that men imagine the ancient governments of this kind to have consisted for the most part of one city that is; of one town; whereas by what we have learned of my 'lords that owned them; it appears that there was not any considerable one of such a Constitution but Carthage; till this in our days of Venice。     〃For to begin with Israel; it consisted of the twelve tribes; locally spread or quartered throughout the whole territory; and these being called together by trumpets; constituted the Church or assembly of the people。 The vastness of this weight; as also the slowness thence unavoidable; became a great cause (as has been shown at large by my Lord Phosphorus) of the breaking that commonwealth; notwithstanding that the Temple; and those religious ceremonies for which the people were at least annually obliged to repair thither; were no small ligament of the tribes; otherwise but slightly tacked together。     〃Athens consisted of four tribes; taking in the whole people; both of the city and of the territory; not so gathered by Theseus into one town; as to exclude the country; but to the end that there might be some capital of the commonwealth: though true it be; that the congregation; consisting of the inhabitants within the walls; was sufficient to all intents and purposes; without those of the count
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