the commonwealth of oceana-第51章
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oundation of a university laid in the tabernacle; and finished in the Temple; became that pinnacle from whence (according to many Jewish and Christian authors) all the learning in the world has taken wing; as the philosophy of the Stoics from the Pharisees; that of the Epicureans from the Sadducees; and from the learning of the Jews; so often quoted by our Saviour; and fulfilled in him; the Christian religion。 Athens was the most famous university in her days; and her senators; that is to say; the Areopagites; were all philosophers。 Lacedaemon; to speak truth; though she could write and read; was not very bookish。 But he that disputes hence against universities; disputes by the same argument against agriculture; manufacture; and merchandise; every one of these having been equally forbid by Lycurgus; not for itself (for if he had not been learned in all the learning of Crete; and well travelled in the knowledge of other governments; he had never made his commonwealth); but for the diversion which they must have given his citizens from their arms; who; being but few; if they had minded anything else; must have deserted the commonwealth。 For Rome; she had ingenium par ingenio; was as learned as great; and held our College of Augurs in much reverence。 Venice has taken her religion upon trust。 Holland cannot attend it to be very studious。 Nor does Switzerland mind it much; yet are they all addicted to their universities。 We cut down trees to build houses; but I would have somebody show me; by what reason or experience the cutting down of a university should tend to the setting up of a commonwealth。 Of this I am sure; that the perfection of a commonwealth is not to be attained without the knowledge of ancient prudence; nor the knowledge of ancient prudence without learning; nor learning without schools of good literature; and these are such as we call universities。 〃Now though mere university learning of itself be that which (to speak the words of Verulamius) 'crafty men contemn; and simple men only admire; yet is it such as wise men have use of; for studies do not teach their own use; but that is a wisdom without and above them; won by observation。 Expert men may execute; and perhaps judge; of particulars one by one; but the general councils and the plots; and the marshalling of affairs; come best from those that are learned。' Wherefore if you would have your children to be statesmen; let them drink by all means of these fountains; where perhaps there were never any。 But what though the water a man drinks be not nourishment; it is the vehicle without which he cannot be nourished。 Nor is religion less concerned in this point than government: for take away your universities; and in a few years you lose it。 〃The holy Scriptures are written in Hebrew and Greek; they that have neither of these languages may think light of both; but find me a man that has one in perfection; the study of whose whole life it has not been。 Again; this is apparent to us in daily conversation; that if four or five persons that have lived together be talking; another speaking the same language may come in; and yet understand very little of their discourse; in that it relates to circumstances; persons; things; times and places which he knows not。 It is no otherwise with a man; having no insight of the times in which they were written; and the circumstances to which they relate; in the reading of ancient books; whether they be divine or human。 For example; when we fall upon the discourse about baptism and regeneration that was between our Saviour and Nicodemus; where Christ reproaches him with his ignorance in this matter。 'Art thou a doctor in Israel; and understandest not these things?; What shall we think of it? or wherefore should a doctor in Israel have understood these things more than another; but that both baptism and regeneration; as was showed at large by my Lord Phosphorus; were doctrines held in Israel? I instance in one place of a hundred; which he; that has not mastered the circumstances to which they relate; cannot understand。 Wherefore to the understanding of the Scripture; it is necessary to have ancient languages; and the knowledge of ancient times; or the aid of them who have such knowledge; and to have such as may be always able and ready to give such aid (unless you would borrow it of another nation; which would not only be base; but deceitful) it is necessary to a commonwealth that she have schools of good literature; or universities of her own。 〃We are commanded; as has been said more than once; to search the Scriptures; and which of them search the Scriptures; they that take this pains in ancient languages and learning; or they that will not; but trust to translations only; and to words as they sound to present circumstances? than which nothing is more fallible; or certain to lose the true sense of Scriptures; pretended to be above human understanding; for no other cause than that they are below it。 But in searching the Scriptures by the proper use of our universities; we have been heretofore blest with greater victories and trophies against the purple hosts and golden standards of the Romish hierarchy than any nation; and therefore why we should relinquish this upon the presumption of some; that because there is a greater light which they have; I do not know。 There is a greater light than the sun; but it does not extinguish the sun; nor does any light of God's giving extinguish that of nature; but increase and sanctify it。 Wherefore; neither the honor bore by the Israelitish; Roman; or any other commonwealth that I have shown; to their ecclesiastics; consisted in being governed by them; but in consulting them in matters of religion; upon whose responses or oracles they did afterward as they thought fit。 〃Nor would I be here mistaken; as if; by affirming the universities to be; in order both to religion and government; of absolute necessity; I declared them or the ministry in any wise fit to be trusted; so far as to exercise any power not derived from the civil magistrate in the administration of either。 if the Jewish religion were directed and established by Moses; it was directed and established by the civil magistrate; or if Moses exercised this administration as a prophet; the same prophet did invest with the same administration the Sanhedrim; and not the priests; and so does our commonwealth the Senate; and not the clergy。 They who had the supreme administration or government of the national religion in Athens; were the first Archon; the rex sacrificulus; or high…priest; and a polemarch; which magistrates were ordained or elected by the holding up of hands in the church; congregation; or comitia of the people。 The religion of Lacedaemon was governed by the kings; who were also high…priests; and officiated at the sacrifice; these had power to substitute their pythii; ambassadors; or nuncios; by which; not without concurrence of the Senate; they held intelligence with the oracle of Apollo at Delphos。 And the ecclesiastical part of the Commonwealth of Rome was governed by the pontifex maximus; the rex sacrificulus; and the Flamens; all ordained or elected by the people; the pontifex by the tribes; the King by the centuries; and the Flamens by the parishes。 〃I do not mind you of these things; as if; for the matter; there were any parallel to be drawn out of their superstitions to our religion; but to show that for the manner; ancient prudence is as well a rule in divine as human things; nay; and such a one as the apostles themselves; ordaining elders by the holding up of hands in every congregation; have exactly followed; for some of the congregations where they thus ordained elders were those of Antioch; Iconium; Lystra; Derbe; the countries of Lycaona; Pisidia; Pamphilia; Perga; with Attalia。 Now that these cities and countries; when the Romans propagated their empire into Asia; were found most of them commonwealths; and that many of the rest were endued with like power; so that the people living under the protection of the Roman emperors continued to elect their own magistrates; is so known a thing; that I wonder whence it is that men; quite contrary to the universal proof of these examples; will have ecclesiastical government to be necessarily distinct from civil power; when the right of the elders ordained by the holding up of hands in every congregation to teach the people; was plainly derived from the same civil power by which they ordained the rest of their magistrates。 And it is not otherwise in our commonwealth; where the parochial congregation elects or ordains its pastor。 To object the Commonwealth of Venice in this place; were to show us that it has been no otherwise but where the civil power has lost the liberty of her conscience by embracing popery; as also that to take away the liberty of conscience in this administration from the civil power; were a proceeding which has no other precedent than such as is popish。 〃Wherefore your religion is settled after the following manner: the universities are the seminaries of that part which is national; by which means others with all safety may be permitted to follow the liberty of their own consciences; in regard that; however they behave themselves; the ignorance of th
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