Thomas L FriedmanTo Matt and Kay and to RonContentsHow the World Became FlatOne: While I Was Sleeping / 3Two: The Ten Forces That Flattened the World / 48Flattener#l. 11/9/89Flattener #2. 8/9/95Flattener #3. Work Flow SoftwareFlattener #4. Open-SourcingFlattener #5. OutsourcingFlattener #6. OffshoringFlattener #7. Supply-ChainingFlattener #8. InsourcingFlattener #9. In-formingFlattener #10.The Steroids Three: The Triple Convergence / 173Four: The Great Sorting Out / 201America and the Flat WorldFive: America and Free Trade / 225Six: The Untouchables / 237...