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Berimmed with pearl; you pick up on the shore!
Save these the gloss and tint do wear without。
Wal。 Why; how thou talk'st!
Alice。 Did I not tell thee thus
Thy mother used to talk? Such hand and foot;
She would say; in man or woman vouched for nature
High tempered!Still for sentiment refined;
Affection tender; apprehension quick …
Degrees beyond the generality!
There is a marriage finger! Curse the hand
Would balk it of a ring!
Wal。 She's quite restored;
Leave us!Why cast'st thou that uneasy look?
Why linger'st thou? I'm not alone with her。
My honour's with her too。 I would not wrong her。
Alice。 And if thou wouldst; thou'rt not thy mother's son。
'Goes out。'
Wal。 You are better?
Lydia。 Much!much!
Wal。 Know you him who durst
Attempt this violence in open day?
It seemed as he would force thee to his coach;
I saw attending。
Lydia。 Take this letter; sir;
And send the answerI must needs be gone。
Wal。 'Throwing the letter away。' I read no letter!
Tell me; what of him
I saw offend thee?
Lydia。 He hath often met me;
And by design I think; upon the street;
And tried to win mine ear; which ne'er he got
Save only by enforcement。 Presentsgifts …
Of jewels and of gold to wild amount;
To win an audience; hath he proffered me;
Until; methought; my silencefor my lips
Disdained reply were question was a wrong …
Had wearied him。 Oh; sir; whate'er of life
Remains to me I had foregone; ere proved
The horror of this hour!and you it is
That have protected me?
Wal。 Oh; speak not on't!
Lydia。 You that have saved me from mine enemy …
Wal。 I pray you to forget it。
Lydia。 From a foe
More dire than he that putteth life in peril …
Wal。 Sweet Lydia; I beseech you spare me。
Lydia。 No!
I will not spare you。You have brought me to safety;
You whom I fear worse than that baleful foe。
'Rises to go。'
Wal。 'Kneeling and snatching her hand。' Lydia!
Lydia。 Now; make thy bounty perfect。 Drop
My hand。 That posture which dishonours thee;
Quit!for 'tis shame on shame to show respect
Where we do feel disdain。 Throw ope thy gate
And let me pass; and never seek with me;
By look; or speech; or aught; communion more!
Wal。 Thou saidst thou lovedst me?
Lydia。 Yes! when I believed
My tongue did take of thee its last adieu;
And now that I do know itfor be sure
It never bids adieu to thee again …
Again; I tell it thee! Release me; sir!
Rise!and no hindrance to my will oppose。
That would be free to go。
Wal。 I cannot lose thee!
Lydia。 Thou canst not have me!
Wal。 No!
Lydia。 Thou canst not。 I
Repeat it。Yet I'm thinethine every way;
Except where honour fences!Honour; sir;
Not property of gentle blood alone;
Of gentle blood not always property!
Thou'lt not obey me。 Still enforcest me!
Oh; what a contradiction is a man!
What in another he one moment spurns;
The nexthe does himself complacently!
Wal。 Wouldst have me lose the hand that holds my life?
Lydia。 Hear me and keep it; if thou art a man!
I love theefor thy benefit would give
The labour of that hand!wear out my feet
Rack the invention of my mind!the powers
Of my heart in one volition gather up!
My life expend; and think no more I gave
Than he who wins a priceless gem for thanks!
For such goodwill canst thou return me wrong?
Wal。 Yet; for awhile; I cannot let thee go。
Propound for me an oath that I'll not wrong thee!
An oath; which; if I break it; will entail
Forfeit of earth and heaven。 I'll take itso
Thou stay'st one hour with me。
Lydia。 No!Not one moment!
Unhand me; or I shriek!I know the summons
Will pierce into the street; and set me free!
I stand in peril while I'm near thee! She
Who knows her danger; and delays escape;
Hath but herself to thank; whate'er befalls!
Sir; I may have a woman's weakness; but
I have a woman's resolution; too;
And that's a woman's strength!
One moment more! …
Wal。 Lo! Thou art free to go!
'Rises and throws himself distractedly into a chair。'
'LYDIA approaches the doorher pace slackensshe pauses with her
hand upon the lockturns; and looks earnestly on WALLER。'
Lydia。 I have a word
To say to thee; if by thy mother's honour;
Thou swear'st to me thou wilt not quit thy seat。
Wal。 I swear as thou propound'st to me。
Lydia。 'After a pause; bursting into tears。' Oh; why …
Why have you used me thus? See what you've done!
Essayed to light a guilty passion up;
And kindled in its stead a holy one!
For I do love thee! Know'st thou not the wish
To find desert doth bring it oft to sight
Where yet it is not? so; for substance; passes
What only is a phantasm of our minds!
I feared thy love was guiltyyet my wish
To find it honest; stronger than my fear;
My fear with fatal triumph overthrew!
Now hope and fear give up to certainty;
And I must fly theeyet must love thee still!
Wal。 Lydia! by all …
Lydia。 I pray you hear me out!
Was 't right? was 't generous? was 't pitiful?
One way or other I might be undone:
To love with sinor love without a hope!
Wal。 Yet hear me; Lydia! …
Lydia。 Stop! I'm undone!
A maid without a heartrobbed of the soil;
Wherein life's hopes and wishes root and spring;
And thou the foe that did me so much hate;
And vowed me so much love!but I forgive thee!
Yea; I do bless thee!
'Rushing up and sinking at his feet。'
Recollect thy oath! …
Or in thy heart lodged never germ of honour;
But 'tis a desert all!
'She kisses his handpresses it to her heart; and kisses it again。'
Farewell then to thee!
Mayst thou be happy。 'Going。'
Wal。 Wouldst ensure the thing
Thou wishest?
'She moves towards the door with a gesture that prohibits further
Stop! 'She continues to move on。'
Oh; sternly resolute! 'She still moves。'
I mean thee honour!
'She stops and turns towards him。'
Thou dost meditate …
I know itflight。 Give me some pause for thought;
But to confirm a mind almost made up。
If in an hour thou hearest not from me; then
Think me a friend far better lost than won!
Wilt thou do this?
Lydia。 I will。
Wal。 An hour decides。
'They go out severalty。'
SCENE II。A Room in Sir William Fondlove's House。
Wild。 You are not angry?
True。 No; I knew the service
I sent you on was one of danger。
Wild。 Thank you。
Most kind you areAnd you believe she loves me:
And your own hopes give up to favour mine。
Was ever known such kindness! Much I fear
'Twill cost you。
True。 Never mind! I'll try and bear it。
Wild。 That's right。 No use in yielding to a thing。
Resolve does wonders! Shun the sight of her …
See other women!Fifty to be found
As fair as she。
True。 I doubt it。
Wild。 Doubt it not。
Doubt nothing that gives promise of a care。
Right handsome dames there are in Lancashire;
Whence called their women; witches!witching things!
I know a dozen families in which
You'd meet a courtesy worthy of a bow。
I'll give you letters to them。
True。 Will you?
Wild。 Yes。
True。 The worth of a disinterested friend!
Wild。 O Master Trueworth; deeply I'm your debtor
I own I die for love of neighbour Constance!
And thou to give her up for me! Kind friend!
What won't I do for thee?Don't pine to death;
I'll find thee fifty ways to cure thy passion;
And make thee heart…whole; if thou'rt so resolved。
Thou shalt be master of my sporting stud;
And go a hunting。 If that likes thee not;
Take up thy quarters at my shooting…lodge;
There is a cellar to 'tmake free with it。
I'll thank thee if thou emptiest it。 The song
Gives out that wine feeds loveIt drowns it; man!
If thou wilt neither hunt nor shoot; try games;
Play at loggats; bowls; fives; dominoes; draughts; cribbage;
Backgammonspecial recipes for love!
And you believe; for all the hate she shows;
That neighbour Constance loves me?
True。 'Tis my thought。
Wild。 How shall I find it out?
True。 Affect to love
Another。 Say your passion thrives; the day
Is fixed; and pray her undertake the part
Of bridemaid to your bride。 'Twill bring her out。
Wild。 You think she'll own her passion?
True。 If she loves。
Wild。 I thank thee! I will try it! Master Trueworth;
What shall I say to thee; to give her up;
And love her so?
True。 Say nothing。
Wild。 Noble friend!
Kind friend! Instruct another man the way
To win thy mistress! Thou'lt not break my heart?
Take my advice; thou shalt not be in love
A month! Frequent the playhouse!walk the Park!
I'll think of fifty ladies that I know;
Yet can't remember nowenchanting ones!
And then there's Lancashire!and I have friends
In Berkshire and in Wiltshire; that have swarms
Of daughters! Then my shooting…lodge and stud!
I'll cure thee in a fortnight of thy love!
And now to neighbour Constanceyet almost
I fear accosting hera hundred times
Have I essayed to break my mind to her;
But still she stops my mouth with restless scorn!
Howe'er; thy scheme I'll try; and may it thrive!
For I am sick for love of neighbour Constance。
Farewell; dear Master Trueworth! Take my counsel …
Conquer thy passion! Do so! Be a man!
'Goes out。'
True。 Feat easy done that does not tax ourselves!
'Enter Phoe