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Letters to His Son; 1752
by The Earl of Chesterfield
on the Fine Art of becoming a
and a
LONDON; January 2; O。 S。 1752。
MY DEAR FRIEND: Laziness of mind; or inattention; are as great enemies to knowledge as incapacity; for; in truth; what difference is there between a man who will not; and a man who cannot be informed? This difference only; that the former is justly to be blamed; the latter to be pitied。 And yet how many there are; very capable of receiving knowledge; who from laziness; inattention; and incuriousness; will not so much as ask for it; much less take the least pains to acquire it!
Our young English travelers generally distinguish themselves by a voluntary privation of all that useful knowledge for which they are sent abroad; and yet; at that age; the most useful knowledge is the most easy to be acquired; conversation being the book; and the best book in which it is contained。 The drudgery of dry grammatical learning is over; and the fruits of it are mixed with; and adorned by; the flowers of conversation。 How many of our young men have been a year at Rome; and as long at Paris; without knowing the meaning and institution of the Conclave in the former; and of the parliament in the latter? and this merely for want of asking the first people they met with in those several places; who could at least have given them some general notions of those matters。
You will; I hope; be wiser; and omit no opportunity (for opportunities present themselves every hour of the day) of acquainting yourself with all those political and constitutional particulars of the kingdom and government of France。 For instance; when you hear people mention le Chancelier; or 'le Garde de Sceaux'; is it any great trouble for you to ask; or for others to tell you; what is the nature; the powers; the objects; and the profits of those two employments; either when joined together; as they often are; or when separate; as they are at present? When you hear of a gouverneur; a lieutenant du Roi; a commandant; and an intendant of the same province; is; it not natural; is it not becoming; is it not necessary; for a stranger to inquire into their respective rights and privileges? And yet; I dare say; there are very few Englishmen who know the difference between the civil department of the Intendant; and the military powers of the others。 When you hear (as I am persuaded you must) every day of the 'Vingtieme'; which is one in twenty; and consequently five per cent。; inquire upon what that tax is laid; whether upon lands; money; merchandise; or upon all three; how levied; and what it is supposed to produce。 When you find in books: (as you will sometimes) allusion to particular laws and customs; do not rest till you have traced them up to their source。 To give you two examples: you will meet in some French comedies; 'Cri'; or 'Clameur de Haro'; ask what it means; and you will be told that it is a term of the law in Normandy; and means citing; arresting; or obliging any person to appear in the courts of justice; either upon a civil or a criminal account; and that it is derived from 'a Raoul'; which Raoul was anciently Duke of Normandy; and a prince eminent for his justice; insomuch; that when any injustice was committed; the cry immediately was; 'Venez; a Raoul; a Raoul'; which words are now corrupted and jumbled into 'haro'。 Another; 'Le vol du Chapon; that is; a certain district of ground immediately contiguous to the mansion…seat of a family; and answers to what we call in English DEMESNES。 It is in France computed at about 1;600 feet round the house; that being supposed to be the extent of the capon's flight from 'la basse cour'。 This little district must go along with the mansion…seat; however the rest of the estate may be divided。
I do not mean that you should be a French lawyer; but I would not have you unacquainted with the general principles of their law; in matters that occur every day: Such is the nature of their descents; that is; the inheritance of lands: Do they all go to the eldest son; or are they equally divided among the children of the deceased? In England; all lands unsettled descend to the eldest son; as heir…at…law; unless otherwise disposed of by the father's will; except in the county of Kent; where a particular custom prevails; called Gavelkind; by which; if the father dies intestate; all his children divide his lands equally among them。 In Germany; as you know; all lands that; are not fiefs are equally divided among all the children; which ruins those families; but all male fiefs of the empire descend unalienably to the next male heir; which preserves those families。 In France; I believe; descents vary in different provinces。
The nature of marriage contracts deserves inquiry。 In England; the general practice is; the husband takes all the wife's fortune; and in consideration of it settles upon her a proper pin…money; as it is called; that is; an; annuity during his life; and a jointure after his death。 In France it is not so; particularly at Paris; where 'la communaute des biens' is established。 Any married woman at Paris (IF YOU ARE ACQUAINTED WITH ONE can inform you of all these particulars。
These and other things of the same nature; are the useful and rational objects of the curiosity of a man of sense and business。 Could they only be attained by laborious researches in folio…books; and wormeaten manuscripts; I should not wonder at a young fellow's being ignorant of them; but as they are the frequent topics of conversation; and to be known by a very little degree of curiosity; inquiry and attention; it is unpardonable not to know them。
Thus I have given you some hints only for your inquiries; 'l'Etat de la France; l'Almanach Royal'; and twenty other such superficial books; will furnish you with a thousand more。 'Approfondissez。'
How often; and how justly; have I since regretted negligences of this kind in my youth! And how often have I since been at great trouble to learn many things which I could then have learned without any! Save yourself now; then; I beg of you; that regret and trouble hereafter。 Ask questions; and many questions; and leave nothing till you are thoroughly informed of it。 Such pertinent questions are far from being illbred or troublesome to those of whom you ask them; on the contrary; they are a tacit compliment to their knowledge; and people have a better opinion of a young man; when they see him desirous to be informed。
I have by last post received your two letters of the 1st and 5th of January; N。 S。 I am very glad that you have been at all the shows at Versailles: frequent the courts。 I can conceive the murmurs of the French at the poorness of the fireworks; by which they thought their king of their country degraded; and; in truth; were things always as they should be; when kings give shows they ought to be magnificent。
I thank you for the 'These de la Sorbonne'; which you intend to send me; and which I am impatient to receive。 But pray read it carefully yourself first; and inform yourself what the Sorbonne is by whom founded; and for what puraoses。
Since you have time; you have done very well to take an Italian and a German master; but pray take care to leave yourelf time enough for company; for it is in company only that you can learn what will be much more useful to you than either Italian or German; I mean 'la politesse; les manieres et les graces; without which; as I told you long ago; and I told you true; 'ogni fatica a vana'。 Adieu。
Pray make my compliments to Lady Brown。
LONDON; January 6; O。 S。 1752。
I recommended to you; in my last; some inquiries into the constitution of that famous society the Sorbonne; but as I cannot wholly trust to the diligence of those inquiries; I will give you here the outlines of that establishment; which may possibly excite you to inform yourself of particulars; which you are more 'a portee' to know than I am。
It was founded by Robert de Sorbon; in the year 1256 for sixteen poor scholars in divinity; four of each nation; of the university of which it made a part; since that it hath been much extended and enriched; especially by the liberality and pride of Cardinal Richelieu; who made it a magnificent building for six…and…thirty doctors of that society to live in; besides which; there are six professors and schools for divinity。 This society has long been famous for theological knowledge and exercitations。 There unintelligible points are debated with passion; though they can never be determined by reason。 Logical subtilties set common sense at defiance; and mystical refinements disfigure and disguise the native beauty and simplicity of true natural religion; wild imaginations form systems; which weak minds adopt implicitly; and which sense and reason oppose in vain; their voice is not strong enough to be heard in schools of divinity。 Political views are by no means neglected in those sacr