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letters to his son, 1752-第10章

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Colonel Perry arrived here two or three days ago; and sent me a book from you; Cassandra abridged。  I am sure it cannot be too much abridged。  The spirit of that most voluminous work; fairly extracted; may be contained in the smallest duodecimo; and it is most astonishing; that there ever could have been people idle enough to write or read such endless heaps of the same stuff。  It was; however; the occupation of thousands in the last century; and is still the private; though disavowed; amusement of young girls; and sentimental ladies。  A lovesick girl finds; in the captain with whom she is in love; all the courage and all the graces of the tender and accomplished Oroondates: and many a grown…up; sentimental lady; talks delicate Clelia to the hero; whom she would engage to eternal love; or laments with her that love is not eternal。

          〃Ah!  qu'il est doux d'aimer; si Pon aimoit toujours!           Mais helas!  il'n'est point d'eternelles amours。〃

It is; however; very well to have read one of those extravagant works (of all which La Calprenede's are the best); because it is well to be able to talk; with some degree of knowledge; upon all those subjects that other people talk sometimes upon: and I would by no means have anything; that is known to others; be totally unknown to you。  It is a great advantage for any man; to be able to talk or to hear; neither ignorantly nor absurdly; upon any subject; for I have known people; who have not said one word; hear ignorantly and absurdly; it has appeared in their inattentive and unmeaning faces。

This; I think; is as little likely to happen to you as to anybody of your age: and if you will but add a versatility and easy conformity of manners; I know no company in which you are likely to be de trop。

This versatility is more particularly necessary for you at this time; now that you are going to so many different places: for; though the manners and customs of the several courts of Germany are in general the same; yet everyone has its particular characteristic; some peculiarity or other; which distinguishes it from the next。  This you should carefully attend to; and immediately adopt。  Nothing flatters people more; nor makes strangers so welcome; as such an occasional conformity。  I do not mean by this; that you should mimic the air and stiffness of every awkward German court; no; by no means; but I mean that you should only cheerfully comply; and fall in with certain local habits; such as ceremonies; diet; turn of conversation; etc。  People who are lately come from Paris; and who have been a good while there; are generally suspected; and especially in Germany; of having a degree of contempt for every other place。  Take great care that nothing of this kind appear; at least outwardly; in your behavior; but commend whatever deserves any degree of commendation; without comparing it with what you may have left; much better of the same kind; at Paris。  As for instance; the German kitchen is; without doubt; execrable; and the French delicious; however; never commend the French kitchen at a German table; but eat of what you can find tolerable there; and commend it; without comparing it to anything better。  I have known many British Yahoos; who though while they were at Paris conformed to no one French custom; as soon as they got anywhere else; talked of nothing but what they did; saw; and eat at Paris。  The freedom of the French is not to be used indiscriminately at all the courts in Germany; though their easiness may; and ought; but that; too; at some places more than others。  The courts of Manheim and Bonn; I take to be a little more unbarbarized than some others; that of Mayence; an ecclesiastical one; as well as that of Treves (neither of which is much frequented by foreigners); retains; I conceive; a great deal of the Goth and Vandal still。  There; more reserve and ceremony are necessary; and not a word of the French。  At Berlin; you cannot be too French。  Hanover; Brunswick; Cassel; etc。; are of the mixed kind; 'un peu decrottes; mais pas assez'。

Another thing; which I most earnestly recommend to you; not only in Germany; but in every part of the world where you may ever be; is not only real; but seeming attention; to whoever you speak to; or to whoever speaks to you。  There is nothing so brutally shocking; nor so little forgiven; as a seeming inattention to the person who is speaking to you: and I have known many a man knocked down; for (in my opinion) a much lighter provocation; than that shocking inattention which I mean。  I have seen many people; who; while you are speaking to them; instead of looking at; and attending to you; fix their eyes upon the ceiling or some other part of the room; look out of the window; play with a dog; twirl their snuff…box; or pick their nose。  Nothing discovers a little; futile; frivolous mind more than this; and nothing is so offensively ill…bred; it is an explicit declaration on your part; that every the most trifling object; deserves your attention more than all that can be said by the person who is speaking to you。  Judge of the sentiments of hatred and resentment; which such treatment must excite in every breast where any degree of self…love dwells; and I am sure I never yet met with that breast where there was not a great deal: I repeat it again and again (for it is highly necessary for you to remember it); that sort of vanity and self…love is inseparable from human nature; whatever may be its rank or condition; even your footmen will sooner forget and forgive a beating; than any manifest mark of slight and contempt。  Be therefore; I beg of you; not only really; but seemingly and manifestly attentive to whoever speaks to you; nay; more; take their 'ton'; and tune yourself to their unison。  Be serious with the serious; gay with the gay; and trifle with the triflers。  In assuming these various shapes; endeavor to make each of them seem to sit easy upon you; and even to appear to be your own natural one。  This is the true and useful versatility; of which a thorough knowledge of the world at once teaches the utility and the means of acquiring。

I am very sure; at least I hope; that you will never make use of a silly expression; which is the favorite expression; and the absurd excuse of all fools and blockheads; I CANNOT DO SUCH A THING; a thing by no means either morally or physically impossible。  I CANNOT attend long together to the same thing; says one fool; that is; he is such a fool that he will not。  I remember a very awkward fellow; who did not know what to do with his sword; and who always took it off before dinner; saying that he could not possibly dine with his sword on; upon which I could not help telling him; that I really believed he could without any probable danger either to himself or others。  It is a shame and an absurdity; for any man to say that he cannot do all those things; which are commonly done by all the rest of mankind。

Another thing that I must earnestly warn you against is laziness; by which more people have lost the fruit of their travels than; perhaps; by any other thing。  Pray be always in motion。  Early in the morning go and see things; and the rest of the day go and see people。  If you stay but a week at a place; and that an insignificant one; see; however; all that is to be seen there; know as many people; and get into as many houses; as ever you can。

I recommend to you likewise; though probably you have thought of it yourself; to carry in your pocket a map of Germany; in which the postroads are marked; and also some short book of travels through Germany。  The former will help to imprint in your memory situations and distances; and the latter will point out many things for you to see; that might otherwise possibly escape you; and which; though they may be in themselves of little consequence; you would regret not having seen; after having been at the places where they were。

Thus warned and provided for your journey; God speed you; 'Felix faustumque sit!  Adieu。


LONDON; May 27; O。 S。  1752

MY DEAR FRIEND: I send you the inclosed original from a friend of ours; with my own commentaries upon the text; a text which I have so often paraphrased; and commented upon already; that I believe I can hardly say anything new upon it; but; however; I cannot give it over till I am better convinced; than I yet am; that you feel all the utility; the importance; and the necessity of it; nay; not only feel; but practice it。 Your panegyrist allows you; what most fathers would be more than satisified with; in a son; and chides me for not contenting myself with 'l'essentiellement bon'; but I; who have been in no one respect like other fathers; cannot neither; like them; content myself with 'l'essentiellement bon'; because I know that it will not do your business in the world; while you want 'quelques couches de vernis'。  Few fathers care much for their sons; or; at least; most of them care more for their money: and; consequently; content themselves with giving them; at the cheapest rate; the common run of education: that is; a school till eighteen; the university till twenty; and a couple of years riding post through the several towns of Europe; impatient till their boobies come home to be married; 
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