the fathers of the constitution-第6章
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nifesting itself in the conflict between the Governors; and other appointed agents of the Crown; and the popularly elected houses of the colonial legislatures。 When the Crown resorted to dissolving the legislatures; the revolting colonists kept up and observed the forms of government。 When the legislature was prevented from meeting; the members would come together and call themselves a congress or a convention; and; instead of adopting laws or orders; would issue what were really nothing more than recommendations; but which they expected would be obeyed by their supporters。 To enforce these recommendations extra…legal committees; generally backed by public opinion and sometimes concretely supported by an organized 〃mob;〃 would meet in towns and counties and would be often effectively centralized where the opponents of the British policy were in control。 In several of the colonies the want of orderly government became so serious that; in 1775; the Continental Congress advised them to form temporary governments until the trouble with Great Britain had been settled。 When independence was declared Congress recommended to all the States that they should adopt governments of their own。 In accordance with that recommendation; in the course of a very few years each State established an independent government and adopted a written constitution。 It was a time when men believed in the social contract or the 〃compact theory of the state;〃 that states originated through agreement; as the case might be; between king and nobles; between king and people; or among the people themselves。 In support of this doctrine no less an authority than the Bible was often quoted; such a passage for example as II Samuel v; 3: 〃So all the elders of Israel came to the King to Hebron; and King David made a covenant with them in Hebron before the Lord; and they anointed David King over Israel。〃 As a philosophical speculation to explain why people were governed or consented to be governed; this theory went back at least to the Greeks; and doubtless much earlier; and; though of some significance in medieval thought; it became of greater importance in British political philosophy; especially through the works of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke。 A very practical application of the compact theory was made in the English Revolution of 1688; when in order to avoid the embarrassment of deposing the king; the convention of the Parliament adopted the resolution: 〃That King James the Second; having endeavored to subvert the Constitution of the Kingdom; by breaking the original Contract between King and People; and having; by the advice of Jesuits; and other wicked persons; violated the fundamental Laws; and withdrawn himself out of this Kingdom; has abdicated the Government; and that the throne is hereby vacant。〃 These theories were developed by Jean Jacques Rousseau in his 〃Contrat Social〃a book so attractively written that it eclipsed all other works upon the subject and resulted in his being regarded as the author of the doctrineand through him they spread all over Europe。 Conditions in America did more than lend color to pale speculation; they seemed to take this hypothesis out of the realm of theory and to give it practical application。 What happened when men went into the wilderness to live? The Pilgrim Fathers on board the Mayflower entered into an agreement which was signed by the heads of families who took part in the enterprise: 〃We; whose names are underwritten 。 。 。 Do by these presents; solemnly and mutually; in the Presence of God and one another; covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick。〃 Other colonies; especially in New England; with this example before them of a social contract entered into similar compacts or 〃plantation covenants;〃 as they were called。 But the colonists were also accustomed to having written charters granted which continued for a time at least to mark the extent of governmental powers。 Through this intermingling of theory and practice it was the most natural thing in the world; when Americans came to form their new State Governments; that they should provide written instruments framed by their own representatives; which not only bound them to be governed in this way but also placed limitations upon the governing bodies。 As the first great series of written constitutions; these frames of government attracted wide attention。 Congress printed a set for general distribution; and numerous editions were circulated both at home and abroad。 The constitutions were brief documents; varying from one thousand to twelve thousand words in length; which established the framework of the governmental machinery。 Most of them; before proceeding to practical working details; enunciated a series of general principles upon the subject of government and political morality in what were called declarations or bills of rights。 The character of these declarations may be gathered from the following excerpts: 〃That all men are by nature equally free and independent; and have certain inherent rights; 。 。 。 the enjoyment of life and liberty; with the means of acquiring and possessing property; and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety。 〃That no man; or set of men; are entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from the community; but in consideration of public services。 〃The body politic is formed by a voluntary association of individuals; it is a social compact by which the whole people covenants with each citizen and each citizen with the whole people that all shall be governed by certain laws for the common good。 〃That all power of suspending laws; or the execution of laws; by any authority; without consent of the representatives of the people; is injurious to their rights; and ought not to be exercised。 〃That general warrants; 。 。 。 are grievous and oppressive; and ought not to be granted。 〃All penalties ought to be proportioned to the nature of the offence。 〃That sanguinary laws ought to be avoided; as far as is consistent with the safety of the State; and no law; to inflict cruel and unusual pains and penalties; ought to be made in any case; or at any time hereafter。 〃No magistrate or court of law shall demand excessive bail or sureties; impose excessive fines 。 。 。 。 〃Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience; and reason; 。 。 。 〃That the freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty; and can never be restrained but by despotic governments。〃 It will be perceived at once that these are but variations of the English Declaration of Rights of 1689; which indeed was consciously followed as a model; and yet there is a world…wide difference between the English model and these American copies。 The earlier document enunciated the rights of English subjects; the recent infringement of which made it desirable that they should be reasserted in convincing form。 The American documents asserted rights which the colonists generally had enjoyed and which they declared to be 〃governing principles for all peoples in all future times。〃 But the greater significance of these State Constitutions is to be found in their quality as working instruments of government。 There was indeed little difference between the old colonial and the new State Governments。 The inhabitants of each of the Thirteen States had been accustomed to a large measure of self…government; and when they took matters into their own hands they were not disposed to make any radical changes in the forms to which they had become accustomed。 Accordingly the State Governments that were adopted simply continued a framework of government almost identical with that of colonial times。 To be sure; the Governor and other appointed officials were now elected either by the people or the legislature; and so were ultimately responsible to the electors instead of to the Crown; and other changes were made which in the long run might prove of far…reaching and even of vital significance; and yet the machinery of government seemed the same as that to which the people were already accustomed。 The average man was conscious of no difference at all in the working of the Government under the new order。 In fact; in Connecticut and Rhode Island; the most democratic of all the colonies; where the people had been privileged to elect their own governors; as well as legislatures; no change whatever was necessary and the old charters were continued as State Constitutions down to 1818 and 1842; respectively。 To one who has been accustomed to believe that the separation from a monarchical government meant the establishment of democracy; a reading of these first State Constitutions is likely to cause a rude shock。 A shrewd English observer; traveling a generation later in the United States; went to the root of the whole matter in remarking of the Americans that; 〃When their independence was achieved their mental condition was not instantly changed。 Their deference for rank and for judicial and legislative authority continued nearly unimpaired。〃* They might declare that 〃all men are created equal;〃 and bills of rights might assert that government rested upon the consent of the governed; but these constitutions carefully provided tha
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