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the woman who accompanied herself and Glyndon pray for safety to

reach her husband's side; and strength to share the perils that

would meet her there!  Terrible contrast to her own desertion!

She shrunk into the darkness of her own heart;and then no voice

from within consoled her。


Zukunft hast du mir gegeben;

Doch du nehmst den Augenblick。


(Futurity hast thou given to me;yet takest from me the Moment。)

〃Mejnour; behold thy work!  Out; out upon our little vanities of

wisdom!out upon our ages of lore and life!  To save her from

Peril I left her presence; and the Peril has seized her in its


〃Chide not thy wisdom but thy passions!  Abandon thine idle hope

of the love of woman。  See; for those who would unite the lofty

with the lowly; the inevitable curse; thy very nature

uncomprehended;thy sacrifices unguessed。  The lowly one views

but in the lofty a necromancer or a fiend。  Titan; canst thou


〃I know it now; I see it all!  It WAS her spirit that stood

beside our own; and escaped my airy clasp!  O strong desire of

motherhood and nature! unveiling all our secrets; piercing space

and traversing worlds!Mejnour; what awful learning lies hid in

the ignorance of the heart that loves!〃

〃The heart;〃 answered the mystic; coldly; 〃ay; for five thousand

years I have ransacked the mysteries of creation; but I have not

yet discovered all the wonders in the heart of the simplest


〃Yet our solemn rites deceived us not; the prophet…shadows; dark

with terror and red with blood; still foretold that; even in the

dungeon; and before the deathsman; I;I had the power to save

them both!〃

〃But at some unconjectured and most fatal sacrifice to thyself。〃

〃To myself!  Icy sage; there is no self in love!  I go。  Nay;

alone:  I want thee not。  I want now no other guide but the human

instincts of affection。  No cave so dark; no solitude so vast; as

to conceal her。  Though mine art fail me; though the stars heed

me not; though space; with its shining myriads; is again to me

but the azure void;I return but to love and youth and hope!

When have they ever failed to triumph and to save!〃



Orrida maesta nei fero aspetto

Terrore accresce; e piu superbo il rende;

Rosseggian gli occhi; e di veneno infetto

Come infausta cometa; il guardo splende;

Gil involve il mento; e sull 'irsuto petto

Ispida efoita la gran barbe scende;



(Ger。 Lib。; Cant。 iv。 7。)

A horrible majesty in the fierce aspect increases it terror; and

renders it more  superb。  Red glow the eyes; and the aspect

infected; like a baleful comet; with  envenomed influences;

glares around。  A vast beard covers the chinand; rough  and

thick; descends over the shaggy breast。And like a profound gulf

expand the jaws; foul with black gore。


Qui suis…je; moi qu'on accuse?  Un esclave de la Liberte; un

martyr vivant de la Republique。

〃Discours de Robespierre; 8 Thermidor。〃

(Who am I;_I_ whom they accuse?  A slave of Liberty;a living

martyr for the Republic。)

It roars;The River of Hell; whose first outbreak was chanted as

the gush of a channel to Elysium。  How burst into blossoming

hopes fair hearts that had nourished themselves on the diamond

dews of the rosy dawn; when Liberty came from the dark ocean; and

the arms of decrepit ThraldomAurora from the bed of Tithon!

Hopes! ye have ripened into fruit; and the fruit is gore and

ashes!  Beautiful Roland; eloquent Vergniaud; visionary

Condorcet; high…hearted Malesherbes!wits; philosophers;

statesmen; patriots; dreamers! behold the millennium for which ye

dared and laboured!

I invoke the ghosts!  Saturn hath devoured his children (〃La

Revolution est comme Saturne; elle devorera tous ses enfans。〃

Vergniaud。); and lives alone;I his true name of Moloch!

It is the Reign of Terror; with Robespierre the king。  The

struggles between the boa and the lion are past:  the boa has

consumed the lion; and is heavy with the gorge;Danton has

fallen; and Camille Desmoulins。  Danton had said before his

death; 〃The poltroon Robespierre;I alone could have saved him。〃

From that hour; indeed; the blood of the dead giant clouded the

craft of 〃Maximilien the Incorruptible;〃 as at last; amidst the

din of the roused Convention; it choked his voice。  (Le sang de

Danton t'etouffe!〃 (the blood of Danton chokes thee!) said

Garnier de l'Aube; when on the fatal 9th of Thermidor;

Robespierre gasped feebly forth; 〃Pour la derniere fois;

President des Assassins; je te demande la parole。〃  (For the last

time; President of Assassins; I demand to speak。))  If; after

that last sacrifice; essential; perhaps; to his safety;

Robespierre had proclaimed the close of the Reign of Terror; and

acted upon the mercy which Danton had begun to preach; he might

have lived and died a monarch。  But the prisons continued to

reek;the glaive to fall; and Robespierre perceived not that his

mobs were glutted to satiety with death; and the strongest

excitement a chief could give would be a return from devils into


We are transported to a room in the house of Citizen Dupleix; the

menuisier; in the month of July; 1794; or; in the calendar of the

Revolutionists; it was the Thermidor of the Second Year of the

Republic; One and Indivisible!  Though the room was small; it was

furnished and decorated with a minute and careful effort at

elegance and refinement。  It seemed; indeed; the desire of the

owner to avoid at once what was mean and rude; and what was

luxurious and voluptuous。  It was a trim; orderly; precise grace

that shaped the classic chairs; arranged the ample draperies;

sank the frameless mirrors into the wall; placed bust and bronze

on their pedestals; and filled up the niches here and there with

well…bound books; filed regularly in their appointed ranks。  An

observer would have said; 〃This man wishes to imply to you;I am

not rich; I am not ostentatious; I am not luxurious; I am no

indolent Sybarite; with couches of down; and pictures that

provoke the sense; I am no haughty noble; with spacious halls;

and galleries that awe the echo。  But so much the greater is my

merit if I disdain these excesses of the ease or the pride; since

I love the elegant; and have a taste!  Others may be simple and

honest; from the very coarseness of their habits; if I; with so

much refinement and delicacy; am simple and honest;reflect; and

admire me!〃

On the walls of this chamber hung many portraits; most of them

represented but one face; on the formal pedestals were grouped

many busts; most of them sculptured but one head。  In that small

chamber Egotism sat supreme; and made the Arts its looking…

glasses。  Erect in a chair; before a large table spread with

letters; sat the original of bust and canvas; the owner of the

apartment。  He was alone; yet he sat erect; formal; stiff;

precise; as if in his very home he was not at ease。  His dress

was in harmony with his posture and his chamber; it affected a

neatness of its own;foreign both to the sumptuous fashions of

the deposed nobles; and the filthy ruggedness of the sans…

culottes。  Frizzled and coiffe; not a hair was out of order; not

a speck lodged on the sleek surface of the blue coat; not a

wrinkle crumpled the snowy vest; with its under…relief of

delicate pink。  At the first glance; you might have seen in that

face nothing but the ill…favoured features of a sickly

countenance; at a second glance; you would have perceived that it

had a power; a character of its own。  The forehead; though low

and compressed; was not without that appearance of thought and

intelligence which; it may be observed; that breadth between the

eyebrows almost invariably gives; the lips were firm and tightly

drawn together; yet ever and anon they trembled; and writhed

restlessly。  The eyes; sullen and gloomy; were yet piercing; and

full of a concentrated vigour that did not seem supported by the

thin; feeble frame; or the green lividness of the hues; which

told of anxiety and disease。

Such was Maximilien Robespierre; such the chamber over the

menuisier's shop; whence issued the edicts that launched armies

on their career of glory; and ordained an artificial conduit to

carry off the blood that deluged the metropolis of the most

martial people in the globe!  Such was the man who had resigned a

judicial appointment (the early object of his ambition) rather

than violate his philanthropical principles by subscribing to the

death of a single fellow…creature; such was the virgin enemy to

capital punishments; and such; Butcher…Dictator now; was the man

whose pure and rigid manners; whose incorruptible honesty; whose

hatred of the excesses that tempt to love and wine; would; had he

died five years earlier; have left
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