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you。 I come back to the others an hour before dinner; and after dinner
we play cards; or receive visits; or pay them。 Thus my days pass
between a contented old man; who has done with passions; and the man
who owes his happiness to me。 Louis' happiness is so radiant that it
has at last warmed my heart。
For women; happiness no doubt cannot consist in the mere satisfaction
of desire。 Sometimes; in the evening; when I am not required to take a
hand in the game; and can sink back in my armchair; imagination bears
me on its strong wings into the very heart of your life。 Then; its
riches; its changeful tints; its surging passions become my own; and I
ask myself to what end such a stormy preface can lead。 May I not
swallow up the book itself? For you; my darling; the illusions of love
are possible; for me; only the facts of homely life remain。 Yes; your
love seems to me a dream!
Therefore I find it hard to understand why you are determined to throw
so much romance over it。 Your ideal man must have more soul than fire;
more nobility and self…command than passion。 You persist in trying to
clothe in living form the dream ideal of a girl on the threshold of
life; you demand sacrifices for the pleasure of rewarding them; you
submit your Felipe to tests in order to ascertain whether desire;
hope; and curiosity are enduring in their nature。 But; child; behind
all your fantastic stage scenery rises the altar; where everlasting
bonds are forged。 The very morrow of your marriage the graceful
structure raised by your subtle strategy may fall before that terrible
reality which makes of a girl a woman; of a gallant a husband。
Remember that there is not exemption for lovers。 For them; as for
ordinary folk like Louis and me; there lurks beneath the wedding
rejoicings the great 〃Perhaps〃 of Rabelais。
I do not blame you; though; of course; it was rash; for talking with
Felipe in the garden; or for spending a night with him; you on your
balcony; he on his wall; but you make a plaything of life; and I am
afraid that life may some day turn the tables。 I dare not give you the
counsel which my own experience would suggest; but let me repeat once
more from the seclusion of my valley that the viaticum of married life
lies in these wordsresignation and self…sacrifice。 For; spite of all
your tests; your coyness; and your vigilance; I can see that marriage
will mean to you what it has been to me。 The greater the passion; the
steeper the precipice we have hewn for our fallthat is the only
Oh! what I would give to see the Baron de Macumer and talk with him
for an hour or two! Your happiness lies so near my heart。
As Felipe has carried out; with a truly Saracenic generosity; the
wishes of my father and mother in acknowledging the fortune he has not
received from me; the Duchess has become even more friendly to me than
before。 She calls me little sly…boots; little woman of the world; and
says I know how to use my tongue。
〃But; dear mamma;〃 I said to her the evening before the contract was
signed; 〃you attribute to cunning and smartness on my part what is
really the outcome of the truest; simplest; most unselfish; most
devoted love that ever was! I assure you that I am not at all the
'woman of the world' you do me the honor of believing me to be。〃
〃Come; come; Armande;〃 she said; putting her arm on my neck and
drawing me to her; in order to kiss my forehead; 〃you did not want to
go back to the convent; you did not want to die an old maid; and; like
a fine; noble…hearted Chaulieu; as you are; you recognized the
necessity of building up your father's family。 (The Duke was
listening。 If you knew; Renee; what flattery lies for him in these
words。) I have watched you during the whole winter; poking your little
nose into all that goes on; forming very sensible opinions about men
and the present state of society in France。 And you have picked out
the one Spaniard capable of giving you the splendid position of a
woman who reigns supreme in her own house。 My little girl; you treated
him exactly as Tullia treats your brother。〃
〃What lessons they give in my sister's convent!〃 exclaimed my father。
A glance at my father cut him short at once; then; turning to the
Duchess; I said:
〃Madame; I love my future husband; Felipe de Soria; with all the
strength of my soul。 Although this love sprang up without my
knowledge; and though I fought it stoutly when it first made itself
felt; I swear to you that I never gave way to it till I had recognized
in the Baron de Macumer a character worthy of mine; a heart of which
the delicacy; the generosity; the devotion; and the temper are suited
to my own。〃
〃But; my dear;〃 she began; interrupting me; 〃he is as ugly as 。 。 。〃
〃As anything you like;〃 I retorted quickly; 〃but I love his ugliness。〃
〃If you love him; Armande;〃 said my father; 〃and have the strength to
master your love; you must not risk your happiness。 Now; happiness in
marriage depends largely on the first days〃
〃Days only?〃 interrupted my mother。 Then; with a glance at my father;
she continued; 〃You had better leave us; my dear; to have our talk
〃You are to be married; dear child;〃 the Duchess then began in a low
voice; 〃in three days。 It becomes my duty; therefore; without silly
whimpering; which would be unfitting our rank in life; to give you the
serious advice which every mother owes to her daughter。 You are
marrying a man whom you love; and there is no reason why I should pity
you or myself。 I have only known you for a year; and if this period
has been long enough for me to learn to love you; it is hardly
sufficient to justify floods of tears at the idea of losing you。 Your
mental gifts are even more remarkable than those of your person; you
have gratified maternal pride; and have shown yourself a sweet and
loving daughter。 I; in my turn; can promise you that you will always
find a staunch friend in your mother。 You smile? Alas! it too often
happens that a mother who has lived on excellent terms with her
daughter; as long as the daughter is a mere girl; comes to cross
purposes with her when they are both women together。
〃It is your happiness which I want; so listen to my words。 The love
which you now feel is that of a young girl; and is natural to us all;
for it is woman's destiny to cling to a man。 Unhappily; pretty one;
there is but one man in the world for a woman! And sometimes this man;
whom fate has marked out for us; is not the one whom we; mistaking a
passing fancy for love; choose as husband。 Strange as what I say may
appear to you; it is worth noting。 If we cannot love the man we have
chosen; the fault is not exclusively ours; it lies with both; or
sometimes with circumstances over which we have no control。 Yet there
is no reason why the man chosen for us by our family; the man to whom
our fancy has gone out; should not be the man whom we can love。 The
barriers which arise later between husband and wife are often due to
lack of perseverance on both sides。 The task of transforming a husband
into a lover is not less delicate than that other task of making a
husband of the lover; in which you have just proved yourself
marvelously successful。
〃I repeat it; your happiness is my object。 Never allow yourself; then;
to forget that the first three months of your married life may work
your misery if you do not submit to the yoke with the same
forbearance; tenderness; and intelligence that you have shown during
the days of courtship。 For; my little rogue; you know very well that
you have indulged in all the innocent pleasures of a clandestine love
affair。 If the culmination of your love begins with disappointment;
dislike; nay; even with pain; well; come and tell me about it。 Don't
hope for too much from marriage at first; it will perhaps give you
more discomfort than joy。 The happiness of your life requires at least
as patient cherishing as the early shoots of love。
〃To conclude; if by chance you should lose the lover; you will find in
his place the father of your children。 In this; my dear child; lies
the whole secret of social life。 Sacrifice everything to the man whose
name you bear; the man whose honor and reputation cannot suffer in the
least degree without involving you in frightful consequences。 Such
sacrifice is thus not only an absolute duty for women of our rank; it
is also their wisest policy。 This; indeed; is the distinctive mark of
great moral principles; that they hold good and are expedient from
whatever aspect they are viewed。 But I need say no more to you on this
〃I fancy you are of a jealous disposition; and; my dear; if you knew
how jealous I am! But you must not be stupid over it。 To publish your
jealousy to the world is like playing at politics with your cards upon
the table; and those who let their own game be seen learn nothing of
their opponents'。 Whatever happens; we must know how to suffer in
She added that she intended having some plain talk about me with
Macumer the evening before the wedding。
Raising my mother's beautiful arm; I kissed her hand and dropped on it
a tear; which the