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dead souls(死魂灵)-第15章

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came wholly absorbed in her domestic pursuits。 But why pay her so much attention? The Widow Korobotchka; Madame Manilov; domestic life; non…domestic lifeaway with them all! How strangely are things compounded! In a trice may joy turn to sorrow; should one halt long enough over it: in a trice only God can say what ideas may strike one。 You may fall even to thinking: 〃After all; did Madame Korobotchka stand so very low in the scale of human perfection? Was there really such a very great gulf between her and Madame Manilovbetween her and the Madame Manilov whom we have seen entrenched behind the walls of a genteel mansion in which there were a fine staircase of wrought metal and a number of rich carpets; the Madame Manilov who spent most of her time in yawning behind half…read books; and in hoping for a visit from some socially distinguished person in order that she might display her wit and carefully rehearsed thoughtsthoughts which had been de rigeur in town for a week past; yet which referred; not to what was going on in her household or on her estateboth of which properties were at odds and ends; owing to her ignorance of the art of managing thembut to the coming political revolution in France and the direction in which fashionable Catholicism was supposed to be moving? But away with such things! Why need we speak of them? Yet how comes it that suddenly into the midst of our careless; frivolous; unthinking moments there may enter another; and a very different; tendency?that the smile may not have left a human face before its owner will have radically changed his or her nature (though not his or her environment) with the result that the face will suddenly become lit with a radiance never before seen there? 。 。 。

〃Here is the britchka; here is the britchka!〃 exclaimed Chichikov on perceiving that vehicle slowly advancing。 〃Ah; you blockhead!〃 he went on to Selifan。 〃Why have you been loitering about? I suppose last night's fumes have not yet left your brain?〃

To this Selifan returned no reply。

〃Good…bye; madam;〃 added the speaker。 〃But where is the girl whom you promised me?〃

〃Here; Pelagea!〃 called the hostess to a wench of about eleven who was dressed in home…dyed garments and could boast of a pair of bare feet which; from a distance; might almost have been mistaken for boots; so encrusted were they with fresh mire。 〃Here; Pelagea! Come and show this gentleman the way。〃

Selifan helped the girl to ascend to the box…seat。 Placing one foot upon the step by which the gentry mounted; she covered the said step with mud; and then; ascending higher; attained the desired position beside the coachman。 Chichikov followed in her wake (causing the britchka to heel over with his weight as he did so); and then settled himself back into his place with an 〃All right! Good…bye; madam!〃 as the horses moved away at a trot。

Selifan looked gloomy as he drove; but also very attentive to his business。 This was invariably his custom when he had committed the fault of getting drunk。 Also; the horses looked unusually well…groomed。 In particular; the collar on one of them had been neatly mended; although hitherto its state of dilapidation had been such as perennially to allow the stuffing to protrude through the leather。 The silence preserved was well…nigh complete。 Merely flourishing his whip; Selifan spoke to the team no word of instruction; although the skewbald was as ready as usual to listen to conversation of a didactic nature; seeing that at such times the reins hung loosely in the hands of the loquacious driver; and the whip wandered merely as a matter of form over the backs of the troika。 This time; however; there could be heard issuing from Selifan's sullen lips only the uniformly unpleasant exclamation; 〃Now then; you brutes! Get on with you; get on with you!〃 The bay and the Assessor too felt put out at not hearing themselves called 〃my pets〃 or 〃good lads〃; while; in addition; the skewbald came in for some nasty cuts across his sleek and ample quarters。 〃What has put master out like this?〃 thought the animal as it shook its head。 〃Heaven knows where he does not keep beating meacross the back; and even where I am tenderer still。 Yes; he keeps catching the whip in my ears; and lashing me under the belly。〃

〃To the right; eh?〃 snapped Selifan to the girl beside him as he pointed to a rain…soaked road which trended away through fresh green fields。

〃No; no;〃 she replied。 〃I will show you the road when the time comes。〃

〃Which way; then?〃 he asked again when they had proceeded a little further。

〃This way。〃 And she pointed to the road just mentioned。

〃Get along with you!〃 retorted the coachman。 〃That DOES go to the right。 You don't know your right hand from your left。〃

The weather was fine; but the ground so excessively sodden that the wheels of the britchka collected mire until they had become caked as with a layer of felt; a circumstance which greatly increased the weight of the vehicle; and prevented it from clearing the neighbouring parishes before the afternoon was arrived。 Also; without the girl's help the finding of the way would have been impossible; since roads wiggled away in every direction; like crabs released from a net; and; but for the assistance mentioned; Selifan would have found himself left to his own devices。 Presently she pointed to a building ahead; with the words; 〃THERE is the main road。〃

〃And what is the building?〃 asked Selifan。

〃A tavern;〃 she said。

〃Then we can get along by ourselves;〃 he observed。 〃Do you get down; and be off home。〃

With that he stopped; and helped her to alightmuttering as he did so: 〃Ah; you blackfooted creature!〃

Chichikov added a copper groat; and she departed well pleased with her ride in the gentleman's carriage。


On reaching the tavern; Chichikov called a halt。 His reasons for this were twofoldnamely; that he wanted to rest the horses; and that he himself desired some refreshment。 In this connection the author feels bound to confess that the appetite and the capacity of such men are greatly to be envied。 Of those well…to…do folk of St。 Petersburg and Moscow who spend their time in considering what they shall eat on the morrow; and in composing a dinner for the day following; and who never sit down to a meal without first of all injecting a pill and then swallowing oysters and crabs and a quantity of other monsters; while eternally departing for Karlsbad or the Caucasus; the author has but a small opinion。 Yes; THEY are not the persons to inspire envy。 Rather; it is the folk of the middle classesfolk who at one posthouse call for bacon; and at another for a sucking pig; and at a third for a steak of sturgeon or a baked pudding with onions; and who can sit down to table at any hour; as though they had never had a meal in their lives; and can devour fish of all sorts; and guzzle and chew it with a view to provoking further appetitethese; I say; are the folk who enjoy heaven's most favoured gift。 To attain such a celestial condition the great folk of whom I have spoken would sacrifice half their serfs and half their mortgaged and non…mortgaged property; with the foreign and domestic improvements thereon; if thereby they could compass such a stomach as is possessed by the folk of the middle class。 But; unfortunately; neither money nor real estate; whether improved or non…improved; can purchase such a stomach。

The little wooden tavern; with its narrow; but hospitable; curtain suspended from a pair of rough…hewn doorposts like old church candlesticks; seemed to invite Chichikov to enter。 True; the establishment was only a Russian hut of the ordinary type; but it was a hut of larger dimensions than usual; and had around its windows and gables carved and patterned cornices of bright…coloured wood which threw into relief the darker hue of the walls; and consorted well with the flowered pitchers painted on the shutters。

Ascending the narrow wooden staircase to the upper floor; and arriving upon a broad landing; Chichikov found himself confronted with a creaking door and a stout old woman in a striped print gown。 〃This way; if you please;〃 she said。 Within the apartment designated Chichikov encountered the old friends which one invariably finds in such roadside hostelriesto wit; a heavy samovar; four smooth; bescratched walls of white pine; a three…cornered press with cups and teapots; egg…cups of gilded china standing in front of ikons suspended by blue and red ribands; a cat lately delivered of a family; a mirror which gives one four eyes instead of two and a pancake for a face; and; beside the ikons; some bunches of herbs and carnations of such faded dustiness that; should one attempt to smell them; one is bound to burst out sneezing。

〃Have you a sucking…pig?〃 Chichikov inquired of the landlady as she stood expectantly before him。


〃And some horse…radish and sour cream?〃


〃Then serve them。〃

The landlady departed for the purpose; and returned with a plate; a napkin (the latter starched to the consistency of dried bark); a knife with a bone handle beginning to turn yellow; a two…pronged fork as thin as a wafer; and a salt…cellar incapable of being made to stand upright。

Following the accepted custom; our hero en
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