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dead souls(死魂灵)-第67章

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fell asleep。

Next morning the guest's state of repletion had reached the point of Platon being unable to mount his horse; wherefore the latter was dispatched homeward with one of Pietukh's grooms; and the two guests entered Chichikov's koliaska。 Even the dog trotted lazily in the rear; for he; too; had over…eaten himself。

〃It has been rather too much of a good thing;〃 remarked Chichikov as the vehicle issued from the courtyard。

〃Yes; and it vexes me to see the fellow never tire of it;〃 replied Platon。

〃Ah;〃 thought Chichikov to himself; 〃if _I_ had an income of seventy thousand roubles; as you have; I'd very soon give tiredness one in the eye! Take Murazov; the tax…farmerhe; again; must be worth ten millions。 What a fortune!〃

〃Do you mind where we drive?〃 asked Platon。 〃I should like first to go and take leave of my sister and my brother…in…law。〃

〃With pleasure;〃 said Chichikov。

〃My brother…in…law is the leading landowner hereabouts。 At the present moment he is drawing an income of two hundred thousand roubles from a property which; eight years ago; was producing a bare twenty thousand。〃

〃Truly a man worthy of the utmost respect! I shall be most interested to make his acquaintance。 To think of it! And what may his family name be?〃


〃And his Christian name and patronymic?〃

〃Constantine Thedorovitch。〃

〃Constantine Thedorovitch Kostanzhoglo。 Yes; it will be a most interesting event to make his acquaintance。 To know such a man must be a whole education。〃

Here Platon set himself to give Selifan some directions as to the way; a necessary proceeding in view of the fact that Selifan could hardly maintain his seat on the box。 Twice Petrushka; too; had fallen headlong; and this necessitated being tied to his perch with a piece of rope。 〃What a clown!〃 had been Chichikov's only comment。

〃This is where my brother…in…law's land begins;〃 said Platon。

〃They give one a change of view。〃

And; indeed; from this point the countryside became planted with timber; the rows of trees running as straight as pistol…shots; and having beyond them; and on higher ground; a second expanse of forest; newly planted like the first; while beyond it; again; loomed a third plantation of older trees。 Next there succeeded a flat piece of the same nature。

〃All this timber;〃 said Platon; 〃has grown up within eight or ten years at the most; whereas on another man's land it would have taken twenty to attain the same growth。〃

〃And how has your brother…in…law effected this?〃

〃You must ask him yourself。 He is so excellent a husbandman that nothing ever fails with him。 You see; he knows the soil; and also knows what ought to be planted beside what; and what kinds of timber are the best neighbourhood for grain。 Again; everything on his estate is made to perform at least three or four different functions。 For instance; he makes his timber not only serve as timber; but also serve as a provider of moisture and shade to a given stretch of land; and then as a fertiliser with its fallen leaves。 Consequently; when everywhere else there is drought; he still has water; and when everywhere else there has been a failure of the harvest; on his lands it will have proved a success。 But it is a pity that I know so little about it all as to be unable to explain to you his many expedients。 Folk call him a wizard; for he produces so much。 Nevertheless; personally I find what he does uninteresting。〃

〃Truly an astonishing fellow!〃 reflected Chichikov with a glance at his companion。 〃It is sad indeed to see a man so superficial as to be unable to explain matters of this kind。〃

At length the manor appeared in sightan establishment looking almost like a town; so numerous were the huts where they stood arranged in three tiers; crowned with three churches; and surrounded with huge ricks and barns。 〃Yes;〃 thought Chichikov to himself; 〃one can see what a jewel of a landowner lives here。〃 The huts in question were stoutly built and the intervening alleys well laid…out; while; wherever a waggon was visible; it looked serviceable and more or less new。 Also; the local peasants bore an intelligent look on their faces; the cattle were of the best possible breed; and even the peasants' pigs belonged to the porcine aristocracy。 Clearly there dwelt here peasants who; to quote the song; were accustomed to 〃pick up silver by the shovelful。〃 Nor were Englishified gardens and parterres and other conceits in evidence; but; on the contrary; there ran an open view from the manor house to the farm buildings and the workmen's cots; so that; after the old Russian fashion; the barin should be able to keep an eye upon all that was going on around him。 For the same purpose; the mansion was topped with a tall lantern and a superstructurea device designed; not for ornament; nor for a vantage…spot for the contemplation of the view; but for supervision of the labourers engaged in distant fields。 Lastly; the brisk; active servants who received the visitors on the verandah were very different menials from the drunken Petrushka; even though they did not wear swallow…tailed coats; but only Cossack tchekmenu'7' of blue homespun cloth。

'7' Long; belted Tartar blouses。

The lady of the house also issued on to the verandah。 With her face of the freshness of 〃blood and milk〃 and the brightness of God's daylight; she as nearly resembled Platon as one pea resembles another; save that; whereas he was languid; she was cheerful and full of talk。

〃Good day; brother!〃 she cried。 〃How glad I am to see you! Constantine is not at home; but will be back presently。〃

〃Where is he?〃

〃Doing business in the village with a party of factors;〃 replied the lady as she conducted her guests to the drawing…room。

With no little curiosity did Chichikov gaze at the interior of the mansion inhabited by the man who received an annual income of two hundred thousand roubles; for he thought to discern therefrom the nature of its proprietor; even as from a shell one may deduce the species of oyster or snail which has been its tenant; and has left therein its impression。 But no such conclusions were to be drawn。 The rooms were simple; and even bare。 Not a fresco nor a picture nor a bronze nor a flower nor a china what…not nor a book was there to be seen。 In short; everything appeared to show that the proprietor of this abode spent the greater part of his time; not between four walls; but in the field; and that he thought out his plans; not in sybaritic fashion by the fireside; nor in an easy chair beside the stove; but on the spot where work was actually in progressthat; in a word; where those plans were conceived; there they were put into execution。 Nor in these rooms could Chichikov detect the least trace of a feminine hand; beyond the fact that certain tables and chairs bore drying…boards whereon were arranged some sprinklings of flower petals。

〃What is all this rubbish for?〃 asked Platon。

〃It is not rubbish;〃 replied the lady of the house。 〃On the contrary; it is the best possible remedy for fever。 Last year we cured every one of our sick peasants with it。 Some of the petals I am going to make into an ointment; and some into an infusion。 You may laugh as much as you like at my potting and preserving; yet you yourself will be glad of things of the kind when you set out on your travels。〃

Platon moved to the piano; and began to pick out a note or two。

〃Good Lord; what an ancient instrument!〃 he exclaimed。 〃Are you not ashamed of it; sister?〃

〃Well; the truth is that I get no time to practice my music。 You see;〃 she added to Chichikov; 〃I have an eight…year…old daughter to educate; and to hand her over to a foreign governess in order that I may have leisure for my own piano…playingwell; that is a thing which I could never bring myself to do。〃

〃You have become a wearisome sort of person;〃 commented Platon; and walked away to the window。 〃Ah; here comes Constantine;〃 presently he added。

Chichikov also glanced out of the window; and saw approaching the verandah a brisk; swarthy…complexioned man of about forty; a man clad in a rough cloth jacket and a velveteen cap。 Evidently he was one of those who care little for the niceties of dress。 With him; bareheaded; there came a couple of men of a somewhat lower station in life; and all three were engaged in an animated discussion。 One of the barin's two companions was a plain peasant; and the other (clad in a blue Siberian smock) a travelling factor。 The fact that the party halted awhile by the entrance steps made it possible to overhear a portion of their conversation from within。

〃This is what you peasants had better do;〃 the barin was saying。 〃Purchase your release from your present master。 I will lend you the necessary money; and afterwards you can work for me。〃

〃No; Constantine Thedorovitch;〃 replied the peasant。 〃Why should we do that? Remove us just as we are。 You will know how to arrange it; for a cleverer gentleman than you is nowhere to be found。 The misfortune of us muzhiks is that we cannot protect ourselves properly。 The tavern…keepers sell us such liquor that; before a man knows where he is; a glassful of it has eaten a hole through his stomach; and made him feel as though he could drink a pail of water。 
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