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christian science-第12章

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still treasure up; and print; and manifestly admire those Poems;
indicates that the most daring and masculine and masterful woman that has
appeared in the earth in centuries has the same soft; girly…girly places
in her that the rest of us have。

When it comes to selecting her ancestors she is still human; natural;
vain; commonplaceas commonplace as I am myself when I am sorting
ancestors for my autobiography。  She combs out some creditable Scots; and
labels them and sets them aside for use; not overlooking the one to whom
Sir William Wallace gave 〃a heavy sword encased in a brass scabbard;〃 and
naively explaining which Sir William Wallace it was; lest we get the
wrong one by the hassock; this is the one 〃from whose patriotism and
bravery comes that heart…stirring air; 'Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled。'〃
Hannah More was related to her ancestors。  She explains who Hannah More

Whenever a person informs us who Sir William Wallace was; or who wrote
〃Hamlet;〃 or where the Declaration of Independence was fought; it fills
us with a suspicion wellnigh amounting to conviction; that that person
would not suspect us of being so empty of knowledge if he wasn't
suffering from the same 〃claim〃 himself。  Then we turn to page 20 of the
Autobiography and happen upon this passage; and that hasty suspicion
stands rebuked:

〃I gained book…knowledge with far less labor than is usually requisite。
At ten years of age I was as familiar with Lindley Murray's Grammar as
with the Westminster Catechism; and the latter I had to repeat every
Sunday。  My favorite studies were Natural Philosophy; Logic; and Moral
Science。  From my brother A1bert I received lessons in the ancient
tongues; Hebrew; Greek; and Latin。〃

You catch your breath in astonishment; and feel again and still again the
pang of that rebuke。  But then your eye falls upon the next sentence but
one; and the pain passes away and you set up the suspicion again with
evil satisfaction:

〃After my discovery of Christian Science; most of the knowledge I had
gleaned from school…books vanished like a dream。〃

That disappearance accounts for much in her miscellaneous writings。  As I
was saying; she handles her 〃ancestral shadows;〃 as she calls them; just
as I do mine。  It is remarkable。  When she runs across 〃a relative of my
Grandfather Baker; General Henry Knox; of Revolutionary fame;〃 she sets
him down; when she finds another good one; 〃the late Sir John Macneill;
in the line of my Grandfather Baker's family;〃 she sets him down; and
remembers that he 〃was prominent in British politics; and at one time
held the position of ambassador to Persia〃; when she discovers that her
grandparents 〃were likewise connected with Captain John Lovewell; whose
gallant leadership and death in the Indian troubles of 1722…25 caused
that prolonged contest to be known historically as Lovewell's War;〃 she
sets the Captain down; when it turns out that a cousin of her grandmother
〃was John Macneill; the New Hampshire general; who fought at Lundy's Lane
and won distinction in 1814 at the battle of Chippewa;〃 she catalogues
the General。  (And tells where Chippewa was。) And then she skips all her
platform people; never mentions one of them。  It shows that she is just
as human as any of us。

Yet; after all; there is something very touching in her pride in these
worthy small…fry; and something large and fine in her modesty in not
caring to remember that their kinship to her can confer no distinction
upon her; whereas her mere mention of their names has conferred upon them
a faceless earthly immortality。


When she wrote this little biography her great life…work had already been
achieved; she was become renowned; to multitudes of reverent disciples
she was a sacred personage; a familiar of God; and His inspired channel
of communication with the human race。  Also; to them these following
things were facts; and not doubted:

She had written a Bible in middle age; and had published it; she had
recast it; enlarged it; and published it again; she had not stopped
there; but had enlarged it further; polished its phrasing; improved its
form; and published it yet again。  It was at last become a compact;
grammatical; dignified; and workman…like body of literature。  This was
good training; persistent training; and in all arts it is training that
brings the art to perfection。  We are now confronted with one of the most
teasing and baffling riddles of Mrs。 Eddy's historya riddle which may
be formulated thus:

How is it that a primitive literary gun which began as a hundred…yard
flint…lock smooth…bore muzzle…loader; and in the course of forty years
has acquired one notable improvement after anotherpercussion cap; fixed
cartridge; rifled barrel; efficiency at half a mile how is it that such a
gun; sufficiently good on an elephant hunt (Christian Science) from the
beginning; and growing better and better all the time during forty years;
has always collapsed back to its original flint…lock estate the moment
the huntress trained it on any other creature than an elephant?

Something more than a generation ago Mrs。 Eddy went out with her flint…
lock on the rabbit range; and this was a part of the result:

〃After his decease; and a severe casualty deemed fatal by skilful
physicians; we discovered that the Principle of all healing and the law
that governs it is God; a divine Principle; and a spiritual not material
law; and regained health。〃Preface to Science and Health; first
revision; 1883。

N。B。  Not from the book itself; from the Preface。

You will notice the awkwardness of that English。  If you should carry
that paragraph up to the Supreme Court of the United States in order to
find out for good and all whether the fatal casualty happened to the dead
manas the paragraph almost assertsor to some person or persons not
even hinted at in the paragraph; the Supreme Court would be obliged to
say that the evidence established nothing with certainty except that
there had been a casualtyvictim not known。

The context thinks it explains who the victim was; but it does nothing of
the kind。  It furnishes some guessing…material of a sort which enables
you to infer that it was 〃we〃 that suffered the mentioned injury; but if
you should carry the language to a court you would not be able to prove
that it necessarily meant that。  〃We〃 are Mrs。 Eddy; a funny little
affectation。  She replaced it later with the more dignified third person。

The quoted paragraph is from Mrs。 Eddy's preface to the first revision of
Science and Health (1883)。  Sixty…four pages further alongin the body
of the book (the elephant…range); she went out with that same flint…lock
and got this following result。  Its English is very nearly as straight
and clean and competent as is the English of the latest revision of
Science and Health after the gun has been improved from smooth…bore
musket up to globe…sighted; long distance rifle:

〃Man controlled by his Maker has no physical suffering。  His body is
harmonious; his days are multiplying instead of diminishing; he is
journeying towards Life instead of death; and bringing out the new man
and crucifying the old affections; cutting them off in every material
direction until he learns the utter supremacy of Spirit and yields
obedience thereto。〃

In the latest revision of Science and Health (1902); the perfected gun
furnishes the following。  The English is clean; compact; dignified;
almost perfect。  But it is observable that it is not prominently better
than it is in the above paragraph; which was a product of the primitive

〃How unreasonable is the belief that we are wearing out life and
hastening to death; and at the same time we are communing with
immortality?  If the departed are in rapport with mortality; or matter;
they are not spiritual; but must still be mortal; sinful; suffering; and
dying。  Then wherefore look to themeven were communication possible
for proofs of immortality and accept them as oracles?〃Edition of 1902;
page 78。

With the above paragraphs compare these that follow。  It is Mrs。 Eddy
writingafter a good long twenty years of pen…practice。  Compare also
with the alleged Poems already quoted。  The prominent characteristic of
the Poems is affectation; artificiality; their makeup is a complacent and
pretentious outpour of false figures and fine writing; in the sophomoric
style。  The same qualities and the same style will be found; unchanged;
unbettered; in these following paragraphsafter a lapse of more than
fifty years; and afteras aforesaidlong literary training。  The
italics are mine:

1。  〃What plague spot or bacilli were 'sic' gnawing 'sic' at the heart of
this metropolis 。  。  。  and bringing it 'the heart' on bended knee?
Why; it was an institute that had entered its vitalsthat; among other
things; taught games;〃 et cetera。C。S。  Journal; p。  670; article
entitled 〃A Narrativeby Mary Baker G。  Eddy。〃

2。  〃Parks sprang up 'sic' 。  。  。  electric…cars run 'sic' merrily
through several streets; concrete sidewalks and macadamized roads dotted
'sic' the place;〃 et cetera。Ibid。

3。  〃Shorn 'sic' of its suburbs it had indeed little left to admire; 
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