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christian science-第29章

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disappointment is to put it out of your mind and think of something

We outsiders cannot conceive of Mrs。 Eddy's Christian Science Religion as
being a sudden and miraculous birth; but only as a growth from a seed
planted by circumstances; and developed stage by stage by command and
compulsion of the same force。  What the stages were we cannot know; but
are privileged to guess。  She may have gotten the mental…healing idea
from Quimbyit had been experimented with for ages; and was no one's
special property。  'For the present; for convenience' sake; let us
proceed upon the hypothesis that that was all she got of him; and that
she put up the rest of the assets herself。  This will strain us; but let
us try it。' In each and all its forms and under all its many names;
mental healing had had limits; always; and they were rather narrow ones
Mrs。 Eddy; let us imagine; removed the fence; abolished the frontiers。
Not by expanding mental…healing; but by absorbing its small bulk into the
vaster bulk of Christian ScienceDivine Science; The Holy Ghost; the
Comforterwhich was a quite different and sublimer force; and one which
had long lain dormant and unemployed。

The Christian Scientist believes that the Spirit of God (life and love)
pervades the universe like an atmosphere; that whoso will study Science
and Health can get from it the secret of how to inhale that transforming
air; that to breathe it is to be made new; that from the new man all
sorrow; all care; all miseries of the mind vanish away; for that only
peace; contentment and measureless joy can live in that divine fluid;
that it purifies the body from disease; which is a vicious creation of
the gross human mind; and cannot continue to exist in the presence of the
Immortal Mind; the renewing Spirit of God。

The Scientist finds this reasonable; natural; and not harder to believe
than that the disease germ; a creature of darkness; perishes when exposed
to the light of the great suna new revelation of profane science which
no one doubts。  He reminds us that the actinic ray; shining upon lupus;
cures ita horrible disease which was incurable fifteen years ago; and
had been incurable for ten million years before; that this wonder;
unbelievable by the physicians at first; is believed by them now; and so
he is tranquilly confident that the time is coming when the world will be
educated up to a point where it will comprehend and grant that the light
of the Spirit of God; shining unobstructed upon the soul; is an actinic
ray which can purge both mind and body from disease and set them free and
make them whole。

It is apparent; then; that in Christian Science it is not one man's mind
acting upon another man's mind that heals; that it is solely the Spirit
of God that heals; that the healer's mind performs no office but to
convey that force to the patient; that it is merely the wire which
carries the electric fluid; so to speak; and delivers the message。
Therefore; if these things be true; mental…healing and Science…healing
are separate and distinct processes; and no kinship exists between them。

To heal the body of its ills and pains is a mighty benefaction; but in
our day our physicians and surgeons work a thousand miraclesprodigies
which would have ranked as miracles fifty years agoand they have so
greatly extended their domination over disease that we feel so well
protected that we are able to look with a good deal of composure and
absence of hysterics upon the claims of new competitors in that field。

But there is a mightier benefaction than the healing of the body; and
that is the healing of the spiritwhich is Christian Science's other
claim。  So far as I know; so far as I can find out; it makes it good。
Personally I have not known a Scientist who did not seem serene;
contented; unharassed。  I have not found an outsider whose observation of
Scientists furnished him a view that differed from my own。  Buoyant
spirits; comfort of mind; freedom from care these happinesses we all
have; at intervals; but in the spaces between; dear me; the black hours!
They have put a curse upon the life of every human being I have ever
known; young or old。  I concede not a single exception。  Unless it might
be those Scientists just referred to。  They may have been playing a part
with me; I hope they were not; and I believe they were not。

Time will test the Science's claim。  If time shall make it good; if time
shall prove that the Science can heal the persecuted spirit of man and
banish its troubles and keep it serene and sunny and contentwhy; then
Mrs。 Eddy will have a monument that will reach above the clouds。  For if
she did not hit upon that imperial idea and evolve it and deliver it; its
discoverer can never be identified with certainty; now; I think。  It is
the giant feature; it is the sun that rides in the zenith of Christian
Science; the auxiliary features are of minor consequence 'Let us still
leave the large 〃if〃 aside; for the present; and proceed as if it had no

It is not supposable that Mrs。 Eddy realized; at first; the size of her
plunder。  (No; findthat is the word; she did not realize the size of
her find; at first。) It had to grow upon her; by degrees; in accordance
with the inalterable custom of Circumstance; which works by stages; and
by stages only; and never furnishes any mind with all the materials for a
large idea at one time。

In the beginning; Mrs。 Eddy was probably interested merely in the mental…
healing detail And perhaps mainly interested in it pecuniary; for she was

She would succeed in anything she undertook。  She would attract pupils;
and her commerce would grow。  She would inspire in patient and pupil
confidence in her earnestness; her history is evidence that she would not
fail of that。

There probably came a time; in due course; when her students began to
think there was something deeper in her teachings than they had been
suspectinga mystery beyond mental…healing; and higher。  It is
conceivable that by consequence their manner towards her changed little
by little; and from respectful became reverent。  It is conceivable that
this would have an influence upon her; that it would incline her to
wonder if their secret thoughtthat she was inspiredmight not be a
well…grounded guess。  It is conceivable that as time went on the thought
in their minds and its reflection in hers might solidify into conviction。

She would remember; then; that as a child she had been called; more than
once; by a mysterious voice just as had happened to little Samuel。
(Mentioned in her Autobiography。) She would be impressed by that ancient
reminiscence; now; and it could have a prophetic meaning for her。

It is conceivable that the persuasive influences around her and within
her would give a new and powerful impulse to her philosophizings; and
that from this; in time; would result that great birth; the healing of
body and mind by the inpouring of the Spirit of Godthe central and
dominant idea of Christian Scienceand that when this idea came she
would not doubt that it was an inspiration direct from Heaven。


'I must rest a little; now。  To sit here and painstakingly spin out a
scheme which imagines Mrs。 Eddy; of all people; working her mind on a
plane above commercialism; imagines her thinking; philosophizing;
discovering majestic things; and even imagines her dealing in
sinceritiesto be frank; I find it a large contract But I have begun it;
and I will go through with it。'


It is evident that she made disciples fast; and that their belief in her
and in the authenticity of her heavenly ambassadorship was not of the
lukewarm and half…way sort; but was profoundly earnest and sincere。  Her
book was issued from the press in 1875; it began its work of convert…
making; and within six years she had successfully launched a new Religion
and a new system of healing; and was teaching them to crowds of eager
students in a College of her own; at prices so extraordinary that we are
almost compelled to accept her statement (no; her guarded intimation)
that the rates were arranged on high; since a mere human being
unacquainted with commerce and accustomed to think in pennies could
hardly put up such a hand as that without supernatural help。

From this stage onwardMrs。 Eddy being what she wasthe rest of the
developmentstages would follow naturally and inevitably。

But if she had been anybody else; there would have been a different
arrangement of them; with different results。  Being the extraordinary
person she was; she realized her position and its possibilities; realized
the possibilities; and had the daring to use them for all they were

We have seen what her methods were after she passed the stage where her
divine ambassadorship was granted its executer in the hearts and minds of
her followers; we have seen how steady and fearless and calculated and
orderly was her march thenceforth from conquest to conquest; we have seen
her strike dead; without hesitancy; any hostile or questionable force
that rose in her path: first; the horde of pretenders that sprang up and
tried to take her Science and its market a
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