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christian science-第33章

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realized; at the above stage in her life; that with all her trouble she
had not been able to scratch together even material enough for a child's
Autobiography; and also that what she had secured was in the main not
valuable; not important; considering the age and the fame of the person
she was writing about; and so it occurred to her to attempt; in that
paragraph; to excuse the meagreness and poor quality of the feast she was
spreading; by letting on that she could do ever so much better if she
wanted to; but was under constraint of Divine etiquette。  To feed with
more than a few indifferent crumbs a plebeian appetite for personal
details about Personages in her class was not the correct thing; and she
blandly points out that there is Precedent for this reserve。  When Mrs。
Eddy tries to be artful in literature it is generally after the
manner of the ostrich; and with the ostrich's luck。  Please try to find
the connection between the two paragraphs。M。  T。


The following is the spiritual signification of the Lord's Prayer:

Principle; eternal and harmonious;
Nameless and adorable Intelligence;
Thou art ever present and supreme。
And when this supremacy of Spirit shall appear; the dream of matter will
Give us the understanding of Truth and Love。
And loving we shall learn God; and Truth will destroy all error。
And lead us unto the Life that is Soul; and deliver us from the errors of
sense; sin; sickness; and death;
For God is Life; Truth; and Love for ever。
Science and Health; edition of 1881。

It seems to me that this one is distinctly superior to the one that was
inspired for last year's edition。  It is strange; but to my mind plain;
that inspiring is an art which does not improve with practice。M。  T。


〃For verily I say unto you; That whosoever shall say unto this mountain;
Be thou removed; and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in
his heart; but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come
to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith。  Therefore I say unto you;
What things soever ye desire when ye pray; believe that ye receive them;
and ye shall have them。

Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of; before ye ask Him。〃

The prayer that reclaims the sinner and heals the sick; is an absolute
faith that all things are possible to Goda spiritual understanding of
Himan unselfed love。  Regardless of what another may say or think on
this subject; I speak from experience。  This prayer; combined with self…
sacrifice and toil; is the means whereby God has enabled me to do what I
have done for the religion and health of mankind。

Thoughts unspoken are not unknown to the divine Mind。  Desire is prayer;
and no less can occur from trusting God with our desires; that they may
be moulded and exalted before they take form in audible word; and in

What are the motives for prayer?  Do we pray to make ourselves better; or
to benefit those that hear us; to enlighten the Infinite; or to be heard
of men?  Are we benefited by praying?  Yes; the desire which goes forth
hungering after righteousness is blessed of our Father; and it does not
return unto us void。

God is not moved by the breath of praise to do more than He has already
done; nor can the Infinite do less than bestow all good; since He is
unchanging Wisdom and Love。  We can do more for ourselves by humble
fervent petitions; but the All…loving does not grant them simply on the
ground of lip…service; for He already knows all。

Prayer cannot change the Science of Being; but it does bring us into
harmony with it。  Goodness reaches the demonstration of Truth。  A request
that another may work for us never does our work。  The habit of pleading
with the divine Mind; as one pleads with a human being; perpetuates the
belief in God as humanly circumscribedan error which impedes spiritual

God is Love。  Can we ask Him to be more?  God is Intelligence。  Can we
inform the infinite Mind; or tell Him anything He does not already
comprehend?  Do we hope to change perfection?  Shall we plead for more at
the open fount; which always pours forth more than we receive?  The
unspoken prayer does bring us nearer the Source of all existence and

Asking God to be God is a 〃vain repetition。〃  God is 〃the same yesterday;
and to…day; and forever〃; and He who is immutably right will do right;
without being reminded of His province。  The wisdom of man is not
sufficient to warrant him in advising God。

Who would stand before a blackboard; and pray the principle of
mathematics to work out the problem?  The rule is already established;
and it is our task to work out the solution。  Shall we ask the divine
Principle of all goodness to do His own work?  His work is done; and we
have only to avail ourselves of God's rule; in order to receive the
blessing thereof。

The divine Being must be reflected by manelse man is not the image and
likeness of the patient; tender; and true; the one 〃altogether lovely〃;
but to understand God is the work of eternity; and demands absolute
concentration of thought and energy。

How empty are our conceptions of Deity!  We admit theoretically that God
is good; omnipotent; omnipresent; infinite; and then we try to give
information to this infinite Mind; and plead for unmerited pardon; and a
liberal outpouring of benefactions。  Are we really grateful for the good
already received?  Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we
have; and thus be fitted to receive more。  Gratitude is much more than a
verbal expression of thanks Action expresses more gratitude than speech。

If we are ungrateful for Life; Truth; and Love; and yet return thanks to
God for all blessings; we are insincere; and incur the sharp censure our
Master pronounces on hypocrites。  In such a case the only acceptable
prayer is to put the finger on the lips and remember our blessings。
While the heart is far from divine Truth and Love; we cannot conceal the
ingratitude of barren lives; for God knoweth all things。

What we most need is the prayer of fervent desire for growth in grace;
expressed in patience; meekness; love; and good deeds。  To keep the
commandments of our Master and follow his example; is our proper debt to
Him; and the only worthy evidence of our gratitude for all He has done。
Outward worship is not of itself sufficient to express loyal and
heartfelt gratitude; since He has said: 〃If ye love Me; keep My

The habitual struggle to be always good; is unceasing prayer。  Its
motives are made manifest in the blessings they bring which; if not
acknowledged in audible words; attest our worthiness to be made partakers
of Love。

Simply asking that we may love God will never make us love Him; but the
longing to be better and holierexpressed in daily watchfulness; and in
striving to assimilate more of the divine characterthis will mould and
fashion us anew; until we awake in His likeness。  We reach the Science of
Christianity through demonstration of the divine nature; but in this
wicked world goodness will 〃be evil spoken of;〃 and patience must work

Audible prayer can never do the works of spiritual understanding; which
regenerates; but silent prayer; watchfulness; and devout obedience;
enable us to follow Jesus' example。  Long prayers; ecclesiasticism; and
creeds; have clipped the divine pinions of Love; and clad religion in
human robes。  They materialize worship; hinder the Spirit; and keep man
from demonstrating his power over error。

Sorrow for wrong…doing is but one step towards reform; and the very
easiest step。  The next and great step required by Wisdom is the test of
our sinceritynamely; reformation。  To this end we are placed under the
stress of circumstances。  Temptation bids us repeat the offence; and woe
comes in return for what is done。  So it will ever be; till we learn that
there is no discount in the law of justice; and that we must pay 〃the
uttermost farthing。〃  The measure ye mete 〃shall be measured to you
again;〃 and it will be full 〃and running over。〃

Saints and sinners get their full award; but not always in this world。
The followers of Christ drank His cup。  Ingratitude and persecution
filled it to the brim; but God pours the riches of His love into the
understanding and affections; giving us strength according to our day。
Sinners flourish 〃like a green bay…tree〃; but; looking farther; the
Psalmist could see their endnamely; the destruction of sin through

Prayer is sometimes used; as a confessional to cancel sin。  This error
impedes true religion。  Sin is forgiven; only as it is destroyed by
Christ…Truth and Life If prayer nourishes the belief that sin is
cancelled; and that man is made better by merely praying; it is an evil。
He grows worse who continues in sin because he thinks himself forgiven。

An apostle says that the Son of God (Christ) came to 〃destroy the works
of the devil。〃  We should follow our divine Exemplar; and seek the
destruction of all evil works; error and disease included。  We cannot
escape the penalty due for sin。  The Scriptures say; that if we deny
Christ; 〃He also will den
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