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christian science-第34章

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escape the penalty due for sin。  The Scriptures say; that if we deny
Christ; 〃He also will deny us。〃

The divine Love corrects and governs man。  Men may pardon; but this
divine Principle alone reforms the sinner。  God is not separate from the
wisdom He bestows。  The talents He gives we must improve。  Calling on Him
to forgive our work; badly done or left undone; implies the vain
supposition that we have nothing to do but to ask pardon; and that
afterwards we shall be free to repeat the offence。

To cause suffering; as the result of sin; is the means of destroying sin。
Every supposed pleasure in sin will furnish more than its equivalent of
pain; until belief in material life and sin is destroyed。  To reach
heaven; the harmony of Being; we must understand the divine Principle of

〃God is Love。〃  More than this we cannot ask; higher we cannot look;
farther we cannot go。  To suppose that God forgives or punishes sin;
according as His mercy is sought or unsought; is to misunderstand Love
and make prayer the safety…valve for wrong…doing。

Jesus uncovered and rebuked sin before He cast it out。  Of a sick woman
He said that Satan had bound her; and to Peter He said; 〃Thou art an
offense unto me。〃  He came teaching and showing men how to destroy sin;
sickness; and death。  He said of the fruitless tree; 〃It is hewn down。〃

It is believed by many that a certain magistrate; who lived in the time
of Jesus; left this record: 〃His rebuke is fearful。〃  The strong language
of our Master confirms this description。

The only civil sentence which He had for error was; 〃Get thee behind Me;
Satan。〃  Still stronger evidence that Jesus' reproof was pointed and
pungent is in His own wordsshowing the necessity for such forcible
utterance; when He cast out devils and healed the sick and sinful。  The
relinquishment of error deprives material sense of its false claims。

Audible prayer is impressive; it gives momentary solemnity and elevation
to thought; but does it produce any lasting benefit?  Looking deeply into
these things; we find that 〃a zeal 。  。  。  not according to knowledge;〃
gives occasion for reaction unfavorable to spiritual growth; sober
resolve; and wholesome perception of God's requirements。  The motives for
verbal prayer may embrace too much love of applause to induce or
encourage Christian sentiment。

Physical sensation; not Soul; produces material ecstasy; and emotions。
If spiritual sense always guided men at such times; there would grow out
of those ecstatic moments a higher experience and a better life; with
more devout self…abnegation; and purity。  A self…satisfied ventilation of
fervent sentiments never makes a Christian。  God is not influenced by
man。  The 〃divine ear〃 is not an auditoria!  nerve。  It is the all…
hearing and all…knowing Mind; to whom each want of man is always known;
and by whom it will be supplied。

The danger from audible prayer is; that it may lead us into temptation。
By it we may become involuntary hypocrites; uttering desires which are
not real; and consoling ourselves in the midst of sin; with the
recollection that we have prayed over it or mean to ask forgiveness at
some later day。  Hypocrisy is fatal to religion。

A wordy prayer may afford a quiet sense of self…justification; though it
makes the sinner a hypocrite。  We never need despair of an honest heart;
but there is little hope for those who only come spasmodically face to
face with their wickedness; and then seek to hide it。  Their prayers are
indexes which do not correspond with their character。  They hold secret
fellowship with sin; and such externals are spoken of by Jesus as 〃like
unto whited sepulchres 。  。  。  full of all uncleanness。〃

If a man; though apparently fervent and prayerful; is impure; and
therefore insincere; what must be the comment upon him?  If he had
reached the loftiness of his prayer; there would be no occasion for such
comment。  If we feel the aspiration; humility; gratitude; and love which
our words expressthis God accepts; and it is wise not to try to deceive
our。  selves or others; for 〃there is nothing covered that shall not be
revealed。〃  Professions and audible prayers are like charity in one
respect they 〃cover a multitude of sins。〃  Praying for humility; with
whatever fervency of expression; does not always mean a desire for it。
If we turn away from the poor; we are not ready to receive the reward of
Him who blesses the poor。  We confess to having a very wicked heart; and
ask that it may be laid bare before us; but do we not already know more
of this heart than we are willing to have our neighbor see?

We ought to examine ourselves; and learn what is the affection and
purpose of the heart; for this alone can show us what we honestly are。
If a friend informs us of a fault; do we listen to the rebuke patiently;
and credit what is said?  Do we not rather give thanks that we are 〃not
as other men?〃 During many years the author has been most grateful for
merited rebuke。  The sting lies in unmerited censurein the falsehood
which does no one any good。

The test of all prayer lies in the answer to these questions: Do we love
our neighbor better because of this asking?  Do we pursue the old
selfishness; satisfied with having prayed for something better; though we
give no evidence of the sincerity of our requests by living consistently
with our prayer?  If selfishness has given place to kindness; we shall
regard our neighbor unselfishly; and bless them that curse us; but we
shall never meet this great duty by simply asking that it may be done。
There is a cross to be taken up; before we can enjoy the fruition of our
hope and faith。

Dost thou 〃love the Lord thy God with all thy heart; and with all thy
soul; and with all thy mind?〃 This command includes mucheven the
surrender of all merely material sensation; affection; and worship。  This
is the E1 Dorado of Christianity。  It involves the Science of Life; and
recognizes only the divine control of Spirit; wherein Soul is our master;
and material sense and human will have no place。

Are you willing to leave all for Christ; for Truth; and so be counted
among sinners?  No!  Do you really desire to attain this point?  No!
Then why make long prayers about it; and ask to be Christians; since you
care not to tread in the footsteps of our dear Master?  If unwilling to
follow His example; wherefore pray with the lips that you may be
partakers of His nature?  Consistent prayer is the desire to do right。
Prayer means that we desire to; and will; walk in the light so far as we
receive it; even though with bleeding footsteps; and waiting patiently on
the Lord; will leave our real desires to be rewarded by Him。

The world must grow to the spiritual understanding of prayer。  If good
enough to profit by Jesus' cup of earthly sorrows; God will sustain us
under these sorrows。  Until we are thus divinely qualified; and willing
to drink His cup; millions of vain repetitions will never pour into
prayer the unction of Spirit; in demonstration of power; and 〃with signs
following。〃  Christian Science reveals a necessity for overcoming the
world; the flesh and evil; and thus destroying all error。

Seeking is not sufficient。  It is striving which enables us to enter。
Spiritual attainments open the door to a higher understanding of the
divine Life。

One of the forms of worship in Thibet is to carry a praying…machine
through the streets; and stop at the doors to earn a penny by grinding
out a prayer; whereas civilization pays for clerical prayers; in lofty
edifices。  Is the difference very great; after all?

Experience teaches us that we do not always receive the blessings we ask
for in prayer。

There is some misapprehension of the source and means of all goodness and
blessedness; or we should certainly receive what we ask for。  The
Scriptures say: 〃Ye ask; and receive not; because ye ask amiss; that ye
may consume it upon your lusts。〃  What we desire and ask for it is not
always best for us to receive。  In this case infinite Love will not grant
the request。  Do you ask Wisdom to be merciful and not punish sin?  Then
〃ye ask amiss。〃  Without punishment; sin would multiply。  Jesus' prayer;
〃forgive us our debts;〃 specified also the terms of forgiveness。  When
forgiving the adulterous woman He said; 〃Go; and sin no more。〃

A magistrate sometimes remits the penalty; but this may be no moral
benefit to the criminal; and at best; it only saves him from one form of
punishment。  The moral law; which has the right to acquit or condemn;
always demands restitution; before mortals can 〃go up higher。〃  Broken
law brings penalty; in order to compel this progress。

Mere legal pardon (and there is no other; for divine Principle never
pardons our sins or mistakes till they are corrected) leaves the offender
free to repeat the offense; if; indeed; he has not already suffered
sufficiently from vice to make him turn from it with loathing。  Truth
bestows no pardon upon error; but wipes it out in the most effectual
manner。  Jesus suffered for our sins; not to annul the divine sentence
against an individual's sin; but to show that sin must bring inevitable

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