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christian science-第37章

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think that the reason the new version provoked no surprise and no comment
was; that the assemblage took it for a 〃Key〃a spiritualized explanation
of verse 53; newly sent down from heaven through Mrs。 Eddy。  For all
Scientists study their Bibles diligently; and they know their Magnificat。
I believe that their confidence in the authenticity of Mrs。 Eddy's
inspirations is so limitless and so firmly established that no change;
however violent; which she might make in a Bible text could disturb their
composure or provoke from them a protest。

Her improved rendition of verse 53 went into the convention's report and
appeared in a New York paper the next day。  The (at that time) Scientist
whom I mentioned a minute ago; and who had not been present at the
convention; saw it and marvelled; marvelled and was indignantindignant
with the printer or the telegrapher; for making so careless and so
dreadful an error。  And greatly distressed; too; for; of course; the
newspaper people would fall foul of it; and be sarcastic; and make fun of
it。  and have a blithe time over it; and be properly thankful for the
chance。  It shows how innocent he was; it shows that he did not know the
limitations of newspaper men in the matter of Biblical knowledge。  The
new verse 53 raised no insurrection in the press; in fact; it was not
even remarked upon; I could have told him the boys would not know there
was anything the matter with it。  I have been a newspaper man myself; and
in those days I had my limitations like the others。

The Scientist hastened to Concord and told Mrs。 Eddy what a disastrous
mistake had been made; but he found to his bewilderment that she was
tranquil about it; and was not proposing to correct it。  He was not able
to get her to promise to make a correction。  He asked her secretary if he
had heard aright when the telegram was dictated to him; the secretary
said he had; and took the filed copy of it and verified its authenticity
by comparing it with the stenographic notes。

Mrs。 Eddy did make the correction; two months later; in her official
organ。  It attracted no attention among the Scientists; and; naturally;
none elsewhere; for that periodical's circulation was practically
confined to disciples of the cult。

That is the tale as it was told to me by an ex…Scientist。  Verse 53
renovated and spiritualizedhad a narrow escape from a tremendous
celebrity。  The newspaper men would have made it as famous as the
assassination of Caesar; but for their limitations。

To return to the Claim。  I find myself greatly embarrassed by Mrs。 Eddy's
remark: 〃I regard self…deification as blasphemous。〃  If she is right
about that; I have written a half…ream of manuscript this past week which
I must not print; either in the book which I am writing; or elsewhere:
for it goes into that very matter with extensive elaboration; citing; in
detail; words and acts of Mrs。 Eddy's which seem to me to prove that she
is a faithful and untiring worshipper of herself; and has carried self…
deification to a length which has not been before ventured in ages。  If
ever。  There is not room enough in this chapter for that Survey; but I
can epitomize a portion of it here。

With her own untaught and untrained mind; and without outside help; she
has erected upon a firm and lasting foundation the most minutely perfect;
and wonderful; and smoothly and exactly working; and best safe…guarded
system of government that has yet been devised in the world; as I
believe; and as I am sure I could prove if I had room for my documentary
evidences here。

It is a despotism (on this democratic soil); a sovereignty more absolute
than the Roman Papacy; more absolute than the Russian Czarship; it has
not a single power; not a shred of authority; legislative or executive;
which is not lodged solely in the sovereign; all its dreams; its
functions; its energies; have a single object; a single reason for
existing; and only the oneto build to the sky the glory of the
sovereign; and keep it bright to the end of time。

Mrs。 Eddy is the sovereign; she devised that great place for herself; she
occupies that throne。

In 1895; she wrote a little primer; a little body of autocratic laws;
called the Manual of The First Church of Christ; Scientist; and put those
laws in force; in permanence。  Her government is all there; all in that
deceptively innocent…looking little book; that cunning little devilish
book; that slumbering little brown volcano; with hell in its bowels。  In
that book she has planned out her system; and classified and defined its
purposes and powers。


A Supreme Church。  At Boston。
Branch Churches。  All over the world
One Pastor for the whole of them: to wit; her book; Science and Health。
Term of the book's officeforever。

In every C。S。 pulpit; two 〃Readers;〃 a man and a woman。  No talkers; no
preachers; in any Church…readers only。  Readers of the Bible and her
booksno others。  No commentators allowed to write or print。

A Church Service。  She has framed itfor all the C。S。 Churches
selected its readings; its prayers; and the hymns to be used; and has
appointed the order of procedure。  No changes permitted。

A Creed。  She wrote it。  All C。S。 Churches must subscribe to it。  No
other permitted。

A Treasury。  At Boston。  She carries the key。

A C。S。 BookPublishing House。  For books approved by her。  No others

Journals and Magazines。  These are organs of hers; and are controlled by

A College。  For teaching C。S。


Supreme Church。
Pastor EmeritusMrs。 Eddy。
Board of Directors。
Board of Education。
Board of Finance。
College Faculty。
Various Committees。
First Members (of the Supreme Church)。
Members of the Supreme Church。

It looks fair; it looks real; but it is all a fiction。

Even the little 〃Pastor Emeritus〃 is a fiction。  Instead of being merely
an honorary and ornamental official; Mrs。 Eddy is the only official in
the entire body that has the slightest power。  In her Manual; she has
provided a prodigality of ways and forms whereby she can rid herself of
any functionary in the government whenever she wants to。  The officials
are all shadows; save herself; she is the only reality。  She allows no
one to hold office more than a year no one gets a chance to become
over…popular or over…useful; and dangerous。  〃Excommunication〃 is the
favorite penalty…it is threatened at every turn。  It is evidently the pet
dread and terror of the Church's membership。

The member who thinks; without getting his thought from Mrs。 Eddy before
uttering it; is banished permanently。  One or two kinds of sinners can
plead their way back into the fold; but this one; never。  To thinkin
the Supreme Churchis the New Unpardonable Sin。

To nearly every severe and fierce rule; Mrs。 Eddy adds this rivet: 〃This
By…law shall not be changed without the consent of the Pastor Emeritus。〃

Mrs。 Eddy is the entire Supreme Church; in her own person; in the matter
of powers and authorities。

Although she has provided so many ways of getting rid of unsatisfactory
members and officials; she was still afraid she might have left a life…
preserver lying around somewhere; therefore she devised a rule to cover
that defect。  By applying it; she can excommunicate (and this is
perpetual again) every functionary connected with the Supreme Church; and
every one of the twenty…five thousand members of that Church; at an
hour's noticeand do it all by herself without anybody's help。

By authority of this astonishing By…law; she has only to say a person
connected with that Church is secretly practicing hypnotism or mesmerism;
whereupon; immediate excommunication; without a hearing; is his portion!
She does not have to order a trial and produce evidenceher accusation
is all that is necessary。

Where is the Pope? and where the Czar?  As the ballad says:

     〃Ask of the winds that far away
     With fragments strewed the sea!〃

The Branch Church's pulpit is occupied by two 〃Readers。〃  Without them
the Branch Church is as dead as if its throat had been cut。  To have
control; then; of the Readers; is to have control of the Branch Churches。
Mrs。 Eddy has that controla control wholly without limit; a control
shared with no one。

1。  No Reader can be appointed to any Church in the Christian Science
world without her express approval。

2。  She can summarily expel from his or her place any Reader; at home or
abroad; by a mere letter of dismissal; over her signature; and without
furnishing any reason for it; to either the congregation or the Reader。

Thus she has as absolute control over all Branch Churches as she has over
the Supreme Church。  This power exceeds the Pope's。

In simple truth; she is the only absolute sovereign in all Christendom。
The authority of the other sovereigns has limits; hers has none; none
whatever。  And her yoke does not fret; does not offend。  Many of the
subjects of the other monarchs feel their yoke; and are restive under it;
their loyalty is insincere。  It is not so with this one's human property;
their loyalty is genuine; earnest; sincere; enthusiastic。 
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