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sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯-第14章

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d started to walk quickly; into the passage。

she looked back after a few yards; to see the doorkeeper waiting near the door; its sword at the guard position。 beyond it; the door was bulging in; iron…bound planks bursting; breaking around a hole as big as a dinner plate。

the mordicant reached in and broke off more planks; as easily as it might snap toothpicks。 it was obviously furious that its prey was getting away; for it burned all over now。 yellow…red flames vomited from its mouth in a vile torrent; and black smoke rose like a second shadow around it; eddying in crazy circles as it howled。

sabriel looked away; setting off at a fast walk; but the walk grew faster and faster; became a jog and then a run。 her feet pounded on the stone; but it wasn鈥檛 until she was almost sprinting; that she realized why she could鈥攈er pack and skis were still back at the lower door。 for a moment;  she was struck with a nervous inclination to go back; but it passed before it even became conscious thought。 even so; her hands checked scabbard and bandolier; and gained reassurance from the cool metal of sword hilt and the handsmoothed wood of the bell handles。

it was light too; she realized as she ran。 charter marks ran in the stone; keeping pace with her。

charter marks for light and for fleetness; and for many other things she didn鈥檛 know。 strange marks and many of them鈥攕o many that sabriel wondered how she could have ever thought that a first in magic from an ancelstierran school would make her a great mage in the old kingdom。 fear and realization of ignorance were strong medicines against stupid pride。

another howl came racing up the passage and echoed onwards; acpanied by many crashes; and thuds or clangs of steel striking supernatural flesh; or ricocheting off stone。

sabriel didn鈥檛 need to look back to know the mordicant had broken through the door and was now fighting the doorkeeper鈥攐r pushing past him。 sabriel knew little of such sendings; but a mon failing with the sentinel variety was an inability to leave their post。 once the  creature got a few feet past the doorkeeper; the sending would be useless鈥攁nd one great charge would soon get the mordicant past。

that thought gave her another burst of speed; but sabriel knew that it was the last。 her body; pushed by fear and weakened by cold and exertion; was on the edge of failure。 her legs felt stiff; muscles ready to cramp; and her lungs seemed to bubble with fluid rather than air。

ahead; the corridor seemed to go on and on; sloping ever upwards。 but the light only shone where sabriel ran; so perhaps the exit might not be too far ahead; perhaps just past the next little patch of darkness 。 。 。

even as this thought passed through her mind; sabriel saw a glow that sharpened into the bright tracing of a doorway。 she half gasped; half cried out; both slight human noises drowned out by the unholy; inhuman screech of the mordicant。 it was past the doorkeeper。

at the same time; sabriel became aware of a new sound ahead; a sound she had initially thought was the throb of blood in her ears; the pounding of a racing heart。 but it was outside; beyond the upper door。 a deep; roaring noise; so low it was almost a vibration; a shudder that she  felt through the floor; rather than heard。

heavy trucks passing on a road above; sabriel thought; before remembering where she was。 in that same instant; she recognized the sound。

somewhere ahead; out of these encircling cliffs; a great waterfall was crashing down。 and a waterfall that made so great a sound must be fed by an equally great river。

running water! the prospect of it fueled sabriel with sudden hope; and with that hope came the strength she thought beyond her。 in a wild spurt of speed; she almost hit the door; hands slapping against the wood; slowing for the instant she needed to find the handle or ring。

but another hand was already on the ring when she touched it; though none had been there a second before。 again; charter marks defined this hand; and sabriel could see the grain of the wood and the blueing of the steel through the palm of another sending。

this one was smaller; of indeterminate sex; for it was wearing a habit like a monk鈥檚; with the hood drawn across its head。 the habit was black and bore the emblem of the silver key front and back。

it bowed; and turned the ring。 the door swung  open; to reveal bright starlight shining down between clouds fleeing the newly risen wind。 the noise of the waterfall roared through the open doorway; acpanied by flecks of flying spray。

without thinking; sabriel stepped out。

the cowled doorkeeper came with her and shut the door behind it; before dragging a delicate; silver portcullis down across the door and locking it with an iron padlock。 both defenses apparently came out of thin air。 sabriel looked at them and felt power in them; for both were also charter sendings。 but door; portcullis and lock would only slow the mordicant; not stop it。 the only possible escape lay across the swiftest of running water; or the untimely glare of a noonday sun。

the first lay at her feet and the second was still many hours away。 sabriel stood on a narrow ledge that projected out from the bank of a river at least four hundred yards wide。 a little to her right; a scant few paces away; this mighty river hurled itself over the cliff; to make a truly glorious waterfall。 sabriel leaned forward a little; to look at the waters crashing below; creating huge white wings of spray that could easily swallow her entire school; new wing and all; like a rubber  duck swamped in an unruly bath。

it was a very long fall; and the height; coupled with the sheer power of the water; made her quickly look back to the river。 straight ahead; halfway across; sabriel could just make out an island; an island perched on the very lip of the waterfall; dividing the river into two streams。 it wasn鈥檛 a very big island; about the size of a football field; but it rose like a ship of jagged rock from the turbulent waters。

encircling the island were limestone…white walls the height of six men。 behind those walls was a house。 it was too dark to see clearly; but there was a tower; a thrusting; pencil silhouette; with red tiles that were just beginning to catch the dawning sun。 below the tower; a dark bulk hinted at the existence of a hall; a kitchen; bedrooms; armory; buttery and cellar。 the study; sabriel suddenly remembered; occupied the second to top floor of the tower。 the top floor was an observatory; both of stars and the surrounding territory。

it was abhorsen鈥檚 house。 home; although sabriel had only visited it twice; or maybe three times; all when she was too young to remember much。 that period of her life was hazy; and mostly filled with recollections of the travelers;  the interiors of their wagons; and many different campsites that all blurred together。 she didn鈥檛 even remember the waterfall; though the sound of it did stir some recognition鈥攕omething had lodged in the mind of a four…year…old girl。

unfortunately; she didn鈥檛 remember how to get to the house。 only the words her mother…sending had given her鈥攁bhorsen鈥檚 bridge。

she hadn鈥檛 realized she鈥檇 spoken these words aloud; till the little gate warden tugged at her sleeve and pointed down。 sabriel looked and saw steps carved into the bank; steps leading right down to the river。

this time; sabriel didn鈥檛 hesitate。 she nodded to the charter sending and whispered; 鈥渢hank you;鈥潯efore taking the steps。 the mordicant鈥檚 presence was pressing at her again; like a stranger鈥檚 rank breath behind her ear。 she knew it had reached the upper gate; though the sound of its battering and destruction was drowned in the greater roar of the waters。

the steps led to the river; but did not end there。 though invisible from the ledge; there were stepping…stones leading out to the island。

sabriel eyed them nervously; and looked at the water。 it was clearly very deep and rushing past   at an alarming speed。 the stepping…stones were barely above its boisterous wavelets and; even though they were wide and cross…hatched for grip; they were also wet with spray and the slushy remnants of snow and ice。

sabriel watched a small piece of ice from upstream hurtle by; and pictured its slingshot ride over the falls; to be smashed apart so far below。

she imagined herself in its place; and then thought of the mordicant behind her; of the dead spirit that was at its heart; of the death it would bring; and the imprisonment she would suffer beyond death。

she jumped。 her boots skidded a little and her arms flailed for balance; but she ended up steady; bent over in a half…crouch。 hardly waiting to rebalance; she jumped to the next stone and then the one after that; and again; in a mad leapfrog through the spray and thunder of the river。

when she was halfway out; with a hundred yards of pure; ferocious water behind her; she stopped and looked back。

the mordicant was on the ledge; the silvery portcullis broken and mangled in its grip。 there was no sign of the gate warden; but that was not surprising。 defeated; it would merely fade until the charter…spell renewed itself鈥攈ours; days or even years later。

the dead thing was curious
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