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I believe that made the difference。 The launch took place two weeks ahead of plan—a significant period of time in our industry; where shelf life for products is generally less than one year。                 
Q:Where do you hope that your career will have progressed to in the next few years?  
A:Over the next few years Id like to have progressed to the point where I have bottomline budget responsibility; and I'm also in charge of a production unit where I have laborrelations; qualitycontrol; design; and manufacturing responsibilities。 I believe this job will go a long way to helping me meet my career goals。  
Q:What are your longterm career plans?  
A:My longterm career goals are to bee known as an industry expert and to have earned a respectable management position with responsibility for a major piece of the business。 Id like to think Ill have experience in many parts of the business over time。  
Q:Since this will be your first job; how do you know you'll like the career path?  
A:Although its true that Ive never worked a job in your industry; I've talked to many friends and alums at my school who've been successful in your pany。  
I always ask them the questions; “Whats the most frustrating thing about your job?”and “Whats the most rewarding thing about your job?” From the information Ive gained; Im confident that Ill be able to adapt quickly to your culture and will find the next few years rewarding; based on my goals and values。  
Q:Why is this job right for you at this time in your career?  
A:This job would build on my extensive technical background both as a navy munications officer and in the two software panies where Ive worked。 I believe I'm now ready to assume broader responsibilities as a project manager。 Ive demonstrated my ability to handle the responsibility for both a diverse team of programmers and engineers and for major apital budgets。  
Q:What are your aspirations beyond this job?  
A:Beyond this job as a marketing assistant; I see myself moving up through marketing analysis into brand management and eventually running a category。 Im aware that there are several skills I need to develop in the interval; and I believe with your continuingeducation program and my own motivation for selfimprovement; I'll have those skills when the pportunities arise for greater responsibility。 That's why I'm determined to learn from the ground up; starting as a marketing assistant。                 
Q:What new challenges would you enjoy?  
A:Ive worked in the hospitality industry for over eight years and have progressively worked in larger; more prestigious hotels。 I've learned the foodandbeverage side of the business and the hotelmanagement side; and now I believe I'm ready to be a conventionor conferencesales manager。  
Q:If you could start all over again; what direction would your career take?  
A:Ive always enjoyed consumer sales as I've moved up in my career。 Looking back; I wish I'd gotten a bit more experience in market research earlier in my career; because its important to understand the types of quantitative models and technicalresearch techniques that are now important for a regional sales manager to know。  
Q:What achievements have eluded you?  
A:Ive achieved considerable success at the finance department of my pany; a large corporation。 I've worked in two different plants as the director of finance。 Ive worked in capital budgets at the corporate office and in the businessplanning area。 Unfortunately; Ive never had the opportunity to work in the treasury department。 Based on my graduate finance education and my several years finance experience; Im now convinced that Im ready to handle this responsibility and that it'l be the next step in my learning curve toward a top financeexecutive position。  
Q:How long do you think youd continue to grow in this job?  
A:My own personal measure of growth in a job is acquiring new skills; new knowledge; and new insights into the industry。 As long as I can measure this type of gowth; I consider myself successful。 Im a believer in stretching a job by reaching out to learn more about other areas that are peripheral to the job I'm in。  
Q:What career path interests you within the pany?  
A:I'd like to work toward being a senior project manager within your mercial realestate firm。 My background includes several areas within mercial real estate; including working in architectural design; working with governmental departments and agencies; working with banks in the finance area; and; finally; working in sales and leasing。 Id lik
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