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low the white candlestick; in the dark。cloud cover pattern; the first black。candlestick。begins。above the white candlestick。 Either way it is。a sell signal。 The three patterns。are pared in Figure 
Dark Cloudver; With。Upward。Break 
Market wisdom says。that a dark。cloud cover occurring at the top of the range may push prices。down; but if the market can break。out of it; there will be a reversal upward。 Therefore; even if there is。dark。cloud cover in a rising market; if prices。can return and set a new high (generally within five moves); the proper course of action is。to buy (see Figure 4。29)。 
Five Consecutive White and。Five Consecutive Black Candlesticks 
There are times when a series。of short white candlesticks。is。produced after the market has。experienced a significant decline (see Figure 4。30)。 Convention says。that five of these candlesticksnfirm the bottom and are a buying signal。 The converse is。also true。 A series。of five consecutive short black。candlesticks。near the top of the range isnsidered to confirm the top and be a selling signal。 

Sakata's Five Tactics 
We've examined the shapes。of individual candlesticks。and binations。of two or more。 Sakata…style tactics。take these patterns。and turn them into techniques。 They were developed by Sakata's。celebrated trader Munehisa Homma; who made his。fortune in the Edo…period rice market。 (One song from the time goes; “I may never be a Homma; but maybe I can be a lord”)。 
There are five basic。stratagems。in Sakata…style tactics: three mountains; three rivers; three gaps; three soldiers; and three methods。 There are many variations。on each。 We will look。at some of the more mon ones。 
Three Mountains; Inverse Three Mountains 
Three mountains。(three Buddhas) indicates。a major peak。 The market has。peaked and fallen three times; and the second peak。was。particularly high。 Thisrresponds。to the triple top or head…and…shoulders。pattern used in Western charting that's。also considered to be an indication of the top。 The 〃neckline〃 is。formed by connecting the low points。of the three valleys。 The three mountains。pattern ispleted after the third mountain is。formed and the price breaks downward from the neckline。 This。is。sometimes。called three Buddhas。because of the resemblance to Buddhist statuary—Syakamuni is。often flanked by two bodhisattvas。 Traders。will sometimes。refer to this。as。the three Buddha top。 This isnsidered a classic。topping pattern; especially。if volume declines。over。time (as。the chart moves。to the right) (see Figure 4。31)。 

Inverse Three Mountain。Bottom 
In the inverse of three mountains; or inverse three Buddhas; the mountains。appear upside down。 Like three mountains; the inverse three mountains。pattern ispleted only。after the price breaks through the neckline。 Once it does。so; it can be considered a buy。signal。 Alter a buy signal has。been given; the neckline is。the target for any reversals。(see Figure 4。32)。 

Three Rivers 
Three rivers。indicates。a small white or black。candlestick。called star; or indecision line; or doji (called a cross); between large white and black。candlesticks。 This。is。generallynsidered to be an indication of reversal。 If the market has。had a significant rise and then produces。a large white candlestick; followed by a gap upward the next day to produce a star of white or black。(or cross); and then on the third day gaps。downward to produce a large black。candlestick; it is called a morning star (cross; shooting star) on three rivers。and is a selling decision line。 On the opposite side; a large black。candlestick。followed by a gap downward to an indecision pattern in the form of a small white or black。candlestick; or cross; with a large gap upward to form a white candlestick on the third day indicates。that the market has。bottomed out and is。a buying signal。 This。is considered a classic。pattern; indicating either the peak。or trough。 
It's。easy to understand why the three rivers is。taken to signify a top or bottom if one considers。the process。of its。formation。 The market has。experienced a strong rise and produced a large white candlestick; but the next day it struggles。to make further gains。or actually loses。a little ground。 It is。indecisive; and this。indecision followed by a large black candlestick。on the third day shows。that the market has。decided to turn down。 The downward momentum isnfirmed; further downward pressure is exerted; and prices。drop sharply。 In other words; the interpretation is。basically the same as。following the break。for a harami pattern (see Figure 4。33)。 

An evening star on three rivers。is。a strong signal indicating a reversal downward when it occurs。in the process。of an uptrend。 When the market is。stalled or trading in a narrow range; the proverb says。to 〃look。for abandoned children。〃 There may be times。when the window is。closed on the star (pricing at the gap where the price has jumped higher); but this pattern ing in an area of new highs。is。a precursor to a fall (see Figure 4。34)。 
The morning star; or morning cross; is。the inverse of the evening star; or evening cross。 If the star candlestick。represents。a new low; it's。highly likely。that a bottom has。been reached。 However; a star; or cross; does。not necessarily indicate a bottom。 Confirmation of a bottom es。only with the pletion of the three rivers。pattern (see Figure 4。35)。 
Three Soldiers 
Three soldiers。occurs。when there are three white or black。candlesticks。all moving in the same direction。 Three white soldiers。is。a pattern of three white candlesticks。that do not open higher but consistently close higher。 It’snsidered a precursor to a major uptrend。 The inverse; in which three consecutive black。candlesticks。produce declining highs; is。called three black。soldiers。(also three black。crows) and predicts。a significant decline。 The Japanese have traditionally considered the crow to be an unlucky bird; and the black。of the candlesticks; corresponding to the black。of the crows; is considered bad luck。for the markets; the beginning of a decline。 

On the other hand; three white soldiers。appearing in an uptrend signals。resistance to higher prices。 If the white candlesticks。bee progressively smaller; the soldiers。are 〃at a dead end〃 and the market is。likely to peak。 
Three Black Crows 
Three black。crows。is。a classic。indication that a bear market has begun。 This。pattern occurs。in an uptrend when there are three consecutive and contiguous。(no gaps) black。candlesticks。 It'snsidered to signal the start of a prolonged bear market; but must occur at a relatively。high point for the pattern to hold。 Note also that if the first black。candlestick。gaps。upward; it is。an osaekomi pattern and a buy signal (see Figure 4。36)。 
Three White Soldiers 
This。pattern is the inverse of three black。crows; or three black。soldiers。 It monly。occurs。when prices。have been sliding downward and the market is。searching for a bottom。 The three consecutive white candlesticks。are relatively small; but indicate that the market is。on better footing and has。bottomed out。 The bottom isnfirmed only if prices。do not fall below the first white candlestick。(see Figure 4。37)。 
Three Gaps 
As。the name implies; three gaps is。a series。of three consecutive gaps。 Market wisdom says。that in an uptrend you should *4sell into three jumps。up;n whereas。in a downtrend; you should 〃buy on three poundings〃 because this。often signals。a major trough。 Pounding refers。to a selling climax after the third gap downward; because the bears。have sold all they have to sell。 
When there is。no overlap between the first days。and the second day's。candlesticks; the gap between the two is。referred to as。a window。 If a trend is。breaking out of a holding pattern (moving significantly in either direction after a period of narrow moves); market wisdom says。to follow the break。 It's。generally easier for the market to move in the direction of the break。 The holding pattern will often close the window (actively trade at the gap); and it ismon for prices to return to their original levels。 This。isnsidered a turning point in the market。 The occurrence of three of these turning point gaps in a row is considered extremely significant (see Figure 4。38)。 

Three Methods 
The legends。of Munehisa Homma (and there are many) say that he had a third method he emphasized in addition to selling and buying: resting。 If the market is。trading in a narrow range; frequent buying and selling is。unlikely to increase earnings。 The more often you trade; the higher your costs。(in the form of trading missions) and the more likely you will take a loss。 It's。important at these times to rest—and knowing when to time your rests。is。just as。important as knowing when to time your buying and selling。 
The three methods。pattern shown in Figure 4。39 is。the candlestickbination that tells。you to rest。 Three methods is。also referred to as three rules。and refers。to the three choices。of selling; buying; or resting。 
In the top pattern of Figure 4。39; an uptrend has。produced a large white candlestick。followed by harami patterns。(either white or black)。 There is。then the large white marubozu that exceeds。the previous。high to form a classic。breakout from a holding pattern。 The small harami patterns。indicate a break。in the ac
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