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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第102章

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For tax and other reasons; private panies also often find it difficult to diversify outside their industries。 Berkshire; in contrast; can diversify with ease。 So in shifting their ownership to Berkshire; Dexter's shareholders solved a reinvestment problem。 Moreover; though Harold and Peter now have non…controlling shares in Berkshire; rather than controlling shares in Dexter; they know they will be treated as partners and that we will follow owner…oriented practices。 If they elect to retain their Berkshire shares; their investment result from the merger date forward will exactly parallel my own result。 Since I have a huge percentage of my net worth mitted for life to Berkshire shares … and since the pany will issue me neither restricted shares nor stock options … my gain…loss equation will always match that of all other owners。
Additionally; Harold and Peter know that at Berkshire we can keep our promises: There will be no changes of control or culture at Berkshire for many decades to e。 Finally; and of paramount importance; Harold and Peter can be sure that they will get to run their business … an activity they dearly love … exactly as they did before the merger。 At Berkshire; we do not tell 。400 hitters how to swing。
What made sense for Harold and Peter probably makes sense for a few other owners of large private businesses。 So; if you have a business that might fit; let me hear from you。 Our acquisition criteria are set forth in the appendix on page 22。
Sources of Reported Earnings帐列盈余的来源
The table below shows the major sources of Berkshire's reported earnings。 In this presentation; amortization of Goodwill and other major purchase…price accounting adjustments are not charged against the specific businesses to which they apply; but are instead aggregated and shown separately。 This procedure lets you view the earnings of our businesses as they would have been reported had we not purchased them。 I've explained in past reports why this form of presentation seems to us to be more useful to investors and managers than one utilizing GAAP; which requires purchase…price adjustments to be made on a business…by…business basis。 The total net earnings we show in the table are; of course; identical to the GAAP total in our audited financial statements。
(000s omitted) Berkshire's Share of Net Earnings (after taxes and Pre…Tax Earnings minority interests) 
Operating Earnings: Insurance Group:
Underwriting Net Investment Ine H。 H。 Brown; Lowell; and Dexter  Buffalo News mercial & Consumer Finance Fechheimer Kirby
1993  30;876 375;946 44;025* 50;962 22;695 13;442 39;147
1992 (108;961) 355;067 27;883 47;863 19;836 13;698 35;653
1993  20;156 321;321 28;829 29;696 14;161 6;931 25;056
1992 (71;141) 305;763 17;340 28;163 12;664 7;267 22;795

Nebraska Furniture Mart Scott Fetzer Manufacturing Group See's Candies World Book Purchase…Price Accounting & 
Goodwill Charges Interest Expense** Shareholder…Designated 
Contributions Other
1993 21;540 38;196 41;150 19;915 (17;033) (56;545) (9;448) 28;428
1992 17;110 31;954 42;357 29;044 (12;087) (98;643) (7;634) 67;540
1993 10;398 23;809 24;367 13;537 (13;996) (35;614) (5;994) 15;094
1992 8;072 19;883 25;501 19;503 (13;070) (62;899) (4;913) 32;798
Operating Earnings Sales of Securities Tax Accruals Caused by New Accounting Rules Total Earnings … All Entities
1993 643;296 546;422
… 1;189;718
1992 460;680 89;937
…  550;617
1993 477;751 356;702 (146;332) 688;121
1992 347;726 59;559
… 407;285
* Includes Dexter's earnings only from the date it was acquired; November 7; 1993。
**Excludes interest expense of mercial and Consumer Finance businesses。 In 1992 includes 22。5 million of premiums paid on the early redemption of debt。
A large amount of information about these businesses is given on pages 38…49; where you will also find our segment earnings reported on a GAAP basis。 In addition; on pages 52…59; we have rearranged Berkshire's financial data into four segments on a non…GAAP basis; a presentation that corresponds to the way Charlie and I think about the pany。 Our intent is to supply you with the financial information that we would wish you to give us if our positions were reversed。
〃Look…Through〃 Earnings透视盈余
We've previously discussed look…through earnings; which we believe more accurately portray the earnings of Berkshire than does our GAAP result。 As we calculate them; look…through earnings consist of: (1) the operating earnings reported in the previous section; plus; (2) the retained operating earnings of major investees that; under GAAP accounting; are not reflected in our profits; less; (3) an allowance for the tax that would be paid by Berkshire if these retained earnings of investees had instead been distributed to us。 The 〃operating earnings〃 of which we speak here exclude capital gains; special accounting items and major restructuring charges。
Over time; our look…through earnings need to increase at about 15% annually if our intrinsic value is to grow at that rate。 Last year; I explained that we had to increase these earnings to about 1。8 billion in the year 2000; were we to meet the 15% goal。 Because we issued additional shares in 1993; the amount needed has risen to about 1。85 billion。
That is a tough goal; but one that we expect you to hold us to。 In the past; we've criticized the managerial practice of shooting the arrow of performance and then painting the target; centering it on whatever point the arrow happened to hit。 We will instead risk embarrassment by painting first and shooting later。
If we are to hit the bull's…eye; we will need markets that allow the purchase of businesses and securities on sensible terms。 Right now; markets are difficult; but they can … and will … change in unexpected ways and at unexpected times。 In the meantime; we'll try to resist the temptation to do something marginal simply because we are long on cash。 There's no use running if you're on the wrong road。
The following table shows how we calculate look…through earnings; though I warn you that the figures are necessarily very rough。 (The dividends paid to us by these investees have been included in the operating earnings itemized on page 8; mostly under 〃Insurance Group: Net Investment Ine。〃) 
Berkshire's Share of Undistributed 
Berkshire's Approximate Operating Earnings
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