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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第111章

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 shoes; cutlery; encyclopedias; and the like。 Among my favorites slated to be there is a See's candy assortment that memorates Mrs。 B's 100th birthday and that features her picture; rather than Mrs。 See's; on the package。
We remend that you promptly get hotel reservations at one of these hotels: (1) The Radisson…Redick Tower; a small (88 rooms) but nice hotel across the street from the Orpheum; (2) the much larger Red Lion Hotel; located about a five…minute walk from the Orpheum; or (3) the Marriott; located in West Omaha about 100 yards from Borsheim's; which is a twenty…minute drive from downtown。 We will have buses at the Marriott that will leave at 8:30 and 8:45 for the meeting and return after it ends。
我们建议大家最好先向以下旅馆预订房间(1)Radisson…Redick旅馆…就位在Orpheum中心对街拥有88个房间的一家小旅馆(2)较大一点的Red Lion旅馆…离Orpheum中心约五分钟路程,或是(3)Marriott位在奥玛哈西区,离波仙珠宝店约100公尺,开车到市中心约需20分钟,届时将会有巴士接送大家往返股东会会场。
An attachment to our proxy material explains how you can obtain the card you will need for admission to the meeting。 With the admission card; we will enclose information about parking facilities located near the Orpheum。 If you are driving; e a little early。 Nearby lots fill up quickly and you may have to walk a few blocks。
As usual; we will have buses to take you to Nebraska Furniture Mart and Borsheim's after the meeting and to take you from there to downtown hotels or the airport later。 Those of you arriving early can visit the Furniture Mart any day of the week; it is open from 10 a。m。 to 5:30 p。m。 on Saturdays and from noon to 5:30 p。m。 on Sundays。 Borsheim's normally is closed on Sunday but will be open for shareholders and their guests from noon to 6 p。m。 on Sunday; April 24。
In past trips to Borsheim's; many of you have met Susan Jacques。 Early in 1994; Susan was made President and CEO of the pany; having risen in 11 years from a 4…an…hour job that she took at the store when she was 23。 Susan will be joined at Borsheim's on Sunday by many of the managers of our other businesses; and Charlie and I will be there as well。
过去几年若你去过波仙,应该都碰到过Susan Jacques, 23岁那年她进入公司从4美元时薪的小妹做起,经过11年的工作生涯,在1994年初Susan成为波仙珠宝公司的总裁,星期天Susan连同Berkshire旗下许多经理人以及查理和我都会出席。
On the previous evening; Saturday; April 23; there will be a baseball game at Rosenblatt Stadium between the Omaha Royals and the Nashville Sounds (which could turn out to be Michael Jordan's team)。 As you may know; a few years ago I bought 25% of the Royals (a capital…allocation decision for which I will not bee famous) and this year the league has cooperatively scheduled a home stand at Annual Meeting time。
在前一天4月23日,星期六晚上,在Rosenblatt体育馆将会有一场奥玛哈皇家队对Nashville (就是麦可乔登后来加入的那只棒球队),或许大家知道,几年前我个人买下皇家队25%的股权(一个我自己不太好意思让大家知道的资金分配决策),今年联盟特地将主场安排在Berkshire股东年会期间。
I will throw the first pitch on the 23rd; and it's a certainty that I will improve on last year's humiliating performance。 On that occasion; the catcher inexplicably called for my 〃sinker〃 and I dutifully delivered a pitch that barely missed my foot。 This year; I will go with my high hard one regardless of what the catcher signals; so bring your speed…timing devices。 The proxy statement will include information about obtaining tickets to the game。 I regret to report that you won't have to buy them from scalpers。
Our gain in net worth during 1994 was 1。45 billion or 13。9%。 Over the last 30 years (that is; since present management took over) our per…share book value has grown from 19 to 10;083; or at a rate of 23% pounded annually。
Charlie Munger; Berkshire's Vice Chairman and my partner; and I make few predictions。 One we will confidently offer; however; is that the future performance of Berkshire won't e close to matching the performance of the past。
The problem is not that what has worked in the past will cease to work in the future。 To the contrary; we believe that our formula … the purchase at sensible prices of businesses that have good underlying economics and are run by honest and able people … is certain to produce reasonable success。 We expect; therefore; to keep on doing well。

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