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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第26章

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There's not a lot new to report about these businesses … and that's good; not bad。 Severe change and exceptional returns usually don't mix。 Most investors; of course; behave as if just the opposite were true。 That is; they usually confer the highest price…earnings ratios on exotic…sounding businesses that hold out the promise of feverish change。 That prospect lets investors fantasize about future profitability rather than face today's business realities。 For such investor…dreamers; any blind date is preferable to one with the girl next door; no matter how desirable she may be。 
Experience; however; indicates that the best business returns are usually achieved by panies that are doing something quite similar today to what they were doing five or ten years ago。 That is no argument for managerial placency。 Businesses always have opportunities to improve service; product lines; manufacturing techniques; and the like; and obviously these opportunities should be seized。 But a business that constantly encounters major change also encounters many chances for major error。 Furthermore; economic terrain that is forever shifting violently is ground on which it is difficult to build a fortress…like business franchise。 Such a franchise is usually the key to sustained high returns。 
The Fortune study I mentioned earlier supports our view。 Only 25 of the 1;000 panies met two tests of economic excellence … an average return on equity of over 20% in the ten years; 1977 through 1986; and no year worse than 15%。 These business superstars were also stock market superstars: During the decade; 24 of the 25 outperformed the S&P 500。 
The Fortune champs may surprise you in two respects。 First; most use very little leverage pared to their interest…paying capacity。 Really good businesses usually don't need to borrow。 Second; except for one pany that is 〃high…tech〃 and several others that manufacture ethical drugs; the panies are in businesses that; on balance; seem rather mundane。 Most sell non…sexy products or services in much the same manner as they did ten years ago (though in larger quantities now; or at higher prices; or both)。 The record of these 25 panies confirms that making the most of an already strong business franchise; or concentrating on a single winning business theme; is what usually produces exceptional economics。 
Berkshire's experience has been similar。 Our managers have produced extraordinary results by doing rather ordinary things … but doing them exceptionally well。 Our managers protect their franchises; they control costs; they search for new products and markets that build on their existing strengths and they don't get diverted。 They work exceptionally hard at the details of their businesses; and it shows。 
Here's an update: 
o Agatha Christie; whose husband was an archaeologist; said that was the perfect profession for one's spouse: 〃The older you bee; the more interested they are in you。〃 It is students of business management; not archaeologists; who should be interested in Mrs。 B (Rose Blumkin); the 94…year…old chairman of Nebraska Furniture Mart。 
Fifty years ago Mrs。 B started the business with 500; and today NFM is far and away the largest home furnishings store in the country。 Mrs。 B continues to work seven days a week at the job from the opening of each business day until the close。 She buys; she sells; she manages … and she runs rings around the petition。 It's clear to me that she's gathering speed and may well reach her full potential in another five or ten years。 Therefore; I've persuaded the Board to scrap our mandatory retirement…at…100 policy。 (And it's about time: With every passing year; this policy has seemed sillier to me。) 
去年(1987年) NFM的销货净额是一亿四千多万美元,较前一年度成长8%,这是全美独一无二的一家店,也是全美独一无二的家族,B太太跟她三个儿子拥有天生的生意头脑、品格与冲劲,且分工合作,团结一致。
Net sales of NFM were 142。6 million in 1987; up 8% from 1986。 There's nothing like this store in the country; and there's nothing like the family Mrs。 B has produced to carry on: Her son Louie; and his three boys; Ron; Irv and Steve; possess the business instincts; integrity and drive of Mrs。 B。 They work as a team and; strong as each is individually; the whole is far greater than the sum of the parts。 
The superb job done by the Blumkins benefits us as owners; but even more dramatically benefits NFM's customers。 They saved about 30 million in 1987 by buying from NFM。 In other words; the goods they bought would have cost that much more if purchased elsewhere。 
去年我接到一封无名氏所写的相当有趣的信︰「很遗憾看到Berkshire第二季的获利下滑,想要提高 贵公司的获利吗? 有一个不错的法子,去查查NFM的产品售价,你会发现他们把一、两成的获利空间白白奉送给客户,算算一年一亿四千万的营业额,那可是二千八百万的利润,这个数字实在是相当可观,再看看别家家具、地毯或是电器用品的价格,你就会发现把价格调回来是再合理不过了。谢谢
You'll enjoy an anonymous letter I received last August: 〃Sorry to see Berkshire profits fall in the second quarter。 One way you may gain back part of your lost。 (sic) Check the pricing at The Furniture Mart。 You will find that they are leaving 10% to 20% on the table。 This additional profit on 140 million of sells (sic) is 28 million。 Not small change in anyone's pocket! Check out other furniture; carpet; appliance and T。V。 dealers。 Your raising prices to a reasonable profit will help。 Thank you。 /signed/ A petitor。〃 NFM will continue to grow and prosper by following Mrs。 B's maxim: 〃Sell cheap and tell the truth。〃 
o Among dominant papers of its size or larger; the Buffalo News continues to be the national leader in two important ways: (1) its weekday and Sunday penetration rate (the percentage of households in the paper's primary market area that purchase it); and (2) its 〃news…hole〃 percentage (the portion of the paper devoted to news)。
It may not be coincidence that one newspaper leads in both categories: an exceptionally 〃newsrich〃 product makes for broad audience appeal; which in turn leads to high penetration。 Of course; quantity must be matched by quality。 This not only means good reporting and good writing; it means freshness and relevance。 To be indispensable; a paper must promptly tell its readers many things they want to know but won't otherwise learn until much later; if ever。 
At the News; we put out seven fresh editions every 24 hours; each one extensively changed in conte
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