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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第28章

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r purchase。 Results in 1987 were even better。 Pre…tax earnings rose 10% while average capital employed declined significantly。 
Ralph's mastery of the 19 businesses for which he is responsible is truly amazing; and he has also attracted some outstanding managers to run them。 We would love to find a few additional units that could be put under Ralph's wing。 
The businesses of Scott Fetzer are too numerous to describe in detail。 Let's just update you on one of our favorites: At the end of 1987; World Book introduced its most dramatically…revised edition since 1962。 The number of color photos was increased from 14;000 to 24;000; over 6;000 articles were revised; 840 new contributors were added。 Charlie and I remend this product to you and your family; as we do World Book's products for younger children; Childcraft and Early World of Learning。 
In 1987; World Book unit sales in the United States increased for the fifth consecutive year。 International sales and profits also grew substantially。 The outlook is good for Scott Fetzer operations in aggregate; and for World Book in particular。 
Insurance Operations 
Shown below is an updated version of our usual table presenting key figures for the insurance industry: 
    Yearly Change in bined Ratio Yearly Change in GNP Deflators
    Premiums Written   Incurred Loss
1981   3。8% 106。0%   6。5% 9。7%
1982   4。4% 109。8%   8。4% 6。4%
1983   4。6% 112。0%   6。8% 3。9%
1984   9。2% 117。9%   16。9% 3。8%
1985   22。1% 116。5%   16。1% 3。3%
1986 (Rev。) 22。2% 108。0%   13。5% 2。6%
1987 (Est。) 8。7% 104。7%   6。8% 3。0%
The bined ratio represents total insurance costs (losses incurred plus expenses) pared to revenue from premiums: A ratio below 100 indicates an underwriting profit; and one above 100 indicates a loss。 When the investment ine that an insurer earns from holding on to policyholders' funds (〃the float〃) is taken into account; a bined ratio in the 107…111 range typically produces an overall break…even result; exclusive of earnings on the funds provided by shareholders。 
The math of the insurance business; encapsulated by the table; is not very plicated。 In years when the industry's annual gain in revenues (premiums) pokes along at 4% or 5%; underwriting losses are sure to mount。 That is not because auto accidents; fires; windstorms and the like are occurring more frequently; nor has it lately been the fault of general inflation。 Today; social and judicial inflation are the major culprits; the cost of entering a courtroom has simply ballooned。 Part of the jump in cost arises from skyrocketing verdicts; and part from the tendency of judges and juries to expand the coverage of insurance policies beyond that contemplated by the insurer when the policies were written。 Seeing no let…up in either trend; we continue to believe that the industry's revenues must grow at about 10% annually for it to just hold its own in terms of profitability; even though general inflation may be running at a considerably lower rate。 
过去三年来保费收入的大幅成长几乎可以确定今年同业的绩效都会相当不错,事实证明也是如此,不过接下来的情况可就不太妙了,根据Best's统计预估, 1988年的每季的成长率将由12。9%按季逐渐下滑至11。1%、5。7%、5。6%,可以确定的是1988年的保费成长一定会低于10%的损益两平点,很明显的好日子已经不多了。
The strong revenue gains of 1985…87 almost guaranteed the industry an excellent underwriting performance in 1987 and; indeed; it was a banner year。 But the news soured as the quarters rolled by: Best's estimates that year…over…year volume increases were 12。9%; 11。1%; 5。7%; and 5。6%。 In 1988; the revenue gain is certain to be far below our 10% 〃equilibrium〃 figure。 Clearly; the party is over。 
However; earnings will not immediately sink。 A lag factor exists in this industry: Because most policies are written for a one…year term; higher or lower insurance prices do not have their full impact on earnings until many months after they go into effect。 Thus; to resume our metaphor; when the party ends and the bar is closed; you are allowed to finish your drink。 If results are not hurt by a major natural catastrophe; we predict a small climb for the industry's bined ratio in 1988; followed by several years of larger increases。 
The insurance industry is cursed with a set of dismal economic characteristics that make for a poor long…term outlook: hundreds of petitors; ease of entry; and a product that cannot be differentiated in any meaningful way。 In such a modity…like business; only a very low…cost operator or someone operating in a protected; and usually small; niche can sustain high profitability levels。 
When shortages exist; however; even modity businesses flourish。 The insurance industry enjoyed that kind of climate for a while but it is now gone。 One of the ironies of capitalism is that most managers in modity industries abhor shortage conditions … even though those are the only circumstances permitting them good returns。 Whenever shortages appear; the typical manager simply can't wait to expand capacity and thereby plug the hole through which money is showering upon him。 This is precisely what insurance managers did in 1985…87; confirming again Disraeli's observation: 〃What we learn from history is that we do not learn from history。〃 
在Berkshire,我们努力避免自己的公司成为商品化的企业,首先我们凭借着自己强大的资金实力,来凸显我们产品的不同,但这种效果实在是有限,尤其在个人险的部份,因为即使是其所投保的保险公司倒闭(事实上这种状况还不少),汽车险或或房屋险的购买者仍可获得理赔,在商业险的部份也是如此,当情况好时,许多大企业投保户与保险掮客都不太关心保险业者的财务状况,即使是比较复杂的案件,顶多拖个三、五年,最后还是有办法可以解决, (眼不见为净的结果,可能会让你的口袋落空)
At Berkshire; we work to escape the industry's modity economics in two ways。 First; we differentiate our product by our financial strength; which exceeds that of all others in the industry。 This strength; however; is limited in its usefulness。 It means nothing in the personal insurance field: The buyer of an auto or homeowners policy is going to get his claim paid even if his insurer fails (as many have)。 It often means nothing in the mercial insurance arena: When times are good; many major corporate purchasers of insurance and their brokers pay scant attention to the insurer's ability to perform under the more adverse conditions that may exist; say; five years later when a plicated claim is finally resolved。 (Out of sight; out of mind … and; later on; maybe out…of…pocket。) 
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