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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第29章

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Periodically; however; buyers remember Ben Franklin's observation that it is hard for an empty sack to stand upright and recognize their need to buy promises only from insurers that have enduring financial strength。 It is then that we have a major petitive advantage。 When a buyer really focuses on whether a 10 million claim can be easily paid by his insurer five or ten years down the road; and when he takes into account the possibility that poor underwriting conditions may then coincide with depressed financial markets and defaults by reinsurer; he will find only a few panies he can trust。 Among those; Berkshire will lead the pack。 Our second method of differentiating ourselves is the total indifference to volume that we maintain。 In 1989; we will be perfectly willing to write five times as much business as we write in 1988 … or only one…fifth as much。 We hope; of course; that conditions will allow us large volume。 But we cannot control market prices。 If they are unsatisfactory; we will simply do very little business。 No other major insurer acts with equal restraint。 
Three conditions that prevail in insurance; but not in most businesses; allow us our flexibility。 First; market share is not an important determinant of profitability: In this business; in contrast to the newspaper or grocery businesses; the economic rule is not survival of the fattest。 Second; in many sectors of insurance; including most of those in which we operate; distribution channels are not proprietary and can be easily entered: Small volume this year does not preclude huge volume next year。 Third; idle capacity … which in this industry largely means people … does not result in intolerable costs。 In a way that industries such as printing or steel cannot; we can operate at quarter…speed much of the time and still enjoy long…term prosperity。 
We follow a price…based…on…exposure; not…on…petition policy because it makes sense for our shareholders。 But we're happy to report that it is also pro…social。 This policy means that we are always available; given prices that we believe are adequate; to write huge volumes of almost any type of property…casualty insurance。 Many other insurers follow an in…and…out approach。 When they are 〃out〃 … because of mounting losses; capital inadequacy; or whatever … we are available。 Of course; when others are panting to do business we are also available … but at such times we often find ourselves priced above the market。 In effect; we supply insurance buyers and brokers with a large reservoir of standby capacity。 
One story from mid…1987 illustrates some consequences of our pricing policy: One of the largest family…owned insurance brokers in the country is headed by a fellow who has long been a shareholder of Berkshire。 This man handles a number of large risks that are candidates for placement with our New York office。 Naturally; he does the best he can for his clients。 And; just as naturally; when the insurance market softened dramatically in 1987 he found prices at other insurers lower than we were willing to offer。 His reaction was; first; to place all of his business elsewhere and; second; to buy more stock in Berkshire。 Had we been really petitive; he said; we would have gotten his insurance business but he would not have bought our stock。 
Berkshire's underwriting experience was excellent in 1987; in part because of the lag factor discussed earlier。 Our bined ratio (on a statutory basis and excluding structured settlements and financial reinsurance) was 105。 Although the ratio was somewhat less favorable than in 1986; when it was 103; our profitability improved materially in 1987 because we had the use of far more float。 This trend will continue to run in our favor: Our ratio of float to premium volume will increase very significantly during the next few years。 Thus; Berkshire's insurance profits are quite likely to improve during 1988 and 1989; even though we expect our bined ratio to rise。 
Berkshire 1987年的承保表现实在是好极了,一方面是因为先前提到的递延效应,我们的综合比率是105(泛指一般保单,不包含私下协议与金融再保部份),虽然这个数字比起1986年的103来说略微逊色,但我们在1987年的获利却由于有更多的浮存金运用而大幅增进,这种好现象将会持续保持,在往后几年我们浮存金对保费收入的比例还是继续增加,所以展望Berkshire1988年与1989年的获利仍将大幅成长,即便综合比率预估亦会增加。
Our insurance business has also made some important non…financial gains during the last few years。 Mike Goldberg; its manager; has assembled a group of talented professionals to write larger risks and unusual coverages。 His operation is now well equipped to handle the lines of business that will occasionally offer us major opportunities。 
Our loss reserve development; detailed on pages 41…42; looks better this year than it has previously。 But we write lots of 〃long…tail〃 business … that is; policies generating claims that often take many years to resolve。 Examples would be product liability; or directors and officers liability coverages。 With a business mix like this; one year of reserve development tells you very little。 
You should be very suspicious of any earnings figures reported by insurers (including our own; as we have unfortunately proved to you in the past)。 The record of the last decade shows that a great many of our best…known insurers have reported earnings to shareholders that later proved to be wildly erroneous。 In most cases; these errors were totally innocent: The unpredictability of our legal system makes it impossible for even the most conscientious insurer to e close to judging the eventual cost of long…tail claims。 
大家应该对保险公司的盈余数字时时抱持怀疑的态度,(当然也包含我们公司本身,事实证明确是如此) ,过去十年来的记录显示,有许多显赫一时的保险公司报告给股东亮丽的盈余数字最后证明只不过是一场空,在大部分的情况下,这种错误是无心的,我们诡谲多变的司法制度,使得就算是最有良知的保险公司都无法准确预测这类长期保险的最终成本。
Nevertheless; auditors annually certify the numbers given them by management and in their opinions unqualifiedly state that these figures 〃present fairly〃 the financial position of their clients。 The auditors use this reassuring language even though they know from long and painful experience that the numbers so certified are likely to differ dramatically from the true earnings of the period。 Despite this history of error; investors understandably rely upon auditors' opinions。 After all; a declaration saying that 〃the statements present fairly〃 hardly sounds equivocal to the non…accountant。 
The wording in the auditor's standard o
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