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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第42章

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ed corn flakes than low…priced auto insurance。
The antagonism that the public feels toward the industry can have serious consequences: Proposition 103; a California initiative passed last fall; threatens to push auto insurance prices down sharply; even though costs have been soaring。 The price cut has been suspended while the courts review the initiative; but the resentment that brought on the vote has not been suspended: Even if the initiative is overturned; insurers are likely to find it tough to operate profitably in California。 (Thank heavens the citizenry isn mad at bonbons: If Proposition 103 applied to candy as well as insurance; See would be forced to sell its product for 5。76 per pound。 rather than the 7。60 we charge … and would be losing money by the bucketful。)
The immediate direct effects on Berkshire from the initiative are minor; since we saw few opportunities for profit in the rate structure that existed in California prior to the vote。 However; the forcing down of prices would seriously affect GEICO; our 44%…owned investee; which gets about 10% of its premium volume from California。 Even more threatening to GEICO is the possibility that similar pricing actions will be taken in other states; through either initiatives or legislation。
If voters insist that auto insurance be priced below cost; it eventually must be sold by government。 Stockholders can subsidize policyholders for a short period; but only taxpayers can subsidize them over the long term。 At most property…casualty panies; socialized auto insurance would be no disaster for shareholders。 Because of the modity characteristics of the industry; most insurers earn mediocre returns and therefore have little or no economic goodwill to lose if they are forced by government to leave the auto insurance business。 But GEICO; because it is a low…cost producer able to earn high returns on equity; has a huge amount of economic goodwill at risk。 In turn; so do we。
At Berkshire; in 1988; our premium volume continued to fall; and in 1989 we will experience a large decrease for a special reason: The contract through which we receive 7% of the business of Fireman Fund expires on August 31。 At that time; we will return to Fireman Fund the unearned premiums we hold that relate to the contract。 This transfer of funds will show up in our remiums written?account as a negative 85 million or so and will make our third…quarter figures look rather peculiar。 However; the termination of this contract will not have a significant effect on profits。
Berkshire underwriting results continued to be excellent in 1988。 Our bined ratio (on a statutory basis and excluding structured settlements and financial reinsurance) was 104。 Reserve development was favorable for the second year in a row; after a string of years in which it was very unsatisfactory。 Details on both underwriting and reserve development appear on pages 36…38。
Berkshire 1988年的承保表现依旧相当不错,我们的综合比率(依照法定基础扣除和解与财务再保)大约在104,损失准备提列在前几年不佳后,连续两年情况还算良好)
Our insurance volume over the next few years is likely to run very low; since business with a reasonable potential for profit will almost certainly be scarce。 So be it。 At Berkshire; we simply will not write policies at rates that carry the expectation of economic loss。 We encounter enough troubles when we expect a gain。
Despite … or perhaps because of … low volume; our profit picture during the next few years is apt to be considerably brighter than the industry。 We are sure to have an exceptional amount of float pared to premium volume; and that augurs well for profits。 In 1989 and 1990 we expect our float/premiums ratio to be at least three times that of the typical property/casualty pany。 Mike Goldberg; with special help from Ajit Jain; Dinos Iordanou; and the National Indemnity managerial team; has positioned us well in that respect。
尽管(也或许正因为如此)我们的保单量少,可以预期的我们的获利情况在未来几年内也会比同业来的出色,相较于保单量我们有高比例的浮存金,通常这代表着获利,在1989与1990这两年内,我们的浮存金/保费收入比例至少会是同业水准的三倍以上,Mike Goldberg在Ajit Jain等人的协助下,加上国家产险的经营团队使我们站在相当有利的位置。
At some point … we don know when … we will be deluged with insurance business。 The cause will probably be some major physical or financial catastrophe。 But we could also experience an explosion in business; as we did in 1985; because large and increasing underwriting losses at other panies coincide with their recognition that they are far underreserved。 in the meantime; we will retain our talented professionals; protect our capital; and try not to make major mistakes。
Marketable Securities
In selecting marketable securities for our insurance panies; we can choose among five major categories: (1) long…term mon stock investments; (2) medium…term fixed…ine securities; (3) long…term fixed…ine securities; (4) short…term cash equivalents; and (5) short…term arbitrage mitments。
We have no particular bias when it es to choosing from these categories。 We just continuously search among them for the highest after…tax returns as measured by mathematical expectation;?limiting ourselves always to investment alternatives we think we understand。 Our criteria have nothing to do with maximizing immediately reportable earnings; our goal; rather; is to maximize eventual net worth。
Below we list our mon stock holdings having a value over 100 million; not including arbitrage mitments; which will be discussed later。 A small portion of these investments belongs to subsidiaries of which Berkshire owns less than 100%。
Shares pany Cost Market
(000s omitted) 
3;000;000 Capital Cities/ABC; Inc。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 517;500 1;086;750
14;172;500 The Coca…Cola pany 。。。。。。。。。。。 592;540 632;448
2;400;000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage 
Corporation Preferred* 。。。。。。。。。。。。 71;729 121;200
6;850;000 GEICO Corporation 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 45;713 849;400
1;727;765 The Washington Post pany 。。。 9;731 364;126
*Although nominally a preferred stock; this security is financially equivalent to a mon stock。
Our permanent holdings … Capital Cities/ABC; Inc。; GEICO Corporation; and The Washington Post pany … remain unchanged。 Also unchanged is our unqualified admiration of their managements: Tom Murphy and Dan Burke at Cap Cities; Bill Snyder and Lou Simpson at GEICO; and Kay Graham and Dick Simmons at The Washington Post。 Charlie and I appreciate enormously the talent and integrity these managers bring to their businesses。
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