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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第48章

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ss value。
David L。 Dodd
Dave Dodd; my friend and teacher for 38 years; died last year at age 93。 Most of you don know of him。 Yet any long…time shareholder of Berkshire is appreciably wealthier because of the indirect influence he had upon our pany。
Dave spent a lifetime teaching at Columbia University; and he co…authored Security Analysis with Ben Graham。 From the moment I arrived at Columbia; Dave personally encouraged and educated me; one influence was as important as the other。 Everything he taught me; directly or through his book; made sense。 Later; through dozens of letters; he continued my education right up until his death。
I have known many professors of finance and investments but I have never seen any; except for Ben Graham; who was the match of Dave。 The proof of his talent is the record of his students: No other teacher of investments has sent forth so many who have achieved unusual success。
When students left Dave classroom; they were equipped to invest intelligently for a lifetime because the principles he taught were simple; sound; useful; and enduring。 Though these may appear to be unremarkable virtues; the teaching of principles embodying them has been rare。
It particularly impressive that Dave could practice as well as preach。 just as Keynes became wealthy by applying his academic ideas to a very small purse; so; too; did Dave。 Indeed; his financial performance far outshone that of Keynes; who began as a market…timer (leaning on business and credit…cycle theory) and converted; after much thought; to value investing。 Dave was right from the start。
In Berkshire investments; Charlie and I have employed the principles taught by Dave and Ben Graham。 Our prosperity is the fruit of their intellectual tree。
We hope to buy more businesses that are similar to the ones we have; and we can use some help。 If you have a business that fits the following criteria; call me or; preferably; write。
Here what wee looking for:
(1) large purchases (at least 10 million of after…tax earnings);
(2) demonstrated consistent earning power (future projections are of little interest to us; nor are urnaround? situations);
(3) businesses earning good returns on equity while employing little or no debt;
(4) management in place (we can supply it);
(5) simple businesses (if there lots of technology; we won understand it);
(6) an offering price (we don want to waste our time or that of the seller by talking; even preliminarily; about a transaction when price is unknown)。
我们不会进行敌意的购并,并承诺完全保密并尽快答复是否感兴趣(通常不超过五分钟) ,我们倾向采现金交易,除非我们所换得的内含价值跟我们付出的一样多,否则不考虑发行股份。我们最喜欢的交易对象之一是像B太太… Heldman家族那样,公司经营者希望能马上有一大笔现金,不管是给自己、家人或是其它股东,最好这些经营者如往常一样能够继续留在公司,我想我们可以提供具有以上想法的经营者,一个满意的方式,我们也欢迎可能的卖方与那些过去与我们合作过的对象打听。
We will not engage in unfriendly takeovers。 We can promise plete confidentiality and a very fast answer … customarily within five minutes … as to whether wee interested。 We prefer to buy for cash; but will consider issuing stock when we receive as much in intrinsic business value as we give。 Our favorite form of purchase is one fitting the Blumkin…Friedman…Heldman mold。 In cases like these; the pany owner…managers wish to generate significant amounts of cash; sometimes for themselves; but often for their families or inactive shareholders。 However; these managers also wish to remain significant owners who continue to run their panies just as they have in the past。 We think we offer a particularly good fit for owners with these objectives and invite potential sellers to check us out by contacting people with whom we have done business in the past。 Charlie and I frequently get approached about acquisitions that don e close to meeting our tests: Wee found that if you advertise an interest in buying collies; a lot of people will call hoping to sell you their cocker spaniels。 Our interest in new ventures; turnarounds; or auction…like sales can best be expressed by another Goldwynism: lease include me out。?
Besides being interested in the purchase of businesses as described above; we are also interested in the negotiated purchase of large; but not controlling; blocks of stock parable to those we hold in Cap Cities and Salomon。 We have a special interest in purchasing convertible preferreds as a long…term investment; as we did at Salomon。
We received some good news a few weeks ago: Standard & Poor raised our credit rating to AAA; which is the highest rating it bestows。 Only 15 other U。S。 industrial or property…casualty panies are rated AAA; down from 28 in 1980。
Corporate bondholders have taken their lumps in the past few years from vent risk。?This term refers to the overnight degradation of credit that acpanies a heavily…leveraged purchase or recapitalization of a business whose financial policies; up to then; had been conservative。 In a world of takeovers inhabited by few owner…managers; most corporations present such a risk。 Berkshire does not。 Charlie and I promise bondholders the same respect we afford shareholders。
About 97。4% of all eligible shares participated in Berkshire 1988 shareholder…designated contributions program。 Contributions made through the program were 5 million; and 2;319 charities were recipients。 If we achieve reasonable business results; we plan to increase the per…share contributions in 1989。
We urge new shareholders to read the description of our shareholder…designated contributions program that appears on pages 48…49。 If you wish to participate in future programs; we strongly urge that you immediately make sure your shares are registered in the name of the actual owner; not in the nominee name of a broker; bank or depository。 Shares not so registered on September 30; 1989 will be ineligible for the 1989 program。
Berkshire annual meeting will be held in Omaha on Monday; April 24; 1989; and I hope you will e。 The meeting provides the forum for you to ask any owner…related questions you may have; and we will keep answering until all (except t
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