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e8东的信 _作者: 美 沃伦·巴菲特-第73章

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tter would produce a very alert driver。 But another certain consequence would be a deadly … and unnecessary … accident if the car hit even the tiniest pothole or sliver of ice。 The roads of business are riddled with potholes; a plan that requires dodging them all is a plan for disaster。 
In the final chapter of The Intelligent Investor Ben Graham forcefully rejected the dagger thesis: 〃Confronted with a challenge to distill the secret of sound investment into three words; we venture the motto; Margin of Safety。〃 Forty…two years after reading that; I still think those are the right three words。 The failure of investors to heed this simple message caused them staggering losses as the 1990s 
At the height of the debt mania; capital structures were concocted that guaranteed failure: In some cases; so much debt was issued that even highly favorable business results could not produce the funds to service it。 One particularly egregious 〃kill… 'em…at…birth〃 case a few years back involved the purchase of a mature television station in Tampa; bought with so much debt that the interest on it exceeded the station's gross revenues。 Even if you assume that all labor; programs and services were donated rather than purchased; this capital structure required revenues to explode … or else the station was doomed to go broke。 (Many of the bonds that financed the purchase were sold to now…failed savings and loan associations; as a taxpayer; you are picking up the tab for this folly。) 
All of this seems impossible now。 When these misdeeds were done; however; dagger…selling investment bankers pointed to the 〃scholarly〃 research of academics; which reported that over the years the higher interest rates received from low…grade bonds had more than pensated for their higher rate of default。 Thus; said the friendly salesmen; a diversified portfolio of junk bonds would produce greater net returns than would a portfolio of high…grade bonds。 (Beware of past…performance 〃proofs〃 in finance: If history books were the key to riches; the Forbes 400 would consist of librarians。) 
There was a flaw in the salesmen's logic … one that a first… year student in statistics is taught to recognize。 An assumption was being made that the universe of newly…minted junk bonds was identical to the universe of low…grade fallen angels and that; therefore; the default experience of the latter group was meaningful in predicting the default experience of the new issues。 (That was an error similar to checking the historical death rate from Kool…Aid before drinking the version served at Jonestown。) 
The universes were of course dissimilar in several vital respects。 For openers; the manager of a fallen angel almost invariably yearned to regain investment…grade status and worked toward that goal。 The junk…bond operator was usually an entirely different breed。 Behaving much as a heroin user might; he devoted his energies not to finding a cure for his debt…ridden condition; but rather to finding another fix。 Additionally; the fiduciary sensitivities of the executives managing the typical fallen angel were often; though not always; more finely developed than were those of the junk…bond…issuing financiopath。 
Wall Street cared little for such distinctions。 As usual; the Street's enthusiasm for an idea was proportional not to its merit; but rather to the revenue it would produce。 Mountains of junk bonds were sold by those who didn't care to those who didn't think … and there was no shortage of either。 
Junk bonds remain a mine field; even at prices that today are often a small fraction of issue price。 As we said last year; we have never bought a new issue of a junk bond。 (The only time to buy these is on a day with no 〃y〃 in it。) We are; however; willing to look at the field; now that it is in disarray。 
In the case of RJR Nabisco; we feel the pany's credit is considerably better than was generally perceived for a while and that the yield we receive; as well as the potential for capital gain; more than pensates for the risk we incur (though that is far from nil)。 RJR has made asset sales at favorable prices; has added major amounts of equity; and in general is being run well。 
在RJR Nabisco这个案子我们认为这家公司的债信要比外界想象中好一点,同时我们感觉潜在的利益,应该可以弥补我们要承担的风险(虽然绝非无风险),RJR资产处份的价格还算不错,股东权益增加了许多,现在经营也渐上轨道了。
However; as we survey the field; most low…grade bonds still look unattractive。 The handiwork of the Wall Street of the 1980s is even worse than we had thought: Many important businesses have been mortally wounded。 We will; though; keep looking for opportunities as the junk market continues to unravel。 
Convertible Preferred Stocks可转换特别股
We continue to hold the convertible preferred stocks described in earlier reports: 700 million of Salomon Inc; 600 million of The Gillette pany; 358 million of USAir Group; Inc。 and 300 million of Champion International Corp。 Our Gillette holdings will be converted into 12 million shares of mon stock on April 1。 Weighing interest rates; credit quality and prices of the related mon stocks; we can assess our holdings in Salomon and Champion at yearend 1990 as worth about what we paid; Gillette as worth somewhat more; and USAir as worth substantially less。
In making the USAir purchase; your Chairman displayed exquisite timing: I plunged into the business at almost the exact moment that it ran into severe problems。 (No one pushed me; in tennis parlance; I mitted an 〃unforced error。〃) The pany's troubles were brought on both by industry conditions and by the post…merger difficulties it encountered in integrating Piedmont; an affliction I should have expected since almost all airline mergers have been followed by operational turmoil。 
In short order; Ed Colodny and Seth Schofield resolved the second problem: The airline now gets excellent marks for service。 Industry…wide problems have proved to be far more serious。 Since our purchase; the economics of the airline industry have deteriorated at an alarming pace; accelerated by the kamikaze pricing tactics of certain carriers。 The trouble this pri
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