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He had tried to convince the majhere that he wanted a simple room; but she did not seem to understand。 Not that she was stupid or slow。 The majhere manded an army of servants greater in numbers than the Defenders of the Stone; whoever manded the Stone; whoever held its walls; she saw to the day…to…day matters that let everything function。 But she looked at the world through Tairen eyes。 Despite his clothes; he must be more than the young countryman he seemed; because moners were never housed in the Stone … save for Defenders and servants; of course。 Beyond that; he was one of Rand's party; a friend or a follower or in any case close to the Dragon Reborn in some way。 To the majhere; that set him on a level with a Lord of the Land at the very least; if not a High Lord。 She had been scandalized enough at putting him in here; without even a sitting room; he thought she might have fainted if he had insisted on an even plainer chamber。 If there were such things short of the servants' quarters; or the Defenders'。 At least nothing here was gilded except the candlesticks。
Faile's opinions; though; were not his。 〃You should have better than this。 You deserve it。 You can wager your last copper that Mat has better。〃
〃Mat likes gaudy things;〃 he said simply。
〃You do not stand up for yourself。〃
He did not ment。 It was not his rooms that made her smell of unease; any more than his beard。
After a moment; she said; 〃The Lord Dragon seems to have lost interest in you。 All his time is taken by the High Lords; now。〃
The itch between his shoulders worsened; he knew what was troubling her now。 He tried to make his voice light。 〃The Lord Dragon? You sound like a Tairen。 His name is Rand。〃
〃He's your friend; Perrin Aybara; not mine。 If a man like that has friends。〃 She drew a deep breath and went on in a more moderate tone。 〃I have been thinking about leaving the Stone。 Leaving Tear。 I don't think Moiraine would try to stop me。 News of。。。 of Rand has been leaving the city for two weeks; now。 She can't think to keep him secret any longer。〃
He only just stopped another sigh。 〃I don't think she will; either。 If anything; I think she considers you a plication。 She will probably give you money to see you on your way。〃
Planting fists on hips; she moved to stare down at him。 〃Is that all you have to say?〃
〃What do you want me to say? That I want you to stay?〃 The anger in his own voice startled him。 He was angry with himself; not her。 Angry because he had not seen this ing; angry because he could not see how to deal with it。 He liked being able to think things through。 It was easy to hurt people without meaning to when you were hasty。 He'd done that now。 Her dark eyes were large with shock。 He tried to smooth his words。 〃I do want you to stay; Faile; but maybe you should leave。 I know you're no coward; but the Dragon Reborn; the Forsaken。。。〃 Not that anywhere was really safe … not for long; not now … yet there were safer places than the Stone。 For a while; anyway。 Not that he was stupid enough to put it to her that way。
But she did not appear to care how he put it。 〃Stay? The Light illumine me! Anything is better than sitting here like a boulder; but。。。。〃 She knelt gracefully in front of him; resting her hands on his knees。 〃Perrin。 I do not like wondering when one of the Forsaken is going to walk around the corner in front of me; and I do not like wondering when the Dragon Reborn is going to kill us all。 He did it back in the Breaking; after all。 Killed everyone close to him。〃
〃Rand isn't Lews Therin Kinslayer;〃 Perrin protested。 〃I mean; he is the Dragon Reborn; but he isn't。。。 he wouldn't。。。。〃 He trailed off; not knowing how to finish。 Rand was Lews Therin Telamon reborn; that was what being the Dragon Reborn meant。 But did it mean Rand was doomed to Lews Therin's fate? Not just going mad … any man who channeled had that fate in front of him; and then a rotting death … but killing everyone who cared for him?
〃I have been talking to Bain and Chiad; Perrin。〃
That was no surprise。 She spent considerable time with the Aiel women。 The friendship made some trouble for her; but she seemed to like the Aiel women as much as 。she despised the Stone's Tairen noblewomen。 But he saw no connection to what they were talking about; and he said so。
〃They say Moiraine sometimes asks where you are。 Or Mat。 Don't you see? She would not have to do that if she could watch you with the Power。〃
〃Watch me with the Power?〃 he said faintly。 He had never even considered that。
〃She cannot。 e with me; Perrin。 We can be twenty miles across the river before she misses us。〃
〃I can't;〃 he said miserably。 He tried diverting her with a kiss; but she leaped to her feet and backed away so fast he nearly fell on his face。 There was no point going after her。 She had her arms crossed beneath her breasts like a barrier。
〃Don't tell me you are that afraid of her。 I know she is Aes Sedai; and she has all of you dancing when she twitches the strings。 Perhaps she has the。。。 Rand。。。 so tied he cannot get loose; and the Light knows Egwene and Elayne; and even Nynaeve; don't want to; but you can break her cords if you try。〃
〃It has nothing to do with Moiraine。 It's what I have to do。 I … 〃。
She cut him short。 〃Don't you dare hand me any of that hairy…chested drivel about a man having to do his duty。 I know duty as well as you; and you have no duty here。 You may be ta'veren; even if I don't see it; but he is the Dragon Reborn; not you。〃
〃Will you listen?〃 he shouted; glaring; and she jumped。 He had never shouted at her before; not like that。 She raised her chin and shifted her shoulders; but she did not say anything。 He went on。 〃I think I am part of Rand's destiny; somehow。 Mat; too。 I think he can't do what he has to unless we do our part; as well。 That is the duty。 How can I walk away if it might mean Rand will fail?〃
〃Might?〃 There was a hint of demand in her voice; but only a hint。 He wondered if he could make himself shout at her more often。 〃Did Moiraine tell you this; Perrin? You should know by now to listen closely to what an Aes Sedai says。〃
〃I worked it out for myself。 I think ta'veren are pulled toward each other。 Or maybe Rand pulls us; Mat and me both。 He's supposed to be the strongest ta'veren since Artur Hawkwing; maybe since the Breaking。 Mat won't even admit he's ta'veren; but however he tries to get away; he always ends up drawn back to Rand。 Loial says he has never heard of three ta'veren; all the same age and all from the same place。〃
Faile sniffed loudly。 〃Loial does not know everything。 He isn't very old for an Ogier。〃
〃He's past ninety;〃 Perrin said defensively; and she gave him a tight smile。 For an Ogier; ninety years was not much older than Perrin。 Or maybe younger。 He did not know much about Ogier。 In any case; Loial had read more books than Perrin had ever seen or even heard of; sometimes he thought Loial had read every book ever printed。 〃And he knows more than you or I do。 He believes maybe I have the right of it。 And so does Moiraine。 No; I haven't asked her; but why else does she keep a watch on me? Did you think she wanted me to make her a kitchen knife?〃
She was silent for a moment; and when she spoke it was in sympathetic tones。 〃Poor Perrin。 I left Saldaea to find adventure; and now that I'm in the heart of one; the greatest since the Breaking; all I want is to go somewhere else。 You just want to be a blacksmith; and you're going to end up in the stories whether you want it or not。〃
He looked away; though the scent of her still filled his head。 He did not think he was likely to have any stories told about him; not unless his secret spread a long way beyond the few who knew already。 Faile thought she knew everything about him; but she was wrong。
An axe and a hammer leaned against the wall opposite him; each plain and functional with a haft as long as his forearm。 The axe was a wicked half…moon blade balanced by a thick spike; meant for violence。 With the hammer he could make things; had made things; at a forge。 The hammerhead weighed more than twice as much as the axe blade; but it was the axe that felt heavier by far every time he picked it up。 With the axe; he had。。。。 He scowled; not wanting to think about that。 She was right。 All he wanted was to be a blacksmith; to go home; and see his family again; and work at the smithy。 But it was not to be; he knew that。
He got to his feet long enough to pick up the hammer; then sat back down。 There was something forting in holding it。 〃Master Luhhan always says you can't walk away from what has to be done。〃 He hurried on; realizing that was a little too close to what she had called hairy…chested drivel。 〃He's the blacksmith back home; the man I was apprenticed to。 I've told you about him。〃
To his surprise; she did not take the opportunity to point out his near echo。 In fact; she said nothing; only looked at him; waiting for something。 After a moment it came to him。
〃Are you leaving; then?〃 he asked。
She stood up; brushing her skirt。 For a long moment she kept silent; as i