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on to this union between spirit and mortal。 And after that Sabat forgot all about him。
Two people who cared for nothing else apart from the closeness of each other。 Their emotions merged; escalated; a fever that consumed them; lathering their convulsing bodies in sweat; muffled cries of delight escaping those crushed lips。 Until finally the volcano of lust erupted; limbs flaying wildly as they convulsed together。 But for Sabat there was no respite; truly a man possessed; a bucking robot which could not be checked; nor fully satisfied; it seemed。
Sheenah lay limply; submitting; a spent force。 She moaned softly; every nerve and muscle trembling。 The man on top of her was certainly no ordinary being; his strength and power far surpassing her own as he continued to thrust into her without a pause。
It was a long time before Sabat finally came off her and knelt there watching her intently; his long dark hair straggling and matted with perspiration; his body glistening in the artificial light。 Perhaps his breathing was slightly faster than normal; it was difficult to tell。
He turned; regarded Alda who had retreated to a far corner of the room; the tali druid bowed and broken; those old eyes misty with tears。
'You cannot harm me now; Alda;' there was a faint note of gloating in Sabat's voice; 'for I have mated with your offspring and perchance she will bear another in your line; who knows? The son of Sabat; spawn of the Oke Priests。 。 。 。 '
'You are cunning; Sabat;' grudging admiration; moving slowly forward again。 'A dangerous foe; one who understands more than other men。 But I cannot forgive you for destroying Alena。'
'I had no choice。 She destroyed herself; for I mean the old religion no harm。 You were too hasty; attacking me before I had fully understood what was happening here。'
They shall not have our sacred ground; Sabat。 They are corrupt and; in reality; worship no deity 。 。 。 like your panion there。' Alda pointed to where Kent was just beginning to stir。
'You speak the truth;' Sabat replied。 'They are the corrupt ones; this bishop and his underlings; the one who negotiated the sale when the land should have been preserved for posterity; and he who plans to bee rich by building homes on it for the godless。 These people are my enemies as well as yours; Alda。'
'And yet you fight for them?'
'No。 I took their money because they deserved to lose it。 Had you not attacked me so soon then Alena would still be with you。 You killed her; Alda。 But you will not achieve your goal by slaughtering people。 Like weeds by the wayside others will e to take the place of the slain。'
'We shall not give up。'
'No; but the carnage will be purposeless because in the end you will lose and homes will be built on your land。
Destroy them and others will be erected; and so it will go on。 There will be no everlasting peace。'
Alda sighed audibly; accepting that Sabat told the truth。 Revenge would eventually be the only thing left to the last of the Oke Priests。
'What the fuck's going on?' Kent sat up; rubbed his bruised jaw and slowly it all came back to him。 'Hey; Sabat; you hit me! Are you crazy; everybody sitting in a bloody circle in the nude and 。 。 。 hey; who's this guy and what's he doing here?'
'This is Alda; Arch…Druid of an ancient order。' Sabat made the introduction sound like it was a perfectly ordinary meeting and the old man was expected to be present。 'We've all cooled down and are trying to talk things over。'
You're all mad; Kent thought; but declined to voice his opinion。 It was bloody cold sitting here but he wasn't going to risk breaking up the party again。 He smoothed his jaw with his fingers; felt the swelling; but bore Sabat no resentment。 Strange how he had hated him in those last few seconds just before he had passed out; as though his mind had not been his own。 。。。
'Well; it's up to you; Alda;' Sabat spoke abruptly; a matter…of…fact tone that he might have used at any meeting that had gone on too long。 'Call your Oke Priests off and I'll take up the fight against the corrupt ones。 But I don't want you harbouring any ideas about getting even with me over what's happened so far because you started all this; I only fought back。'
'I cannot call off the old ones who demand revenge and sacrifice in mortal blood!' Alda's voice was a whine; his tone an apology to Sabat。 'Oh that I could; but it is not possible。'
'Why not?'
'Because I am not high priest of all the Oke Priests; for there have been many since my time。 Centuries have passed and Alda has been but a legend to those who came after him。 I was not strong enough; others who were more cruel than I followed and pandered to the cries of the rabble for blood and more blood。 This land is soaked in blood but that is as nothing pared with that which will be spilled now!'
There is no way of avoiding it?' Sabat's face was grim。 Kent had paled also。
'Only by giving back the land to the Oke Priests。'
'And if I do that?'
'Then the killings and the madness will cease。 But I cannot safeguard you Sabat for that is beyond my power。 Give the spirits back that which is rightfully theirs and this carnage will cease。 Shyaena will help you。 But we must be revenged 。。。 do you hear me; Sabat? The Oke Priests must be revengedr
The light dimmed again; then went out。 Only then did Sabat notice a faint greyness creeping into the room through the chinks in the curtains。 Dawn was nigh and Alda could remain no longer。 He was gone as though he had never been。
'Well; I guess we don't need the pentagram any longer;' Sabat strode across and switched on the light; began retrieving his clothes。 'Everybody can get dressed now。'
None of them spoke until they were all fully clad。 The central heating seemed to be working again; Sabat decided as he checked the nearest radiator。
'I'll make some coffee;' Sheenah avoided Sabat's gaze; went through into the kitchen and began searching the cupboards。
'I guess you hate me like hell after last night;' Sabat followed her in and closed the door behind him。 It was the nearest he was ever likely to get to an apology。
'I thought maybe it was the other way round;' she managed a faint smile; her lower lip trembling。 'After all; I tried to kill you。 I lied to you; set up a trap for you。'
'Simply because you are Shyaena; offspring of Alda reborn;' Sabat slipped an arm around her。 'I have a similar problem。 I am possessed by my brother Quentin's soul which sometimes makes me do things I wouldn't do under normal circumstances。 However; I need to know how you and I stand now。'
'I will not try to kill you again;' she looked him full in the face; 'and neither will Alda because he has promised。 Only Alda has control over me。 But it is right what he says; the spirits of the old Oke Priests are powerful。 It is a tidal wave of wrath and blood which can only be stemmed by giving them back their sacred land。 But we also have to stay alive; for surely their anger will be directed towards me as well now that I have joined forces with you。'
'It's teamwork then; you; me and Kent?'
'All right。'
'Then we have to decide on our next move。'
'Destroy those who corrupt; Sabat; and the bloodshed will stop。 Take my word for it。'
A dull bang out in the hall; a vibration that caused more of the broken glass to shower into the house。
'What's that?' Sheenah was close behind Sabat as he opened the kitchen door; saw the empty hall and the room which they had just vacated。 There was no sign of Kent。
'Now where the hell's he gone to?' Sabat opened the outer door but the drive was empty。 'Perhaps he's just gone out to get a paper or something。* It sounded feeble。
'We must not let him out of our sight;' Sheenah clutched at Sabat's arm。 'Whether your friend likes it or not he is in this with us; marked down for death by the spirits of the Oke Priests。 Once night es again his life and his soul will be in danger; wherever he goes。 We must find him; Sabat!'
And Sabat's flesh was goosepimpling again。
KENT HAD to get away from the house otherwise he'd go mad; maybe he already was。 Jesus Christ; what the hell had happened last night?
The silent village looked sinister in the half…light of dawn。 My God; he'd had enough of Sabat。 Mark had been crazy during their SAS days together; a devil in action; one who killed mercilessly and enjoyed it。 But this was going too far。 All the same there had been something weird about the nocturnal hours; Kent had seen it with his own eyes if he did not understand it。
It was with no small amount of relief that he arrived back at the White Horse。 The side door was unlocked; maybe it was always left that way for residents who kept late hours。
The journalist crept up the flight of narrow winding stairs; winced every time a board creaked。 God; his head ached; a stabbing pain as if