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large men and separated from Corish by another sideways push。
 〃What's the delay?〃 one of her cushions demanded。
 〃They're loading some crates;〃 was the indignant reply。 〃Must be something special。 There're seals and impregtape all over them。〃
 〃I shall plain to the Cruise Agent。 I was under the impression that people got preference over modities on this Line!〃
 As suddenly as it had begun; the press eased off and everyone was shuffling toward the ramp into the shuttle。 Killashandra didn't see Corish among the passengers already seated but she couldn't fail to miss three large foam boxes that contained the white crystal; for they occupied the first three rows of seats on the shuttle's starboard side。
 〃They must be immensely valuable;〃 the first cushion…man said。 〃Whatever could it be? Optherians don't import much。〃
 〃Too right;〃 his panion said in an aggrieved tone。 〃Why those are Heptite Guild seals。〃
 The shuttle attendant had taken plete control of seating arrangements; peremptorily filling the rows as he backed down the main aisle。 He gestured Killashandra to an inside seat and the two cushions obediently settled in the next two。 She caught a brief glimpse of Corish as he passed; but he was assigned a seat on the other side of the aisle。
 〃Not wasting any time; are they?〃 the first man said。
 〃Have none to waste in a parabolic orbit;〃 his friend replied。
 〃There mustn't have been any outgoing passengers。〃
 〃Probably not。 Optherians don't leave their planet and the tourist season hasn't really started。〃
 A rather ominous rumbling; issuing from the floor plates; startled them。 This was quickly followed by additional metallic plaints; causing further vibrations under their feet。
 Two distinct thuds signaled the closing of the cargo bays。 Then Killashandra felt the air press as the main passenger lock was shut and secured。 Through the skin of the hull beside her; she heard the snick of the grapple release so she was prepared for the stomach…wrenching motion of the shuttle's falling away from the Athena。 Her seatmates were not and gasped in reaction; clutching the arm rests as the shuttle's engines took hold and pushed the passengers into the foam of their seats。
 The transfer from liner to planetary surface was a relatively short run; though Killashandra's seatmates plained bitterly about the disfort and duration all the way down。 Killashandra accounted the landing smooth but the two cushions found fault with that as well; so she was immensely grateful when the port opened again; flooding the shuttle with the crisp clean cool air of Optheria。 She inhaled deeply; clearing her lungs of the Athena's recycled air。 For all the craft's modern amenities; it had not quite solved the age…old problem of refreshing air without the taint of deodorizers。
 No sooner had the first passengers filed into the arrival area than the public address system began a recorded announcement; scrolling through the same message in all major Federated Planets languages。 Passengers were requested to have travel documents ready for inspection by Port Authorities。 Please to form a line in the appropriately marked alphabetic or numeric queues。 Aliens requiring special life support systems or supplies would please contact a uniformed attendant。 Visitors with health problems were to present themselves; immediately after Clearance; to the Port Authority Medical Officer。 It was the hope of the Tourist Bureau of Optheria that all visitors would thoroughly enjoy their holiday on the planet。
 Killashandra was relieved to see that she would be able to present her I。D。 in some privacy; for the Inspectors presided in security booths。 Those waiting their turn in the queue could not observe the process。 She kept glancing to the far right of the line where Corish should be waiting but he was not immediately visible。 She caught sight of him just as it was her turn to approach the Inspector。
 Killashandra suppressed a malicious grin as she slid her arm and its I。D。 bracelet under the visiplate。 The blank expression of the Inspector's square face underwent a remarkable change at the sight of the Heptite Seal on his screen。 With one hand he pressed a red button on the terminal in front of him and with the other urgently beckoned her to proceed。 Quitting the booth; he insisted on relieving her of her carisak。
 〃Please; no fuss;〃 Killashandra said。
 〃Gracious Guildmember;〃 the Inspector began effusively; 〃we have been so concerned。 The cabin reserved for you on the Athena … 〃
 〃I traveled economy。〃
 〃But you're a Heptite Guildmember!〃
 〃There are times; Inspector;〃 Killashandra said; bending close to him and touching his arm; 〃when discretion requires that one travel incognito。〃 The hair stood up on the back of his hand。 She sighed。
 〃Oh; I see。〃 And clearly he did not。 He unconsciously smoothed the hair back down。
 They had walked the short distance to the next portal; which slid apart to reveal a weling mittee of four; three men and a woman; slightly breathless。 〃The Guildmember has arrived!〃 The Inspector's triumphant announcement left the distinct impression that he himself had somehow conjured her appearance。
 Killashandra stared apprehensively at them。 They had a disconcerting resemblance to each other; not only a sameness of height and build but of coloring and feature。 Even their voices were pitched in the same sonorous timber。 She blinked; thinking it might be some trick of the soft yellow sunshine pouring in from the main reception area。 Then she gave herself a little shake: all were government employees; but could any bureaucracy; Optherian or other; hire people on the basis of their uniform appearance?
 〃Wele to Optheria; Guildmember Ree;〃 the Inspector said; beaming as he ushered her past the portal; which whispered shut behind them。
 〃Wele; Killashandra Ree; I am Thyrol;〃 the first and oldest man said; taking one step toward her and bowing。
 〃Wele; Killashandra Ree; I am Pirinio;〃 said the second; following the example of the first。
 In unvarying ceremony; Polabod and Mirbethan made themselves known to her。 Had they practiced long?
 〃I am truly weled;〃 she said with a gracious semibow。 〃The crystal? It was aboard the shuttle。〃
 All four looked to her right; left hands rising from their sides at the same instant; to indicate the float appearing through a second portal。 Nullgravs suspended float and cartons above the gold…flecked marble floor but proper guidance apparently required six attendants; each wearing an anxious frown of concentration。 A seventh man directed their efforts; dancing from one side to the other to be certain that nothing impeded their progress。 These citizens of Optheria were reassuringly mismatched in size; form; and feature。
 〃We four;〃 Thyrol began; indicating his panions with a twist of his hand; 〃are to be your guides and mentors during your stay on Optheria。 You have only to state your wishes and preferences and we … Optheria … will provide。〃
 The four bowed again; like a wave from right to left。 The Inspector beside her also bowed。 Thyrol lifted one eyebrow and the Inspector; bowing again as he surrendered Killashandra's carisak to Pirinio; formally receded until the portal hissed apart and then closed。 Killashandra wondered if the Inspector's euphoria would extend to lesser breeds; those without Guild affiliation; when he resumed his booth in Immigration。
 〃If you will step this way; Guildmember Ree。〃 Thyrol made another of his graceful gestures。
 When she moved to walk beside him; he altered his stride to keep a deferential meter from her。 The others fell in behind。 Killashandra shrugged; accepting the protocol。 Not having to chat with her escort gave her a chance to glance about the shuttle port。 The facility was functional and decorated with murals of Life on Optheria: the main attraction of the Summer Festival … the organ … was not depicted。 Nor did the vaulted arrivals hall appear to have any catering areas apart from one narrow bank for beverage dispensing。 Conspicuous by their absence were curio and souvenir booths。 Not even a ticket bank was to be seen。 And only one lounge area。 At the wide exit; the doors sighed aside for Killashandra and Thyrol; who quickly walked down the wide shallow steps to a broad; intricately patterned apron of flat stones。 Beyond was the roadway where the crew had just finished stowing the three foam crates in a large ground effect machine。
 Suddenly an arc of light flashed on behind Killashandra and a muted alarm sounded。 Guards materialized from inconspicuous booths on both sides of the main entrance and approached the three Optherians of the reception mittee who were walking behind Killashandra and Thyrol。
 〃Please do not be disconcerted; Guildmember Ree。〃 Thyrol waved to the guards and they retreated back into their stations。 The arc of light disappeared。
 〃What was that all about?〃
 〃Merely a security precaution。〃
 〃For my leaving the shuttle port?〃
 Thyrol cleared his throat。 〃Actually; for Optherians leaving the shuttle port。〃
 〃This is our vehicle; Guildmember;〃 Thyrol said; smoothly urging her across the flagstone plaza。 She allowed herself to be diverted because it was obvious that; whoever left the Shuttle P
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