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 Killashandra; reading with an eye to hidden significance's; paused to consider the implications。 Although her experience with planets had been limited to two … Fuerte; her planet of origin; and Ballybran; she knew enough of how worlds wagged to sense the iron idealism that probably supported the Optherian propaganda。 She tapped a question and frowned at the negative answer: Optheria's Charter Signers were not proselytizers of a religious sect nor did Optheria recognize a federal church。 As many worlds had been colonized for idealist forms of government; religiously or secularly oriented; as for purely mercial considerations。 The guiding principle of foundation could not yet be considered the necessary criterion for a successful subculture。 The variables involved were too numerous。
 But the entry made it clear that Optheria was considered efficiently organized and; with its substantial positive galactic balance of payments; a creditably administered world。 The entry concluded with a statement that Optheria was well worth a visit during its annual Summer Festival。 She detected a certain hint of irony in that bland ment。 While she would have preferred to sample some of the exotic and sophisticated pleasures available to those with credit enough; she felt she could tolerate Optheria's 〃natural〃 pastimes in return for the sizeable fee and a long vacation from Ballybran。
 She considered Lanzecki's diffidence about the assignment。 Could he be charged with favoritism if he gave her another choice off…world assignment? Who would remember that she had been away during the horrendous Passover Storms; much less where? She'd been peremptorily snatched away by Trag; shoved onto the moon shuttle; and without a shred of background data about the vagaries of the Trundomoux; delivered willy…nilly to a naval autocracy to cope with the exigencies of installing millions of credits' worth of black munication crystal for a bunch of skeptical spartan pioneers。 The assignment had been no sinecure。 As Trag was the only other person who had known of it; was he the objector? He very easily could be; as Administration Officer; yet Killashandra did not think that Trag could; or did; influence Guild Master Lanzecki。
 A second wild notion followed quickly on the heels of that one。 Were there any Optherians on the roster of the Heptite Guild to whom such a job might be assigned?。。。 The Heptite Guild had no Optherian members。
 From her ten years in the Music Department of Fuerte's Culture Center; Killashandra was familiar with the intricacies of Optherian sensory organ instruments。 The encyclopedia enlarged the picture by stating that music was a planetwide mania on Optheria; with citizens peting on a planetary scale for opportunities to perform on the sensory organs。 With that sort of environment; Killashandra thought it very odd indeed that Optheria produced no candidates with the perfect pitch that was the Heptite Guild's essential entry requirement。 And; with petitions on a worldwide scale; there would be thousands disappointed。 Killashandra smiled in sour sympathy。 Surely some would look for off…world alternatives。
 Her curiosity titillated; Killashandra checked other Guilds。 Optherians did not go into the Space Services or into galactic mercantile enterprises; nor were embassies; consulates or legates of Optheria listed in the Diplomatic Registers。 There she lucked out by discovering a qualifier: As the planet was nearly self…sufficient and no Optherians left their home world; there was no need for such services。 All normal inquiries about Optheria had to be directed to the Office of External Trade and merce on Optheria。
 Killashandra paused in perplexity。 A planet so perfect; so beloved by its citizens that no one chose to leave its surface? She found that very hard to believe。 She recalled the encyclopedia's entry on the planet; searching for the code on Naturalization。 Yes; well; citizenship was readily available for those interested but could not be rescinded。 She checked the Penal Code and discovered that; unlike many worlds; Optheria did not deport its criminal element: any recidivists were acmodated at a rehabilitation center。
 Killashandra shivered。 So even perfect Optheria had to resort to rehabilitation。
 Having delved sufficiently into Optheria's history and background to satisfy her basic curiosity; she turned to research the procedure necessary to replace a fractured manual。 The installation posed no overt problems as the bracketing was remarkably similar to that required by the black munications crystal。 The tuning would be more plex because of the broad…frequency variable output of the Optherian organ。 The instrument was similar to early Terran pipe organs; with four manuals and a terminal with hundreds of stops; but a performer on the Optherian organ read a score containing olfactory; neural; visual; and aural notes。 The crystal manual was in permanent handshake with the multiplex demodulator; the synapse carrier encoder; and the transducer terminal networks。 Or so the manual said; no schematic was included in the entry。 Nor could she remember one from her days at the Fuerte Music Center。
 Dedicated Optherian players spent lifetimes arranging music embellished and ornamented for reception by many senses。 A skilled Optherian organist could be mass…psychologist and politician as well as musician; and the effect of any position played on the fully augmented instruments had such far…reaching consequences that performances and practitioners were subject to Federal as well as artistic discipline。
 Bearing that in mind; Killashandra wondered how the manual could have been fractured … let alone have killed the performer at the same time; especially as that person had also been the only one on the planet capable of repairing it。 Was there perhaps a spot of rot on the Optherian apple of Eden? This assignment could be interesting。
 Killashandra pulled her chair back to the console and asked for visual contact with the Travel Officer。 Bajorn was a long; thin man; with a thin face and a thin nose with pinched nostrils。 He had preternaturally long; thin fingers; too; but much was redeemed by the cheerful smile that broke across his narrow face; and his plete willingness to sort out the most difficult itinerary。 He seemed to be on the most congenial terms with every transport or freight captain who had ever touched down at or veered close to the Shanganagh Moon base。
 〃Is it difficult to get to the Optherian System; Bajorn?〃
 〃Long old journey right now … out of season for the cruise ships on that route。 Summer Festival won't be for another six months galactic。 So; traveling now; you'd have to make four exchanges … Rappahoe; Kunjab; Melorica; and Bernard's World … all on freighters before getting passage on a proper liner。〃
 〃You're sure up to date。〃
 Bajorn grinned; his thin lips almost touching his droopy ears。 〃Should be。 You're the fifth inquiry I've had about that system。 What's up? Didn't know the Optherians went in for the sort of kicks singers like。〃
 〃Who're the other four?〃
 〃Well; there's no regulation against telling。 〃Bajorn paused discreetly; 〃and as they've all asked; no reason why you shouldn't be told。 You;〃 and he ticked names off on his fingers; 〃Borella Seal; Concera; Gobbain Tekla; and Rimbol。〃
 〃Indeed。 Thank you; Bajorn; that's real considerate of you。〃
 〃That's what Rimbol said; too。〃 Bajorn's face sagged mournfully。 〃I do try to satisfy the Guild's travel requirements; but it is so depressing when my efforts are criticized or belittled。 I can't help it if singers lose their memories。。。 and every shred of mon courtesy。〃
 〃I'll program eternal courtesy to you on my personal tape; Bajorn。〃
 〃I'd appreciate it。 Only do it now; would you; Killashandra; before you forget?〃
 Promising faithfully; Killashandra rang off。 Lanzecki had said there was a list。 Were there only five names! Borella Seal and Concera she knew and she wouldn't have minded doing them out of the assignment; Gobbain Tekla was a total stranger。 Rimbol had been cutting successfully; and in the darker shades just as Lanzecki had predicted。 Why would he want such an assignment? So; four people had been interested enough to check Travel。 Were there more?
 She asked for a list of unassigned singers in residence and it was depressingly long。 After some names; including her own; the capital I … for Inactive … flashed。 Perhaps unwisely; she deleted those and still had thirty…seven possible rivals。 She twirled idly about in the gimbaled chair; wondering exactly what criterion was vital for the Optherian assignment。 Lanzecki hadn't mentioned such minor details in the little he had disclosed。 From what she had already learned of the planet and the mechanics of installation; any petent singer could do the job。 So what would weigh the balance in favor of one singer?
 Killashandra reexamined the list of her known rivals: Borella and Concera had both been cutting a long time。 Gobbain Tekla; when she found his position on the Main Roster; was a relative newer; Rimbol; like Killashandra; was a rank tyro。 When she inquired; she discovered that each of the others had been a redundant or a failed musician。 Perhaps that was the necessary requirement。 
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