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 〃We're called crystal singers because we must tune our subsonic cutters to the dominant pitch of the crystal we cut from the ranges。 A dangerous and exhausting task。〃 She held out her hands so that all could see the fine white scars that crisscrossed the skin。
 〃I was told;〃 Lars said in an amused drawl; 〃that crystal singers have amazing recuperative powers。〃
 〃That is quite true。 Crystal resonance apparently slows the degenerative processes and accelerates the regenerative。 Crystal singers retain their youthful appearance well into the third century。〃
 〃How old are you; Guildmember?〃 a brash young voice asked。
 Frowning; the Captain turned about to seek the source of such insolence but Killashandra laughed。 〃I am a relatively new member of the Heptite Guild; and in my third decade。〃
 〃Are you able to travel anywhere you wish?〃 Did she detect a note of yearning?
 〃All crystal singers travel;〃 she said with mendable restraint and then realized that her statement was hardly politic on Optheria。 She had shown few examples of the tact for which Trag had chosen her。 〃But we always return to Ballybran;〃 and she tried to make it sound as if going home was more desirable than traveling far away。 No sense in arousing hopes on Optheria; especially in the presence of the cruiser's senior officers。 〃Once a crystal singer; always a crystal singer!〃
 In the same instant the printer extruded an impatient sheet; Killashandra felt a stab of crystal shock travel painfully from her heelbone to her ears。
 〃Kill the drive;〃 she shouted as the Captain was issuing the mand。
 Breathless from the unexpected peaking; Killashandra sagged against Lars。 〃Congratulations;〃 she said; hoping the sarcasm would hide the pain in her bones; 〃you have just lost one of your crystals。 What are they? Blues?〃
 〃Greens;〃 the Captain replied with some pride; 〃but the same crystals since the cruiser was missioned。〃
 〃And Optheria will spring credit for organ crystals with considerably more alacrity than for plebian greens; huh?〃 Festinel nodded solemn affirmation。 〃Engineer; I request permission to inspect the crystal drive with you。 My apprenticeship in tuning crystals may be of some use here。〃
 〃Honored; Guildmember。〃 He strode to the unit。 〃Damage report!〃
 〃Sir;〃 came the disembodied voice from the bowels of the cruiser; 〃casing blown; foam applied; no injuries。〃
 〃As you were!〃
 An acrid stench。 a bination of odors arising from the intense heat on the crystal casing and on the foam; was still being exhausted by fans when Killashandra; Engineering Officer Fernock; and Lars reached the drive deck。 The captain had hurried to inform Elder Torkes of the delay。 Killashandra winced as she caught residual echoes from the other crystals of the drive。 Or perhaps more than one element had blown。 That could happen。
 Fernock quickly directed his men to sweep up the now hardened foam and remove the cover。 The durametal had been fractured by the explosion and came off in piece 。
 〃See if stores have a replacement。〃 Fernock's expression suggested this was unlikely。 〃I'd not want to drive unshielded crystal。〃
 〃There'd be no problem so long as the remaining brackets are secure;〃 Killashandra said; reasonably sure that she was correct。 After all; there was no shield at all around black crystal。 And they generated far more power than greens。
 Suction was used to clean foam from the intact blocks but both Killashandra and Fernock warned the seaman to stay away from the fragmented shaft。
 〃Bracketing came adrift;〃 Killashandra announced; remembering her manners enough to look to Fernock for confirmation。
 〃You're right。 See; here?〃 Fernock pointed to the lopsided bracket at the green's base。 〃Now how could that happen?〃
 〃You said the seas were turbulent。 And that you were overdue an overhaul。 Doubtless the discrepancy would have been seen and corrected。 No fault of yours; Officer Fernock。〃
 〃I appreciate that。〃
 〃All right; then。。。〃 Killashandra squatted by the drive; reached for the shattered green crystal。
 〃What are you about; Guildmember?〃 Fernock grabbed her wrist and Lars moved forward。
 〃Well; until this crystal is moved; we won't。〃 And she again reached for the crystal。
 〃But you've no gloves and crystal … 〃
 〃Cuts clean and heals quickly。 For me。 Allow me Fernock。〃
 The man continued to protest; but he made no further attempt to stop her。 The first splinter did not cut her。 Fortunately the broken bracket also made it easier for her to lift out the pieces。 She pointed to a metal oil…slop pail and when it was fetched; she laid the crystal in it。 She removed the remaining portions with only one slice; when the final fragment resisted her initial pull。 She held up her bleeding hand。
 〃Behold; before your marveling eyes; the incredible recuperative powers of the crystal singer。 One of my professions' few advantages。〃
 〃What is another?〃 Lars asked。
 〃The credit!〃 She reached for the suction device。 〃This won't be good for anything; and no one is to touch it on its way to the disposal unit。〃 She depressed the toggle and made sure that the few loose slivers were cleared。 〃I'll check all the brackets to be sure none are loose。 More problems are caused by faulty bracketing than anything else。〃
 That was a tedious enough process but it was her own safety she was ensuring; hers and Lars's。 With Fernock and Lars handing her the appropriate tools; she released each bracket in turn and reseated the five squat crystal shafts remaining。 Then she struck each in turn for tone。 They were all Gs; of course; in a crystal drive; and to her intense relief; each emitted a pure unblemished tone。 She glanced up at Lars; to see him nod at the true G she had just sung。 He had not been the only one fascinated by the process。 There had been a constantly changing if discreet audience on the catwalk above the drive floor。 As well。 This would only enhance the image of the crystal singer。 And it might just safeguard her against any more nonsense from the Elders。
 〃There now。 Mr。 Fernock;〃 she said at last; arching her back against the crick caused by awkward positions。 〃I think you can safely proceed with reconnections。 I don't think there's any danger if the load is properly apportioned。 A five…shaft drive should generate enough power to get us to the Mainland。〃 She held up the hand that had been profusely bleeding an hour before。 〃See? All better。〃
 〃Guildmember; do you know how long it would have taken me and my men to make such repairs?〃
 〃I couldn't begin to guess; Mr。 Fernock; but do get on with the job。〃 She smiled at the disconcerted officer and then; with Lars a step behind her; retraced her steps to the upper deck。
 〃Citizen; you're too much for this island boy。〃
 〃Huh! I was showing off。。。 again;〃 and; leaning backward on one hand; kissed him lustily。 Just in time to avoid the exchange's being witnessed by Captain Festinel; who was hurrying to check on repairs。 〃You were a very deft assistant; Captain Dahl。 I must ask for your help with the organ repair。〃 She sedately continued her ascent。
 〃Surely; just perfect pitch … 〃 Lars began as they returned to the wardroom。
 〃 … Perfect and absolute … 〃
 〃 … As you say; isn't the only requirement for your profession?〃
 〃The major one。 Ballybran is a Code Four planet … 〃
 〃What does that mean? I'm an island lad from a iggerant planet;〃 and Lars' voice was rich with contempt。
 〃Dangerous。 Singing crystal is rated a 'highly dangerous' profession; limited to Type IV through VIII bipedal humanoids。。。〃
 〃Are there any other kinds?〃
 〃Don't alien life forms e for the Festival? The Reticulans are avid musicologists though I could never e to terms with their croons as music。〃
 〃Are they the ones that look like an assembly of twigs on a barrel?〃 The wardroom was empty and Lars swung her into his arms; kissing her passionately; stroking her body; murmuring endearments。 But knowing that they could be interrupted at any time inhibited Killashandra's response; even as she yearned for more。 At a scraping sound; they broke apart; Killashandra sliding breathlessly into the nearest chair。
 〃What a delightful description of Reticulans! The barrel is mostly windbag but I've never been close enough to discover which of their pseudopods are the pipes。〃
 Lars stopped pacing; for the noise in the panionway had ceased; and he came back to fondle her。
 〃A candidate for Guild membership has to pass Physical Fitness Test SG…I; Psychological Profile SG…I … which you'd never pass if you continue to do that; Lars … and Education Level 3。〃
 〃I'm not applying to the Guild; only applying a member。。。 〃
 This time the footsteps stopped and the door was slid back。 Mr。 Fernock entered; smiling broadly when he saw the occupants。
 〃We'll be underway in ten minutes; Guildmember; thanks to your invaluable assistance。 And we'll be able to make a reasonable enough speed on five shafts to reach our destination on time。〃
 〃How marvelous;〃 Killashandra said in a languid drawl。 Marvelous was not really the way she felt; considering the inner turmoil Lars's caresses had stimulated。 She couldn't get to the City and the Conservatory fast enough。
 Chapter 18
 Fortunately Lars was equally frustrated by thei
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