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or; regarding Lars expressionlessly。
 〃We got conditioned last night; Trag;〃 Killashandra said by way of explanation as she hauled her coverall on。 〃I don't think I should overdo it; but if Lars wants to act disaffected with me; it will lull Ampris and Torkes into thinking their programming's effective。 Even on a crystal singer。 Trag; I could even stay on here。。。 not want to leave Optheria。 I'm a musician。 If last night is the best they can do; just lead me to a keyboard! I'll show 'em some sensory music that'll knock 'em in the aisles。〃
 Trag shook his head slowly from side to side。 〃Risky for any number of reasons which I shouldn't have to enumerate。〃
 Brushing laugh tears from his eyes; Lars was still grinning broadly as he reached for his clothes。
 〃So what was so funny?〃 Killashandra asked。
 〃Mirbethan as a sex image when I have you!〃
 〃I'm not sure I needed to know that!〃 Killashandra stalked into the main room and up to the catering unit。 She punched out her selection so hard that the tab stuck and a succession of beverage cups paraded out。 Fortunately the mechanism was programmed against excessive use and the emergency panel flashed 〃quota〃 at her as the depressed button snapped out again。
 〃Put Ampris in my place and what do you have?〃 Lars wanted to know and his voice was just a shade repentant。
 〃Nausea。〃 she handed him a cup from the plentiful supply waiting on the catering facility。
 Chapter 23
 They had just finished eating when the unit blipped。 Killashandra flicked open the channel。 Mirbethan appeared; looking both annoyed and hesitant。 Killashandra schooled her face to courteous inquiry。
 〃My apologies for disturbing you so early; Guild…member。。。〃 she did not continue until Killashandra had murmured reassurance; 〃but a citizen has been most persistent in trying to contact you。。。 We have assured him that you are not to be disturbed by trivia。 He insists on speaking with you personally and his attitude borders on the insolent。〃 Mirbethan closed her mouth primly on the verdict。
 〃Well; well; what's his name?〃
 〃Corish von Mittelstern。 He says that he met you on board the Athena。〃 Mirbethan obviously doubted this。
 〃Indeed he did。 A pleasant young man who knows nothing of my Guild affiliation。 Put him through。〃
 Corish's image immediately replaced Mirbethans。 He was frowning but his expression cleared into a broad smile once he saw Killashandra。
 〃Thank Krim I got you; Killashandra。 I was beginning to doubt that you ever existed; with that Conservatory playing it so cozy。 I never heard of a Conservatory monitoring the calls of a student。〃
 〃They're very careful and they prefer your plete dedication to your studies here。〃
 〃You mean; you've been allowed to play on one of those special organs?〃
 Killashandra affected a girlish giggle。 〃Me? No。 But I heard the most marvelous recital on the Conservatory's two…manual sensory organ last night。 You wouldn't believe how versatile it is; how powerful; how stimulating。 Corish; you've simply got to get to one of the concerts before you leave。 The public ones will be starting soon; they tell me; but I could see if it's possible to get you to one here at the Conservatory。 You really have to hear the Optherian organ; Corish; before you can possibly understand what it's like for me。〃 Someone pinched her arm。 Well; maybe she was overdoing it a trifle but enthusiasm was not out of order。 〃Have you found your uncle yet?〃
 Corish's expression altered from the skeptical to the dolorous。 〃Not yet。〃
 〃Oh; dear; how very disappointing。〃
 〃Yes; it is。 And I've only two more weeks before I'm scheduled to leave。 The family is going to be upset about my failure。 Look; Killashandra; I know you're studying hard; and this is a chance of a lifetime for you; but could you spare me an evening?〃 Killashandra gave Corish full marks for a fine performance。
 〃Oh; Corish; you sound so discouraged。 Yes; I'm sure I can wangle an evening out。 I don't think there's a concert tonight。 I'll find out。 I'm not a prisoner here。〃
 〃I should hope not;〃 Corish said stiffly。
 〃Look; where can I reach you?〃
 〃The Piper Facility;〃 Corish replied as if there were no other suitable place in the City; 〃where you said; and he emphasized the word; 〃that you'd leave a message for me。 I was concerned when there'd been no word at all from you。 Food's not bad here but they won't serve anything drinkable。 Typical traveler hostel。 I'll see if they can remend some place a little more Optherian。 This isn't a bad world; you know。 I've met some sterling people; very helpful; very kind。〃 Then his expression brightened。 〃You check and leave word at the Facility only if you can't make it。 Otherwise; e here at seven thirty。 You have enough funds for ground transport; don't you?〃 Now he was the slightly condescending; well traveled adult; older sibling。
 〃Of course I do。 You sound just like my brother;〃 she replied cheerfully。 〃See you!〃 And she broke the connection; turning to Trag and Lars。 〃That sort of solves one problem; doesn't it?〃
 〃Does it?〃 Trag asked darkly。
 〃I think so;〃 Lars replied。 〃Corish has an unlimited travel pass; issued by Elder Pentrom。 His credentials must have e from very highly placed Federationists for that kind of assistance。〃
 〃More likely; his uncle' is due to inherit a sizable hunk of credit of which the Optherian government will get its own share。〃 Killashandra suggested。 Lars nodded。 〃And if his cover has been that good; it's unlikely the Elders have tumbled to his true identity so he could get in touch with anyone we need; including Olav Dahl! Or Nahia or Hauness。〃
 〃What concerns me;〃 Lars said; his eyes clouded with anxiety; 〃is why he's getting in touch with you right now。 He must have e back to the City from Ironwood … and Nahia and Hauness。 Maybe they're in jeopardy。 So many people were picked up on the search and seize。。。〃
 Killashandra put a reassuring hand on Lars's arm。 〃I think somehow Corish would have managed to intimate that。〃
 〃I think he did by not admitting to finding his uncle。〃
 〃If he admitted to having found his uncle;〃 Trag said; unexpectedly joining forces with Killashandra to reassure Lars; 〃he would no longer have any need to use that travel pass; and if he's as good a Council agent as he seems to be; he wouldn't surrender that option。〃
 Lars accepted that interpretation with a nod of his head and pretended to be reassured。
 〃We'll know soon enough;〃 Killashandra said kindly。
 〃Well; when you meet Corish this evening;〃 Lars said; 〃walk to whichever restaurant he's been remended。 That way you have some chance of open talk。 The Piper is certain to remend The Berry Bush or Frenshaw's。 Neither are far from the Piper; but both restaurants are run by Optherians; loyal and true to the Elders; so you'll be under observation。 The food's pretty good。〃 Lars gave her an encouraging grin。
 〃Then I'm taking the jammer; too。 Got to keep them thinking it's me that causes the static。 Well; they should have had enough time to digest Corish's innocuous conversation。〃 So Killashandra tapped out a sequence on the unit。 〃Mirbethan; is there a concert tonight? I shouldn't want to miss any but von Mittelstern has invited me to dinner tonight; and I've accepted。 I don't want him to e charging up here and discover I'm more than the simple music student he thinks me; so I'll settle his doubts。〃
 Whatever Mirbethan thought was disguised by her reassurances that no concert was scheduled。
 〃Then please arrange transport for me this evening。 By the way; when is the next concert? I'm fascinated by the organ effects。 Fabulous concert last night。 The most unusual one I've ever attended。〃
 〃Tomorrow evening; Guildmember。〃 Mirbethan's reply was gracious; but Killashandra noticed the slightly smug turn to the woman's faint smile。
 〃Good。〃 Killashandra broke the connection。 〃Offense is the best defense; Guildmember;〃 she added; turning to Trag。 〃You didn't have to promise the Elders that you'd discipline me for my emotional aberration; did you? Well; then; it's business as usual for me in a normal fashion which means I e and go; whether they trail me or not。 Right? And since I'm disaffected with you;〃 and Killashandra kissed Lars's cheek; 〃I'll go alone。 Unless; Trag; you want to e and meet Corish。〃
 〃I might; at that;〃 Trag said; half…closing his eyes a moment。
 〃That gives me the chance to moon after Mirbethan;〃 Lars said slyly。
 Killashandra guffawed and wished him luck。
 〃Now let us attend our duties;〃 Trag said; gesturing for Killashandra to precede them to the door。
 When they reached the Festival Auditorium; a large contingent of security men was loosely scattered about the stage; concentrated near the organ console; which was open。 Two men were fussing about the keyboard but Killashandra couldn't tell whether they were dusting or adjusting the keys。 Suddenly Elder Ampris detached himself from the gaggle and took a few steps forward to meet them。
 〃Don't overdo it; Killa;〃 Lars murmured at her; aiming a slightly fatuous grin at the Elder。
 〃After last night; Elder Ampris; I wonder at my audacity in suggesting that I play on any Optherian organ;〃 she said; and felt Lars's admonitory pinch on the tender inside flesh of her arm
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