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 opinion of it。 I don't half believe the reports。 I'd trust you。〃
 〃That's something to remember;〃 Killashandra murmured; glancing sideways at Antona。 Then; taking note of Rimbol's querying look; she asked smoothly; 〃What've you been cutting lately?〃
 〃Greens;〃 Rimbol replied with considerable satisfaction。 He held up crossed fingers。 〃Now; if only the storm damage is minimal; and it could be because the vein's in a protected spot; I might even catch up with you on Maxim。 You see。。。〃 and he proceeded to elaborate on his prospects。
 As Rimbol rattled on in his amusing fashion; Killashandra wondered if crystal would dull the Scartine's infectious good…nature along with his memory。 Would Antona give him the same urgent advice? Surely each of the newest crystal singers had some unique quality to be cherished and sustained throughout a lifetime。 Antona's outburst had been sparked by a long frustration。 To how many singers over her decades in the Guild had she tendered the same advice and found it ignored?
 〃。。。 So I came in with forty greens;〃 Rimbol was saying with an air of achievement。
 〃That's damned good cutting!〃 Killashandra replied with suitable fervor。
 〃You have no trouble releasing crystal?〃 Antona asked。
 〃Well; I did the first time out;〃 Rimbol admitted candidly; 〃but I remembered what you'd said; Killa; about packing as soon as you cut。 I'll never forget the sight of you locked in crystal thrall; right here in a noisy crowded hall。 A kindly and timely word of wisdom!〃
 〃Oh; you'd have caught on soon enough;〃 Killashandra said; feeling a trifle embarrassed by his gratitude。
 〃Some never do; you know;〃 Antona remarked。
 〃What happens? Do they stand in statuesque paralysis until night es? Or a loud storm?〃
 〃The inability to release crystal is no joke; Rimbol。〃
 Rimbol stared at Antona; his mobile face losing its amused expression。 〃You mean; they can be so enthralled; nothing breaks the spell?〃 Antona nodded slowly。 〃That could be fatal。 Has it been?〃
 〃There have been instances。〃
 〃Then I'm doubly indebted to you; Killa;〃 Rimbol said; rising; 〃so this round's on me。〃
 They finished that round; refreshed by food; drink; and conversation。
 〃Of the four; I think you'd prefer Rani in the Punjabi system;〃 Antona told Killashandra in parting。 〃The food's better and the climate less severe。 They have marvelous mineral hot springs; too。 Not as efficacious as our radiant fluid but it'll help reduce crystal resonance。 You need that。 After just an hour in your pany; the sound off you makes the hairs on my arm stand up。 See?〃
 Killashandra exchanged glances with Rimbol; before they examined the proof on Antona's extended arm。
 Antona laughed reassuringly; laying gentle fingers on Killashandra's forearm。
 〃A perfectly normal phenomenon for a singer who's been out in the Rangers steadily for over a year。 Neither of you would be affected but; as I don't sing crystal; I am。 Get used to it。 That's what identifies a singer anywhere in the Galaxy But the Rani hot springs will diminish the effect considerably。 So does time away from here。 See you。〃
 As Killashandra watched Antona enter the lift; she felt Rimbol's hand sliding up her arm affectionately。
 〃You feel all right to me;〃 he said; his blue eyes twinkling with amusement。 Then he felt her stiffen and suppress a movement of withdrawal。 He dropped his hand。 〃Privacy … sorry; Killa。〃 He stepped back。
 〃Not half as sorry as I am; Rimbol。 You didn't deserve that。 Chalk it up to another side effect of singing crystal that they don't include in that full disclosure。〃 She managed an apologetic smile。 〃I'm so wired I could broadcast。〃
 〃Not to worry; Killa。 I understand。 See you when you get back。〃 Then he made his wobbly way into the yellow quadrant to his quarters。
 Killashandra stared after him; irritated with herself for her reaction to a casual caress。 She'd had no such reaction to Lanzecki。 Or was that the problem? She was very thoughtful as she walked slowly to her quarters。 Fidelity was an unlikely disease for her to catch。 She certainly enjoyed making love with Lanzecki; and definitely he exerted an intense fascination on her。 Lanzecki had unequivocally separated his professional life from his private one。
 〃Rani; huh;〃 she murmured to herself as she put her thumb to the door lock。 She entered the room; closing the door behind her; and then leaned against it。
 Now; in the absence of background sounds; she could hear the resonance in her body; feel it cascading up and down her bones; throbbing in her arteries。 The noise between her ears was like a gushing river in full flood。 She held out her arms but the static apparently did not affect her; the carrier; or she had exhausted that phenomenon in herself。 〃Mineral baths! Probably stink of sulfur or something worse。〃
 Immediately she heard the initial phluggg as radiant fluid began to flow into the tank in the hygiene room。 Wondering why the room puter was on; she opened her mouth to abort the process; when her name issued from the speakers。
 〃Killashandra Ree?〃 The bass voice was unmistakably Trag's。
 〃Yes; Trag?〃 She switched on vision。
 〃You have been restored to the active list。〃
 〃I'm going off…world as soon as I can arrange transport; Trag。〃
 Expressionless as ever; Trag regarded her。 〃A lucrative assignment is available to a singer of your status。〃
 〃The Optherian manual?〃 As Trag inclined his head once; Killashandra controlled her surprise。 Why was Trag approaching her when Lanzecki had definitely not wanted her to take it?
 〃You're aware of the details?〃 For the first time Trag evinced a flicker of surprise。
 〃Rimbol told me。 He also said he wasn't taking it。 Was he your first choice?〃
 Trag regarded her steadily for a moment。 〃You were the logical first choice; Killashandra Ree; but until an hour ago you were an Inactive。〃
 〃I was the first choice?〃
 〃Firstly; you are going off…world in any event and do not have sufficient credit to take you past the nearer inhabited systems。 Secondly; an extended leave of absence is remended by Medical。 Thirdly; you have already acquired the necessary skills to place white crystal brackets。 In the fourth place; your curriculum vitae indicates latent teaching abilities so that training replacement technicians on Optheria is well within your scope。〃
 〃Nothing was said about training technicians。 Borella and Concera both have considerably more instructional experience than I。〃
 〃Borella; Concera; and Gobbain Tekla have not exhibited either the tact or diplomacy requisite to this assignment。〃
 Killashandra was amused that Trag added Gobbain to the list。 Had Bajorn told Trag who had inquired about transport to Optheria?
 〃There are thirty…seven other active Guild members who qualify!〃
 Trag shook his head slowly twice。 〃No; Killashandra Ree; it must be you who goes。 The Guild needs some information about Optheria … 〃
 〃Tactfully and diplomatically extracted? On what subject?〃
 〃Why the Optherian government prohibits interstellar travel to its citizens。〃
 Killashandra let out a whoop of delight。 〃You mean; why; with their obsession for music; there isn't a single Optherian in the Heptite Guild?〃
 〃That is not the relevant issue; Killashandra。 The Federated Sentient Council would be obliged if the Guild's representative would act as an impartial observer; to determine if this restriction is popularly accepted … 〃
 〃A Freedom of Choice infringement? But wouldn't that be a matter for … 〃
 Trag held up his hand。 〃The request asks for an impartial opinion on the popular acceptance of the restriction。 The FSC acknowledges that isolated individuals might express dissatisfaction; but a plaint has been issued by the Executive Council of the Federated Artists Association。〃
 Killashandra let out a low whistle。 The Stellars themselves protested? Well; if Optherian posers and performers were involved; of course the Executive Council would protest。 Even if it had taken them decades to do so。
 〃And since the Guild's representative would certainly e in contact with posers and performers during the course of the assignment; yes; I'd be more than willing to volunteer for that facet。〃 Was that why Lanzecki had been against her going? To protect her from the iron idealism of a parochial Optherian Council? But; as a member of the Heptite Guild; which guaranteed her immunity to local law and restrictions; she could not be detained on any charges。 She could be disciplined only by her Guild。 That any form of artistry might be limited by law was anathema。 〃There've been Optherian organs a long time。。。〃
 〃Popular acceptance is the matter under investigation。〃
 Trag was not going to be deflected from the official wording of the request。
 〃All right; I copy!〃
 〃You'll accept this assignment?〃
 Killashandra blinked。 Did she imagine the eagerness in Trag's voice; the sudden release of tension from his face。
 〃Trag; there's something you've not told me about this assignment。 I warn you; if this turns out to be like the Trundie … 〃
 〃Your familiarity with elements of this assignment suggests that you have already done considerable background investigation。 I have informed you of the FSC request … 〃
 〃Why don't you leave it w
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