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 〃Balderol's students;〃 Elder Ampris murmured by way of explanation。 〃To practice for the concerts now the organ is repaired。〃
 At a glance; Killashandra decided there must be nine security men for each student。 She smiled kindly; then noticed out of the corner of her eye that a solid line of the biggest security men stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the door to the organ loft。 Were they glued to their posts?
 〃Well; let's leave them to it;〃 she said brightly。 〃Don't you have some students for Trag and myself? To learn crystal tuning? They must have perfect and absolute pitch; you know;〃 she reminded Elder Ampris as they left the stage。 Her voice sounded dead as her final words were spoken in less resonant surroundings。
 〃That is not scheduled until tomorrow; Killashandra;〃 Ampris said; mildly surprised。 〃I had thought that you and Guildmember Trag should take this opportunity to see the rest of the Conservatory。〃
 That was not high on Killashandra's list of priorities but since she was momentarily in Ampris's good graces; she should make an effort to stay there。 She was not best pleased when Ampris turned the projected tour over to Mirbelhan; excusing himself on the grounds of urgent administrative duties。 Instead of proving to Ampris that sublimation worked on crystal singers; she had to watch Lars proving it to Mirbethan while she tried to attach herself to Trag。 At first Trag remained his inscrutable self but suddenly altered; attentive to her explanations of this classroom; that theory processor; when the small theater had been added; and which distinguished poser had initiated what ramification on the Festival Organ。 Had Lars brazenly pinched the impervious Trag? As she trailed behind the trio; now inspecting the cheerless and sterilely neat dormitories; she would have been glad enough to receive Lars's pinch。
 If she had herself been more receptive; she would have been impressed by the physical advantages of the Conservatory for it was exceedingly well organized and equipped in terms of practice and classrooms; library facilities; processing terminals。 There was even a library of books; donated by the original settlers and subsequent visitors。 The actual Conservatory had been designed as a plete unit and built at one time; only the Festival Auditorium added on at a later date although included in the original plans。 In design it was a plex far superior to Fuerte's Music Center; which had sprawled in extensions and annexes with no basic concept。 There was; however; more charm in a corner of Fuerte's Music Center than in any of the more elaborate and pretentious chambers of Optheria's Conservatory。
 〃The Infirmary is this way。〃 Mirbethan's unctuous voice broke through Killashandra's sour reflections。
 〃I've been there;〃 she said in a dry and caustic tone and Mirbethan had the grace to look embarrassed。 Then she gave Lars a penetrating look which he returned with an impudent wink。 〃And I'm hungry。 We didn't eat any lunch in order to get the installation pleted。〃
 Mirbethan was full of apologies and; when both Trag and Lars said they were sure the Infirmary was of the same high standard as the rest of the premises; she led them back to their quarters。
 Once inside; Lars ostentatiously activated the jammer and Killashandra heaved a sigh of relief。 She hadn't realized how tense she'd bee。
 〃I'm hungry; that's all; I'm hungry;〃 she told herself as she made her way to the caterer。
 〃Where did you find the subliminal unit; Trag?〃 Lars asked; pausing at the drinks cabinet。
 〃Under the stage; but keyed by the same motif。 For clever men; the Elders can be repetitive。〃
 Killashandra gave a contemptuous snort。 〃Probably can't remember anything more plicated at their advanced ages。〃
 〃Don't make the mistake of underestimating them; Killashandra;〃 Trag said solemnly as he poured himself a blew。
 〃Let them have that privilege;〃 Lars added。 〃Sententious bastards。 We're down to Bascum; Killa。〃
 〃Well; that goes well with the fish; which seems the only thing left on today's menu。〃
 Lars guffawed。 〃It always is。 Take the soup instead;〃 he said in a tone that suggested dire experience。 〃And don't; Killa; play my music again in the Conservatory;〃 he added; waggling a finger at her。 〃Balderol heard me practice often enough。〃
 〃I won t say I'm sorry;〃 Killashandra replied。 〃It just happened to develop from the previous chord。 It's probably the most original music ever played on that organ if what we heard last night is standard。〃
 〃They don't want originality; Killa;〃 Lars said with a twist to his smile。 〃They want more of the same that they can orchestrate to mind…penetration。 Trag; what did Ampris say about your doing the provincial organs?〃
 〃I haven't suggested it。 Yet。 There has been no opportunity。〃
 Lars looked anxious。 〃I'm the one who's greedy now。 Disabling their program in the City is a big step forward because so many provincials make the trek here in order to say they've heard the Festival Organ。 But they're not the ones who'd be recruited to Ampris's punitive force。 So they're the ones we want to keep unaffected this year。〃
 〃Who else has access to the organ lofts?〃 Trag asked。
 〃Only。。。 Ah!〃 Lars's expressive face altered to triumph。 〃gail never got the chance to make his annual inspection of the other facilities。 And maintenance is Ampris's responsibility; not Torkes。 He'll have to use you and Killa; Trag。 He hasn't anyone else。 And he certainly wouldn't entrust maintenance to the puff heads you're supposed to initiate into the art of crystal tuning。〃
 〃Especially not you; Lars;〃 said Killashandra with a laugh。
 〃Let's not continue that part of the farce。 Killa;〃 Lars said。
 〃Why not?〃 asked Trag。 〃I think you must realize that we will not leave you on this planet; no matter how cleverly you could hide yourself amid your islands; Lars Dahl。 Crystal tuning is a universal skill。〃
 〃So is sailing; Trag。〃
 〃But let us continue as we have started。 Farce or not; it keeps you in our pany and safe。〃
 〃Trag; are you recruiting?〃 Even to herself; Killashandra sounded unnecessarily sharp。
 Trag turned his head slowly to look at her; his heavy features expressionless。 〃Recruiting is not permitted by the FSP; Killashandra Ree。〃
 She snorted; 〃Neither is subliminal conditioning; Trag Morfane!〃
 Lars looked from one to the other; grinning at this evidence of unexpected discord。 〃Here; here; what's this?〃
 〃An old controversy;〃 Killashandra replied quickly。 〃If all the provincial organs need at least basic maintenance; then you and I; Trag; are the only qualified technicians on Optheria。 Ampris will have to ask you; for I can't see him asking me; and that solves that problem; doesn't it?〃
 〃It should;〃 Lars replied; grinning at her for her change of subject and the facile solution。
 〃We shall see。〃 Trag added; rising to refill his glass。
 〃I need a bath;〃 Killashandra said; rising。 〃After a morning spent with Ampris; I feel unclean!〃
 〃Now that you mention it;〃 Lars murmured and followed her。
 A stolid security man drove the small ground vehicle that evening。 Its plasglas canopy gave her an unobstructed view of the City in its tortured sprawl as she was driven sedately down from the Conservatory prominence。 The spring evening was mild and the sky cloudless。 Quite likely; Killashandra thought; she was seeing the City at its best; for spring growth hazed most of the vegetation with a delicate green; gold; or fawn brown; providing some charm to the otherwise sterile buildings。 The residential dwellings often sported vines; now sprouting a bright orange leaf or blossom。
 Most of the traffic was pedestrian; though a few larger goods…carrying vehicles intersected their route through the winding streets of the City。 There seemed to be no visible roadway controls but her driver slowed to a plete halt at several cross streets。 At one; she received incurious glances from the several pedestrians halted on the footpaths。 Doubtless all good Optherians were at home with their families at that hour; and the few people that Killashandra did pass looked glum; anxious; or determined。 It occurred to Killashandra that she missed the light…hearted islanders with their ready smiles and generally pleasant behavior。 She'd seen very few genuine or lasting smiles in the Conservatory: a perfunctory movement of the lips; a show of teeth but no genuine delight; pleasure; or enthusiasm。 Well; what else could she expect in such a climate?
 She spotted the Piper Facility before the driver turned up the broader thoroughfare to it。 It hung; block…square and utilitarian; like hostels anywhere; even Fuerte。 She had once thought the native orangy…red sandstone of Fuerte garish and mon but she could feel almost nostalgic for its hominess。 Certainly the relaxed and random designs of Fuertan architecture were a patch above Optheria's contorted constructions。
 The timepiece above the entrance of the Piper Facility flashed a big 1930 as the driver reduced the forward speed of the vehicle。 Precisely then; the main door slid aside and Corish; looking tanned and expectant; emerged。 Immediately he saw Killashandra; he smiled a warm and enthusiastic wele。
 〃Right on the dot; Killashandra; you've improved!〃 he said
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