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 so blind?〃
 〃None so blind as will not see; eh; Killa; my lovely Sunny? My pale Sunny; my beloved。 Is there no sun on this planet that you are so wan?〃 He began to kiss her in a leisurely fashion。 〃I admit I did hesitate。 Briefly。〃 His eyes sparkled with his teasing。 〃Then I ran the entry on Ballybran itself。 That decided me。〃
 〃Ballybran? Ballybran decided you?〃 Killashandra wriggled about in his arms; astounded。 Not that she understood why she had such ambivalent reactions to his decision in the first place。 He was here! How had she; and that conniving symbiont of hers; known that he would e? Because she didn't think that he wouldn't'? Long absent; she felt the caress of crystal along her bones。
 〃Of course; Sunny。 Now if you'd thought to mention earlier on that Ballybran has seas … 〃
 〃Seas?〃 Killashandra put a hand on his forehead。 He must be feverish。 〃Seas!〃
 〃All I've ever needed for perfect contentment is a tall ship and a star to sail her by。〃 He held her as her temper began to rise; though she didn't know if he was mauling that obscure quotation or not。 And then; too; Ballybran has you; beloved Sunny!〃 His tenor voice dropped to an intense and passionate whisper; his eyes were an incredible brilliant blue; dominating her immediate vision。 His arms enpassed her in a grip that reminded her of sun…warmed beaches and fragrant breezes and … 〃Show me; crystal singer; all that Ballybran has to offer me。〃
 〃Right now?〃


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