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  Startled by the odd note in his dragon's tone; for a moment F'lessan worried that he hadn't been as sensitive to Golanth's needs as he should be。 When was the last time he'd hunted Golanth?
  I will hunt very well today!
  The bronze was ing in slowly…almost stealthily…to land so that Zaranth was directly in front of them; her rider stripping the safety harness; which was never used when dragons went after a meal。 F'lessan could not miss Zaranth's condition。 She was gleaming with more than health。 Why hadn't Tai noticed that the green was ing into heat? He tried to think which dragons had been at Honshu early this morning。 Most had gone well before dawn; as they had; to begin whatever work was slated for that day in the reconstruction of Monaco's Weyr building。 In a traditional Weyr; with dragons basking on their ledges; her readiness would have been noticed long before the green herself might be aware of her form。 Honshu had been guesting dragons since the Flood。 True; both riders and dragons arrived tired: riders eating quickly and seeking their beds; dragons finding a spot on sun…warmed terraces and rousing only when their riders called them the next morning。 He and Tai had gone directly to Paradise River and from there to Benini Hold; their dragons sprawling in full sun; several hours in the sun。 Heat was known to trigger a dragon's mating instinct。 He swore; wondering if any of the other dragons had been awake to the nearness of Zaranth's cycle? Riders were known to remember when greens were likely to e into heat。 Most of those staying at Honshu were Monaco Weyr riders。 Would they e storming in from all over now Zaranth was active? Was this a delayed reaction in Zaranth? Overdue? But he was a Wingleader and he shouldn't have missed the signs。 Well; Tai had!
  I didn't。
  For once; Golanth jolted gracelessly onto the terrace; throwing his rider forward in an unexpected assist in dismounting。 F'lessan was lucky to keep on his feet; running a few steps to restore his balance。 Did Golanth sense other male dragons near enough to challenge him? Certainly the bronze demonstrated his eagerness by arching his neck; tucking his head into his chest; proudly male。 Sweeping the skies for the appearance of more dragons; F'lessan quickly stripped off safety straps; shucking the pile to the nearest bench; as he began to shed his flying gear。 Golanth moved carefully toward Zaranth; his eyes beginning to whirl in anticipation。
  Tai was standing there; the harness folded over her arms; gazing fatuously at her dragon。
  〃Good to see her looking so well。 She'd gone quite dull there for a while after the Flood;〃 she remarked as F'lessan strode up to her。 〃How near are the felines?〃
  〃Looking so well?〃 F'lessan paused; astonished by her choice of words。 Then he pointed dramatically at Zaranth。 〃By the Egg; look at her; Tai!〃
  Her eyes gleaming orangey…red; Zaranth angled her head coquettishly back at Golanth who was displaying; moving cautiously nearer; his faceted eyes sparking more redly。
  Tai gasped; eyes widening with an expression of such fear and intense loathing that F'lessan wondered just what had happened during Zaranth's other mating flights。
  〃But there's just us!〃 she cried defensively; the harness slipping off her arms as she spread them wide in a gesture of panic and confusion。
  How had she thought there was safety in that? Of course there had been other dragons and riders around; in and out of Honshu。 Until right now! But; with a green in heat; there was no safety in numbers。 Her hands turned; palms toward him in flat rejection。 And; of course; he thought in fury; when Zaranth had gone proddy before; every blue; brown; and needy bronze had appeared: their riders had corralled her rider; waiting to see which dragon would win the green。 He closed his eyes; he knew very well how intense the mood would be。 But the green rider would choose!
  〃Tai; did you never choose?〃 he cried; outraged for her as he started to close the distance between them。 And halted。 He mustn't crowd her。 The others had。 How much time could he give her? How could he soothe her?
  She was trembling violently; her eyes wide…not in an answer to her dragon's sensuality; but in sheer terror。 She seemed to draw into herself; denying what was about to happen。 Crossing her arms in a defensive position! Shards! Had previous riders raped her as their dragons twined? He tried to remember which blues and browns weyred at Monaco。
  Tai continued backing away from him; looking about wildly for some refuge。
  〃They were all the same;〃 she muttered。 〃There's no escape from them。 From their。。。〃 She swallowed; trying to lick dry lips; white…faced with revulsion: her green eyes stark。
  〃Tai; were you forced?〃 With those words Tai shot F'lessan a look of such fear laced with guilt that he felt his belly fall flat。 〃You didn't choose?〃 He spoke very gently; appalled。 This should be the most wonderful experience: a doubled ecstasy as both dragon and rider exalted in the union。 He'd thought he'd made it so for those he'd partnered。 The queen riders had always known: they had chosen him。 With the state she was in; there was no way Tai had ever chosen。 〃It shouldn't be a violation。 It should be a celebration for you and your dragon。 The most glorious union!〃
  〃Union?〃 She snarled the word; the panic in her eyes telling him that mating had been far from that。
  How many times had Zaranth mated? How many times had she been。。。 he struggled to find the appropriate word。。。 violated? He knew hold and hall girls often were; it was one reason so many sought sanctuary in a Weyr。 Dragonriders; except at this one time in their dragon's cycle; were known to be considerate; and ardent; lovers。 Without conceit; he knew that he enjoyed a certain reputation。 Is that why Tai had been so chary of his pany? He'd thought she was just naturally reticent。 Now he realized she had been motivated more by fear than reserve。 He'd have a few well…chosen words for Mirrim after this…if he could only reach the girl now; when it was vital to soothe her。
  With the stunning warble of a lustful green; Zaranth issued her challenge to Golanth and launched herself; straight up。 Unlike the queens who needed to blood a kill to give them extra strength for longer mating flights; greens required little preparation beyond the onset of their cycle。 Golanth did not hesitate for a moment; the bugle of his acceptance echoing back to their riders。
  Tai screamed in anguish; reaching out futilely as if she could have stopped her green。
  〃Tai; listen to me;〃 he said; keeping his voice light。 〃Let me explain how it should be。〃 Carefully; slowly; he held out one hand but she backed away along the terrace。
  Eyeing his hand as if even his touch would sully her; she cowered away; her green eyes frantic。
  〃Oh; Tai; my friend; if I could; I'd stop Golanth;〃 and he would have given anything to have been able to prepare her more。 If he hadn't been so callous as to ignore what he'd thought was a natural reserve rather than sexual fear。 〃I can't; not now when Zaranth wants him so badly。〃
  〃How can she want him? I don't want you! Not that way!〃
  That admission was at least something in his favor; F'lessan thought; struggling to find a way through panionship to solving the intensely immediate problem of their situation。 All too soon the rider would be consumed by the dragon in a bonding neither could escape。 He had to reach Tai; the human being; before her mind was locked into her mating dragon。
  〃But you see; she does。 She just challenged him;〃 he said softly; infusing as much gentle persuasion into his voice as he could。 〃He answered。 He has been admiring her in so many ways。 Just as I admire you; Tai。〃
  She blinked; confused。
  That was good; F'lessan thought; somewhat frantic himself。 If he couldn't reach her; she'd never realize that it needn't be rape。 He knew he could control his human self; no matter how he might wish to revel in orgasm with his Golanth。
  〃Haven't you learned anything of me?〃 he cried in soft desperation。 〃Have I offended you? Slighted you as friend; Tai?〃 She blinked again; shaking her head; more confused than ever as the hold of her dragon increased。 〃In this let me be your friend…and lover; too。 Challenge me; Tai; as your dragon challenged mine。 Challenge me to make love to you; to you; Tai; not to Tai…rider。 Choose me!〃 He spread his hands across his chest。 〃Choose me; Tai!〃
  〃I have no choice;〃 she said; whimpering。 She collapsed inwardly。
  〃Oh; Tai; love;〃 he pleaded; holding out his hands but careful not to crowd her。 She was so near the edge of the terrace。 She was suddenly so dear to him; he was surprised to realize。 This was not all Golanth's yearning: F'lessan the man was yearning; too。 〃Please; Tai; please choose me!〃
  Whether it was Tai who reached slowly out to her friend for support; or the dazed rider; he wasn't then sure but she did reach。 Was there enough of the human there to have made a choice?
  〃Please; Tai; e with me now;〃 he said; taking her hand in a light grasp and gently turning her back; toward the nearest door。 〃My friend; we must go in。〃
  He tried not to startle her; slowly guidi
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