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  Surprisingly; Ranald de Garsenc's laughter ended。 He shook his head。 He said; 〃You will not believe me; but I told father and the king both that I was prepared to let her go if she sent back the child。 Neither would agree; not that she would have done so in any case。〃 He paused。 〃I faced summary execution if I did not ride with Ademar to Aubry last autumn。 Ask the duke of Savaric; your brave new ally。 He was at that burning too; for the same reason。〃
  It was Blaise's turn to be silent。 〃I know he was;〃 he said at length。 〃I know why you were there; Ranald。 But Fulk de Savaric has made his response to that tonight。 He is with us now。 You are about to ride back to Cortil。 To the ugliness there。 I don't understand。 I can't understand。 Ranald; will you not tell me why?〃 There was pain in the question。 Every man on the bridge heard it。
  Slowly Ranald de Garsenc shook his head again。 〃No;〃 he said finally。 〃I do not owe you that much。〃 He paused; seeming more posed than his younger brother on the ground now。 〃Nor will I thank you for not torturing me to find the location of the tunnel。 I will say this much…〃 he turned to the duke of Talair; 〃…I am not going back to Cortil。 Forget not; in your urge to mock and diminish your foes; who and what it is you are dealing with。 I never forget it; not ever; during any day or night of my life。〃
  He turned back to his brother。 〃Farewell; little Blaise; who would be king of all of us。 I can recall teaching you to use that sword you carry。 I wonder if you remember?〃
  He turned then; and was gone into night and fog; only the drumming of his horse's hooves in the mist telling them he was riding east。
  〃Of course I remember;〃 said Blaise; to no one in particular。
  He turned then and began walking up the bridge towards the castle; past the two dukes and all the corans; who quickly made way for him。 He stood motionless before the portcullis bars until they had been rolled up again; allowing him to pass within; into his ancestral home。
  Feeling buffeted by the speed of events; Thaune of Garsenc was more than a little eased to note heightened colour and hints of bemusement in the expressions of others when they gathered in the great hall。
  There had been no resistance in the end。 The announced arrival of Blaise de Garsenc; coupled with the even more tangible presence of nearly a thousand armed men with the duke of Savaric; induced any corans of Garsenc who might have been otherwise inclined to make their peace with the current situation。
  That wasn't the problem。 The problem emerged when the explanations began; while the castle servants scurried to provide wine and food and sleeping arrangements; not only for those in the hall but for the northern soldiers; and for the farmers who had also e with Fulk; carrying a variety of arms。
  It was the presence of the farmers Fulk had been ordered to bring that raised the issue。 It was winter; after all。 Corans often followed their lord wherever he went; and it was not unusual for a duke to bring part of his household with him if he travelled to Cortil to spend the cold months drinking and brawling among the retinue of the king。 It was a custom of long standing。 That; they had assumed; was why Garsenc Castle was unlikely be heavily defended。 But if the ordinary men of the land were being ordered by Ademar to take up arms in the dead of winter something else was afoot。
  Fulk de Savaric knew that。 He didn't know what was unfolding; though; because he hadn't yet reached Cortil when his instructions had been changed。 His tale was simple。 He had been instructed to bring as many men south as he could。 Given the mood of the king since autumn; Fulk had not regarded these orders as being the sort he could fortably ignore。 They were mobilizing early for an attack in the spring; he had concluded; it had always been the most likely course of events。
  Halfway to Cortil he had been met by a messenger from the High Elder; changing his orders; instructing him to turn west to Garsenc Castle; and meet Galbert there。 There was a threat from the south; the messenger reported; treachery abroad in the wintry heartland of Gorhaut。 Fulk knew; as most of Gorhaut had known by then; that Blaise de Garsenc had claimed the throne last autumn。
  Duke Fulk was his own man; if he lacked his father's flamboyance or the confidence of the monarch that Cadar de Savaric had had。 He'd turned his thousand men as ordered; riding along a valley path laced with snow; but he had stopped them by a frozen river bed two days later; a half day's ride still from Garsenc Castle。 And there; under grey skies; he had made a speech。
  He was not a man for speeches; nor were the men of the north greatly inclined to listen to orations; especially in the cold。 What he said was as terse and clear as he could make it; and the words marked a changing of his life。 He would have denied that Aubry had led him to that moment; but he wouldn't have said it had nothing to do with it; either。
  He had never liked the Treaty of Iersen Bridge; he told his assembled men; shouting the words into the rising wind。 He had never liked the authority the High Elder of Corannos had over an increasingly self…indulgent king。 He felt contempt and real anger for the way in which a quarter of the people of Gorhaut had been dispossessed of their land and ordered to find shelter somewhere; anywhere; while the king and his High Elder plotted a conquest in the south。 Fulk de Savaric did not think they could hold any lands they took south of the passes; they wouldn't be allowed to; he said; by the other countries of their world。 The balance would be too greatly shifted。 They would only trade a border war with Valensa for an enormous bat against all the other nations; and the Arbonnais; he said; would die before they lay quiet under a Gorhaut yoke of occupation。 They would be forced out of Arbonne; he told his men; leaving ruin and ashes and legions of the dead behind them。
  That; said Fulk; probably didn't even matter to the High Elder; whose war this was。 The real point of what was happening now had little to do with land for the dispossessed of the north。 Galbert wanted only to destroy Arbonne and its goddess; and the Treaty of Iersen Bridge had been the first devious step towards that。 Fulk de Savaric didn't much care either way about Arbonne's goddess; she had never bothered him; he said by that frozen river。 What did bother him; what enraged him; he said; were the uprooted people of the northlands。 Their king had sold them to Valensa for silver and gold; to raise an army for burning women in Arbonne。
  There were others; he told his silent pany; who felt the same way as he。 Blaise de Garsenc; the younger son of the High Elder was probably known to many of them。 He wasn't even a northlander; but he had left Gorhaut entirely rather than live with the terms of the Treaty of Iersen Bridge。 He was very likely ing home now; perhaps even tonight; leading a rising against these very wrongs Fulk was speaking of。 The duke proposed to join him; for the honour of the northland and in memory of his father and King Duergar who had truly loved and served Gorhaut。 He invited those of his army who thought the same thing and who trusted his judgment to e with him。 Those who felt otherwise were free to leave; with his honest gratitude for their service in the past。
  That was all he said。 Wind blew down the valley; sliding snow into mounds on the banks of the frozen river; shaking it down from the branches of bare trees。
  Eighteen men left; from a pany of almost a thousand。
  The men of the northland had their own hard creed; always; and the lords of Savaric had seldom played them false; whatever the kings in Cortil might have done。 Duke Cadar de Savaric had died defending their lands and his own at Iersen Bridge。 His son had shepherded the interests of the north with a cautious diligence in the upheavals that followed King Ademar's accession and the treaty he had signed。 If the time for caution now had ended; the time for loyalty had not; and loyalty to the north was the first law of the north。
  Not a man prone to the sweep of powerful emotions; Fulk de Savaric had nonetheless been moved by what had followed his words on that wintry afternoon。 He was speaking treason; after all。
  There was no shouting when he ended; no cries of approval or swift cheers raised in his name。 That was not their way。 There was only the grim; stern silence that had always defined the north; as six horsemen and twelve men on foot detached themselves from the pany; to proceed east from that icy stream towards Cortil and King Ademar; who was still; when all else was said and done; the anointed of the god。
  The rest had followed him here to Garsenc Castle and would follow him now; he said soberly to Blaise and Bertran and the others gathered in the great hall; wherever he asked them to go。
  〃That last;〃 said Blaise; 〃is the real question; I fear。〃 He seemed to have gradually recovered his posure after the encounters with his father and brother。 〃We had planned to take this castle; use it as a winter base; a rallying point; for any men who might join our cause; and then see what the spring brought us; in
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