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rge bite out of the snake's midsection; allowing its tail half to fall free。
   Nestor drew some small encouragement from the fact that the dragon seemed to prefer snake to human flesh。 He tried again; more methodically this time; to work himself free。 But in this case method had no more success than frenzy。
   He must have fainted again; for his next awareness was of being picked up once more by his captor。 He was being held against the dragon's breast in the same way as before; and his arms were already firmly pinned。 This time the takeoff was easier; though hardly any less terrifying … it consisted in the dragon's launching itself headlong from the brink of the small cliff; and gaining flying speed in a long; swamp…skimming dive that took Nestor within centimeters of the scummy water。 Moss…hung trees flitted past him to right and left; with birds scattering from the trees in noisy alarm。 A monkbird screamed; and then was left below。
   Again Nestor faded in and out of consciousness。 Again he was unsure of how much time was passing。 If the damnable thing had not hauled him all this way to eat him; then what was its purpose? He was not being taken home to some gargantuan nest to feed its little ones … no; by all the gods and the Treasure of Benambra; it could not be that。 For such an idea to occur to him meant that he was starting to go mad。 Everyone knew that dragons built no nests and fed no young。。。 and that no flying dragon was big enough to carry a grown man。。。
   The clouds in the west were definitely reddening toward sunset before the flight was over。 At last the creature ceased its steady southwestern flight and began to circle over another; larger; island of firm ground in the swamp。 Most of the trees and lesser growth had been cleared away from a sizable area around the approximate center of the island。 In the midst of this clearing stood a gigantic structure that Nestor; observing under difficult conditions; perceived as some kind of temple。 It had been built either of stone; brought into the swamp from the gods knew where; or else of some kind of wood; probably magically hardened and preserved against decay。 The circles of the dragon's flight fell lower; but Nestor still could not guess to which goddess or god the temple … if such it truly was … had been dedicated; there were so many that hardly anyone knew them all。 He could tell that the building was now largely fallen into ruin; and that the ruins were now largely overgrown by vines and flowers。
   The largest area remaining cleared was a courtyard; its stone paving still mostly intact; directly in front of what had probably been the main entrance of the temple。 The flyer appeared to be heading for a landing in this space; but was for some reason approaching very cautiously。 While it was still circling at a few meters' altitude; one possible reason for caution appeared; in the form of a giant landwalker that stalked out into the courtyard from under some nearby trees; bellowing its stupidity and excitement。 While the flyer continued to circle just above its reach; the landwalker roared and reared; making motions with its treetrunk forelimbs as if it meant to leap at Nestor's dangling legs when they passed above。 Once he thought that he felt its hot breath; but fortunately it had no hope of getting its own bulk clear of the ground。
   Then a prolonged cry; uttered in a new and different voice; penetrated the dragon's noise。 The new voice was as deep as the landwalker's roar; but still for a moment Nestor thought that it was human。 Then he felt sure that it was not。 And; when the sound of it had faded; he was not sure that it had borne intelligence of any kind; human or non…human。 The basic tone of it had been manding; and the modulation had seemed to Nestor to hover along the very verge of speech … just as a high…pitched sound might have wavered along the verge of human hearing。
   Perhaps to the landwalker dragon some meaning had been clear; for the enormous beast broke off its own uproar almost in mid…bellow。 It turned; with a lash of its great tail; and stamped back into the surrounding forest; kicking small trees aside。
   Now the way was clear for the flying dragon; and it lowered quickly into the clearing。 Then; summoning up one more effort; it hovered with its burden; as from underneath vast trees a being who was neither dragon nor human strode out on two legs。。。
   Nestor looked; then looked again。 And still he was not sure that his sufferings had not finally brought him to hallucinations。
   The being that stood below him on two legs was clothed from head to toe in long fur; a covering subtly radiant with its own energies。 The suggestion was of light on the edge of vision; its colors indefinable。 The figure was easily six meters tall; not counting the upraised arm of human shape that reached for Nestor now。 The face was not human … certainly it was not but neither was it merely bestial。
   Despite its subtly glowing fur; the giant hand that closed with unexpected gentleness round Nestor's torso was five…fingered; and of human shape。 So was the other hand that reached to pluck out delicately the sword still embedded in the hovering dragon's hip。 At that; the flyer flapped exhaustedly away。 As it departed; it uttered again the creaking…windmill cry that Nestor remembered hearing once before; a lifetime in the past when he had still been driving his wagon through the fog。
   The enormous two…legged creature had put the sword down on the paving at its feet; and both furred hands were cradling Nestor now。 And he was about to faint again。。。
   But he did not faint。 An accession of strength; of healing; flowed into his maltreated body from those hands。 A touch upon his wounded shoulder; followed by a squeeze that should have brought agony; served instead to drain away the existing pain。 A tingling warmth spread gratefully; infiltrating Nestor's entire body。 A moment later; when he was set down gently on the ground; he found that he could stand and move easily。 He felt alert and capable; indeed almost rested。 His pains and injuries had entirely vanished。 Even the thirst that had started to torment his mouth and throat was gone。
   〃Thank you;〃 he said quietly; and looked up; pondering his rescuer。 Although the day was almost gone; the sky was still light。 The glow of daylight tinged with sunset surrounded the subtler radiance of fur; on the head of the treetall being who stood like a huge man with his arms folded; looking down at Nestor。
   〃I am sorry that you were hurt。〃 The enormous voice sounded almost human now。 〃I did not mean you any harm。〃
   Nestor spread his arms。 He asked impulsively: 〃Are you a god?〃
   〃I am not。〃 The answer was immediate; and decisive。 〃What do you know of gods?〃
   〃Little enough; in truth。〃 Nestor rubbed at his shoulder; which did not hurt; then he dropped his gaze to the sword; which was now lying on the courtyard's pavement at his feet。 〃But I have met one; once before。 It was less than a year ago; though by all the gods it seems at least a lifetime。 Until that day; I don't suppose I ever really believed that gods existed。〃
   〃And which god did you meet that day; and how?〃 The huge voice was patient and interested; willing to gossip about gods if that was what Nestor wanted。 Above the folded arms; the immense face was inhuman。 It was impossible for Nestor to read expression in it。
   Nestor hesitated; thought; and then answered as clearly as he could; and not as he would have responded to questions put by any human interrogator。 Instead; he felt himself to be speaking as simply as a child; without trying to calculate where his answers might be going to lead him。
   〃It was Hermes Messenger that I encountered。 He came plete with his staff and his winged boots。 I was living alone then; in a small hut; away from people … and Hermes came to my door and woke me one morning at dawn。 Just like that。 He was carrying in one hand a sword; the like of which I'd never seen before; and he handed it over to me … just like that。 Because; as he said; I would know how to use it。 I was already in the dragon…hunting trade。 He told me that the sword had been for far too long in the possession of people who were never going to use it; who were too afraid of it to try; though they had some idea of its powers。 Therefore had Hermes taken it from them; and brought it to me instead。 It was called the Sword of Heroes; he told me; and also known as Dragonslicer。 He said that it would kill any dragon handily。
   〃Well; I soon had the opportunity to put Dragonslicer to the test; and I found that what Hermes had told me was the truth。 The blade pierced the scales of any dragon that I met like so much cloth。 It chopped up their bones like twigs; it found their hearts unerringly。 Hermes had told me that it had been forged by Vulcan; and when I saw what it could do I at last believed him on that point also。〃
   〃And what else did Hermes say to you?〃
   Trying to meet his questioner's eyes was giving Nestor trouble。 Staring at the giant's legs; he marked how their fur still glowed on the border of vision; even now when direct sunlight was pletely gone。 Night's shadows; rising f
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