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 〃You know I've never been a big fan of the Chinese;〃 the Russian president said; 〃but the foreign aid is only a bandage。 My country's factories need orders for our economy to mend itself。〃 
 The president nodded。 〃The biggest…ticket items in my budget are always the military planes and ships。 The Taiwanese have got a shopping list a mile long。 What if I could steer some of that business your way?〃 
 The Russian president smiled。 〃You are a crafty one;〃 he said。 〃You've managed to give me what my country needs while at the same time pitting us against the Chinese; who as you well know make an enemy of anyone who befriends Taiwan。〃 
 The president rose from the chair and stretched。 〃Now; Vlad;〃 he said; 〃isn't that the nucleus of negotiationto give both sides what they want?〃 
 〃I think;〃 the Russian president said; rising; 〃we may just have a deal。〃 
 〃Good; then;〃 the president said; motioning toward the dining hall。 〃What do you say we go see what kind of pie the chef has in the oven?〃 
 〃THE GOLD WAS mined somewhere in the area of Burma;〃 the …A。 scientist said when the billionaire returned; clutching a paper cup of tea。 
 〃Can you be more specific?〃 
 〃South of the twenty…degrees latitude line; which means southern Vietnam; Laos; Thailand or Burma。 I can try to pin it down more; but it will take time。〃 
 The billionaire sipped the tea; then shook his head back and forth。 〃Don't bother; you said the magic word。〃 
 The billionaire started toward the door while at the same time removing a cellular telephone from his belt。 〃Bring the car around;〃 he said to the driver。 Then he disconnected and reached for the door。 
 〃Do you want your gold back?〃 the scientist shouted across the laboratory。 
 〃Keep it;〃 the billionaire shouted。 〃I've got a lot more where that came from。〃 
 〃You're most generous;〃 the scientist muttered as he scraped the sample from the now…cool plate and slid it into the envelope with the other。 
 Carrying the envelope over to his desk; he tossed it into the top drawer。 Then he walked to the door; shut off the lights; and locked the door to the laboratory behind him。 A few minutes later; he was tooling across campus on his moped; still shaking his head at the strange encounter。 
 Hanley said。 〃I'll break out a repeater we can place on Barra Hill so we're not using local channels。〃 
 〃Better place a beacon up there; too;〃 Nixon said; glancing at the clipboard。 〃Murphy wants a fixed targeting point if he needs to loose a missile。〃 
 〃Murphy;〃 Hanley said; shaking his head; 〃he'd drive a thumbtack with a sledgehammer。〃 
 Nixon turned on an exhaust vent; then slid his leg over the motorcycle and poked the kick starter。 The machine roared to life and settled into an idle。 Shutting it off; he moved toward the second motorcycle and repeated the process。 The hours passed as the pair of men checked then double…checked the equipment。 
 INSIDE A STORAGE hold on the lower level of the Oregon; Hanley was standing with Kevin Nixon; staring at a collection of wheeled conveyances。 
 〃For certain; we should have a couple of the motorcycles and at j least one of the all…terrain vehicles prepared;〃 Hanley said。 
 Nixon nodded; then walked over to one of the motorcycles。 Since the last time it had been used; it had been cleaned and oiled。 All the tools used by the Corporation were kept in a constant state of readiJ nessit was one of the easiest ways to ensure success。 
 〃I'll go ahead and test run everything;〃 Nixon said。 〃Want me to fabricate Macau license plates for each?〃 
 〃Sounds good;〃 Hanley said。 〃Just standard tags; nothing diplomatic。〃 
 Nixon stared at the clipboard with the sheet of paper Cabrillo had prepared earlier。 〃Looks like Ross wants earpiece munications for the ground operators; with a secondary channel to reach the ship。〃 
 〃Make sure the batteries are charged; and check everything out;〃 
 AT THE SAME instant; closer to the stern; Mark Murphy was in the armory。 The room had a bench containing reloading equipment and rows of drawers containing ammunition; charges; timers and fuses。 Along the walls were a series of recessed cases that housed automatic weapons; rifles and handguns。 The room smelled of gunpowder; metal and oil。 
 Parts of a U。S。 Army M…16 sat atop a piece of cloth on the bench。 Murphy pushed the button on a digital timer; then reached for the stock and began to assemble the weapon。 A minute later; he pushed the timer again; then raised his hands in the air。 One minute and four secondshe was slow today。 Walking over to an ammunition drawer; he began to remove banana clips and load them with different types of ordnance。 
 〃God; I love my job;〃 he said aloud。 
 THE VAN WAS entering the bridge leading from Macau to Taipa。 〃The Minutemen;〃 Cabrillo said。 〃Where did you e up with that name?〃 
 〃It could be construed as an homage to Paul Revere and the revolutionary way;〃 Truitt said; laughing。 
 〃Wouldn't that be Paul Revere and The Raiders?〃 Jones said。 
 〃But in fact;〃 Truitt continued; 〃it's the name of the band that was already hired。〃 
 〃Won't it be crowded when two bands show up?〃 Ross asked。 
 〃It would be; but the real Minutemen; a California cover band doing a tour of the Far East; was detained in Bangkok after a two…week stint in the Phuket bars。 Apparently a customs official found a joint in the drummer's shaving kit。〃 
 〃Planted?〃 Cabrillo asked。 
 〃Had to;〃 Truitt noted。 〃The Minutemen are probably the only band in these parts that are cleanthey met one another in a twelve…step group。〃 
 〃The boys sound all right;〃 Meadows said。 〃You can't fault someone who's turned his life aroundwe shouldn't let them rot in a Thailand prison。〃 
 〃Not to worry; the customs official is on our payroll;〃 Truitt said。 〃There's no record of the stop。 One of our people in California made contact with their management pany and explained the situation; and we upgraded them to first class for the flight home since the Macau gig was the last one on the tour。 Right now; the Minutemen are convinced they were critically helpful in the war on terrorismas per our standard cover story。〃 
 The van rolled onto Taipa and started across the island。 
 〃I just have one question;〃 Cabrillo said。 〃Which one of us is the lead singer?〃 
 THE DALAI LAMA walked down the steps of the jet in Jalandhar; in the Punjab province of India; into an unusually hot day。 Despite his forty…five years in exile in India; he had never learned to adjust to the weather。 His Holiness was a man from the mountains and he missed snow and cold temperatures。 He sniffed the air for the slightest smell from the glaciers far to the north。 Instead of snow and pine trees; his nose was assaulted by fumes from the trucks passing by the airport on the traffic…packed highway。 
 He smiled anyway and gave thanks。 
 〃Looks like my transportation is here;〃 he said to Overholt; who had joined him on the tarmac。 
 A large; single…engine Cessna Caravan was nearby; with a pilot doing a walk…around。 
 〃Very good; Your Holiness;〃 Overholt said。 
 〃As soon as I return; I will meet with my advisors and the oracle;〃 the Dalai Lama said; staring directly into Overholt's eyes。 〃If they agree and you can ensure me no bloodshed; then I will agree to the plan we have designed。〃 
 〃Thank you; Your Holiness。〃 
 The Dalai Lama began to walk toward the Cessna; then stopped and turned around。 〃I will pray for your father and for you;〃 he said quietly; 〃and pray this all works out。〃 
 Overholt simply smiled as the Dalai Lama turned and walked over to the steps; then climbed into the Cessna for the rest of his journey。 As soon as he was seated; the Dalai Lama turned to one of his assistants。 〃As soon as we arrive in Little Lhasa; I will need the trunk containing the Golden Buddha documents brought to my office。〃 
 The assistant scribbled notes on a small pad。 
 〃Then I will need to see my doctor;〃 he said quietly。 〃There is something wrong with my physical shell。〃 
 〃As ordered; Your Holiness;〃 the aide said; 〃I shall do。〃 The pilot started the engine on the Cessna and ran through his checks。 Four minutes later he was rolling toward a runway; and a few minutes after that he was airborne。 Overholt stood on the tarmac and watched as the Cessna lifted off the ground and made a climbing turn to the right。 The Caravan was just a speck against the backdrop of the white cloud cover before he turned to the pilot of the Falcon。 
 〃Mind if I catch a ride back to Santa Monica with you?〃 he asked。 〃We're going that way anyway; sir;〃 the pilot said。 〃Might as well tag along。〃 
 OVERHOLT HAD A quality that was often overlooked in successful spies。 He could sleep anywhere。 By the time the jet stopped for fuel in Taiwan; the several hours of sleep had renewed his vigor。 As the plane was being fueled; he walked a distance away and unfolded his portable telephone; then dialed a number from memory。 
 Bouncing off a satellite; the signal arrived in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific; then was redirected toward the ultimate destination。 The signal was scrambled and untraceable and there was no way to determine where the receiving party was actually located。 The voice answered with an extens
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