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 Then; from the side of the door; he felt a hand around his mouth。 He was thrown facedown on the bed; his eyes pressed tight against the stainless…steel screws on the rear of the box with an optometrist's screwdriver。 〃Go again。〃 
 〃I did not have sex with that woman; Miss Lewinsky;〃 Barrett said。 〃Read my lips; no new taxes。 Out of respect for the family; I will not answer that question; la de dah。〃 
 〃Hold on;〃 Hanley said。 
 He repeated Barrett's ramblings while staring at the screen。 Barrett watched and raised an eyebrow。 His voice was ing from Hanley's mouth。 It was both eerie and amazing。 
 〃My mother couldn't tell the difference;〃 he said。 
 〃Modern technology;〃 Hanley said; 〃still astounds me。〃 
 〃How are you going to attach it?〃 Barrett asked。 
 Hanley showed him。 
 AT THE SAME instant that Reyes and Lincoln were pulling alongside the Oregon and parking; Max Hanley was checking a device in the Magic Shop。 In the background; on one of the numerous workbenches; the machine that heated liquid latex beeped to signal it was at operating temperature; then automatically went to standby。 
 Hanley turned and stared at the latex machine; then diverted his eyes back to the small box in his hand。 〃Okay;〃 Hanley said to Barrett; 〃let's try it again。〃 
 〃Testing; one; two; three;〃 Barrett said。 〃The brown cow jumped over the red moon; four score and seven years ago our〃
 〃That's fine;〃 Hanley said; cutting him off。 
 He stared at the small box; then placed it to his throat and repeated what Barrett had said。 Staring at a puter screen displaying a series of bar graphs; he noted the discrepancy and adjusted a series of tiny bedspread。 Next; he was quickly gagged and blindfolded; with his arms and legs secured with plastic ties。 
 REYES GLANCED AROUND the port; no one was watching。 With …L。Xiincoln's help; he removed Talbot from the rear seat; then dragged him up the gangplank onto the Oregon。 Met at the inner door by Julia Huxley; the trio was directed down to the Magic Shop。 Talbot; still blindfolded; stumbled down the passages; into the elevator; then along the last stretch of hallway until they reached the Magic Shop。 Once Lincoln opened the door; Reyes directed Talbot to a chair; then sat him down and placed straps across his body。 A light was moved to the front of Talbot's seat; then turned on。 Talbot could feel the heat from the lamp。 A few seconds later; his blindfold was removed and the blinding light met his eyes。 
 〃You Michael Talbot?〃 Hanley asked。 
 〃Yes;〃 Talbot said; turning from the light。 
 〃Eyes forward;〃 Hanley said。 
 Talbot plied; but he had a hard time looking into the light。 He could sense someone was behind him; but the straps were too tight to turn。 
 〃Did you have sex with a teenage boy in Indonesia?〃 
 〃Who are you people?〃 Talbot said。 
 A second later; he felt a touch on his neck; then a surge of electricity hit his body。 
 〃We ask the questions here;〃 Hanley said。 〃Did you have sex with a teenage boy?〃 
 〃He told me he was eighteen;〃 Talbot said through gritted teeth。 〃We're tired of slime like you ing over to Asia to partake of your sick desires;〃 Hanley said。 〃It's giving America a bad name。〃
 〃I'm here on busi〃 Talbot started to say。 The sharp bite of electricity。 〃Silence;〃 Hanley snapped。 
 Talbot was afraid; the kind of deep…down fear of the unknown and unseen that creeps into a man's soul and plays with his nerves and internal organs。 Talbot began sweating from his forehead and the need to urinate was overpowering。 〃I have to pee;〃 he said。 
 〃When we say you can;〃 Hanley said。 〃First we are going to make a mold of your head。 Then we will produce a three…dimensional image of it; which we will transmit over our puter network。 From here on out; the Asian police organizations will be on the lookout for you。 Then you are going to read a confession aloud。 If you cooperate and perform these tasks; you will be taken to Hong Kong so that you can catch the first flight to the United States。 Screw with us in any way and you will be washing up on the beaches of mainland China a few days from now。 What'll it be; lover boy?〃 
 〃Okay; okay;〃 Talbot blurted。 〃But I'm about to pee my pants。〃 
 〃Take him to the facilities;〃 Hanley said。 
 Blindfolded once again; Talbot was led to a restroom and his hands untied。 
 Four minutes later; he was back in his seat and strapped in place Fifteen minutes after that; the mask was formed and the voice prin recorded。 A few minutes later; Michael Talbot was placed facedown on the rear seat of the sedan again and was driven toward the ferry dock。 
 WINSTON SPENSER WAS trying to figure an angle。 There was none。 He had grabbed for the brass ring and e up short。 His choice now was to live or to die; and the people that were controlling him had made a pelling argument。 He'd walk out with a new identity and a million in funding。 He decided this was a deal he would honor。 
 Spenser stared at his new passport and documents; then watched the lady in the group talking on the cellular telephone。 She disconnected and turned to the leader。 
 〃The president is on his way; Mr。 Chairman;〃 she said。 〃He's taken care of the problem。〃 
 Spenser had no idea of the identities or affiliation of the people who had taken him hostage。 He only knew from what he had witnessed so far that they had a power that went far beyond anything he had ever seen。 They seemed to exist in a world of their own creation; a world of control and illusion; and whatever Spenser may have planned; they had always been one step ahead。 And then it hit him。 
 〃You were at the auction in Geneva;〃 he said to the leader。 
 Cabrillo stared at Spenser; as if trying to decide。 〃Yes; I was。〃 
 〃How did you know I'd switched the Buddhas?〃 
 〃You paid our pany to fly the icon here to Macau; then take it by armored car to the temple;〃 Cabrillo said。 
 〃So you staged the entire affair at the party as a ruse?〃 
 〃That; and we wanted to fulfill your deal with the man outside;〃 Cabrillo said。 
 〃Unreal;〃 Spenser said。 〃And the one hundred million?〃 
 〃It will go to charity;〃 Cabrillo said。 〃We were hired to bring the real Buddha back to its rightful ownerthis side deal is just frosting on the cake。〃 
 Spenser thought for a moment。 〃What is your ideology; your group's motivation?〃 
 〃We are a corporation;〃 Cabrillo said。 〃That is the only ideology we need。〃 
 〃So you exist to make a profit?〃 
 〃We exist;〃 Cabrillo said; 〃to make right from wrong。 But along the way; we've learned how to make that a very lucrative enterprise。〃 
 〃Amazing;〃 Spenser said。 
 〃Not as amazing as this;〃 Cabrillo said as the door to the hangar opened and the car carrying Hanley drove inside。 Once the door closed; Hanley climbed from the passenger side of the SUV。 〃Meet Michael Talbot;〃 Cabrillo said to an astonished Winston Spenser。 
 THE SOFTWARE BILLIONAIRE took a key from a chain around his neck and opened the leather portfolio on the table。 Then he removed a folder and flipped through the papers。 The stack of papers was nearly an inch thick and was posed of bearer bonds in various amounts。 The largest denomination was for an even 1 million。 The smallest; 50;000。 The banks that had issued the bonds were from a hodgepodge of European countries; from Great Britain to Germany to the most prevalent; Switzerland and Liechtenstein。 The total was 100 million。 
 It was a king's ransom to purchase a princely prize。 
 But to the software billionaire; it was just money。 He lived for the fulfillment of his own desires。 It was not the art of the Golden Buddhs that intrigued him; nor the history that surrounded the icon like a cloud; it was the fact that it had once been stolen and now it had been stoler again。 It was the crime that turned him on; the inflation of his ego h《 would feel when he knew that he was the only man in the world to possess the rare and priceless artifact。 Truth be told; he already owned a collection of stolen art that rivaled any museum in Europe。 Monet; 
 Manet; Daumier; Delacroix。 Da Vinci sketches; Donatello bronzes。 Illuminated manuscripts; crown jewels; stolen historical documents。 
 Warehouses in California were filled with antique automobiles; historic motorcycles; and early airplanes。 Stolen Civil War artifacts; Romanov icons heisted from a museum in St。 Petersburg; scientist Nikola Tesla's writings lifted from a museum in Romania after the fall of munism; secret presidential letters; even a toilet from the White House。 
 The first puter; the first personal puter; the first mass…produced consumer puter。 
 Those last were for nostalgia; since puters were where his fortune had e from。 He still had a hard copy of the first program his pany had soldone he had stolen himself from an unsuspecting programmer who'd believed he was just helping another enthusiast。 That had been his first and largest theft; and it had set the stage for all the others。 
 He stared at the bonds again; then reached for the satellite telephone。
 EDDIE SENG WATCHED as a pair of olive…green Zodiac boats were raised from a lower deck on a utility elevator that exited amidships on the Oregon。 As soon as the elevator stopped; Sam Pryor hooked a cable to the cen
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