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 ACROSS THE ROOM; Juan Cabrillo was on the satellite telephone i to Langston Overholt in Virginia。 
 〃We had to sink the vessel closest to us;〃 he said。 〃But there's a corvette and a frigate still to contend with。〃 
 Overholt was pacing in his office while talking on the speaker phone。 In front of his desk; sitting in a chair and dressed in full uniform; was a United States Navy mander who was attached to the CIA。 〃I have a naval officer here in my office。 My superiors are worried about fallout if you attack and sink the other two ships。 How far away from you are they?〃 
 〃We are in no imminent danger for a few more minutes;〃 Cabrillo stated。 
 〃If we can stop them in their tracks;〃 Overholt asked; 〃can you affect an escape?〃 
 Cabrillo thought for a minute before answering。 〃We can retrieve our men and the object we came for and be back at full steam in five to ten minutes;〃 he said。 〃As long as the Chinese don't launch any planes at us; I think we will be home free。〃 
 〃As of this instant;〃 Overholt said; 〃the only radio transmission that got through was about a helicopter attacking a harbor police boat。 Right now; at least as far as the Chinese are concerned; you're just a cargo ship they can't reach on the radio。 That could change; however; once the survivors of the ship you sank are collected。〃 
 〃By then we should be far out to sea traveling south;〃 Cabrillo said; 〃and back into the fog bank。 With the electronics on board; we can hide from ship…to…sea radar。 The fog will keep us hidden from above。〃 Overholt turned to the navy mander。 〃Will this new device affect our ship as well?〃 
 〃Not if they turn all the electronics off as it passes alongside。〃 
 〃Juan;〃 Overholt said; 〃did you hear that?〃 
 〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃but I don't understand。〃 
 〃It's a new toy the navy has;〃 Overholt said; 〃called a FRITZY。 It is designed to short out electrical circuits and we believe it will disable the remaining ships。 What we'll need you to do is shut down all the systems on the Oregon when we give you the order。〃 
 Eric Stone was scanning the radar and said; 〃We're ing up on the Zodiacs now。〃 
 〃Slow to stop;〃 Cabrillo ordered。 〃Prepare to take our people aboard。〃 
 ADAMS CLIMBED TO three thousand feet; then dove toward the harbor boat in the steepest angle the R…44 could handle。 He could feel his body go light in the seat; and then tighten against the shoulder harness。 Through the Plexiglas bubble windscreen; the harbor boat came into view; then grew in size as he streaked down from above。  The bow gunner tried firing on the helicopter; but his arc of fire was limited by the wheelhouse directly behind him。 The gunner got off a few hundred rounds while the helicopter was still high in the air; but the rounds went wide and then he could fire no more。 
 Adams raced down in a steep dive。 When he was only eighty feet above the stern; he pulled back on the cyclic and up on the collective。 This slowed the dive; then began to raise the nose。 Just as the R…44 hit the bottom of her arc; Adams flipped up the cover and down on the toggle switch。 Both pods dropped from the sides of the helicopter and plunged straight down into the stern of the last harbor police boat。 A static spark from the pods being cut loose fired one of the remaining missiles and it streaked down the last twenty feet; igniting the rear of the boat in a maelstrom of destruction。 
 With the weight and drag of the pods gone; Adams found he had better control。 Turning the Robinson toward the direction of the Oregon; he began to scan the water for the outline of the ship。 〃Scratch two;〃 he said quietly。 〃I'm ing home。〃 
 WHEN A PERSON is far out in the ocean and the weather is bad; the sight of anything man…made brings fort and solace。 For the seven people and one Golden Buddha on the small boats being chased by the Chinese navy; the bow of the Oregon looming up through the fog was as wele as the sight of four of a kind to a losing poker player。 
 〃Steer over to the davits;〃 Hanley said over the radio。 〃We need to get you aboard fast。〃 
 The two Zodiac pilots eased their boats into a pair of davits located off the port and starboard stern of the Oregon。 The deckhands had the boats and the people hoisted through the air and back on the deck in less than two minutes。 Murphy was climbing off the Zodiac when Franklin Lincoln walked over。 
 〃I played with your toy;〃 he said。 〃You can put another ship sticker on the console。〃 
 Murphy smiled。 〃Good shooting; Tex。〃
 〃Everyone okay?〃 Lincoln asked。 
 〃All but Jones;〃 Murphy said; pointing。 〃We need to carry him to sick bay。〃 
 Lincoln walked across the deck to the second Zodiac and stared inside。 〃Jones;〃 he said; smiling; 〃you look pitiful。〃 
 〃Don't make me laugh;〃 Jones said。 〃My ribs are killing me。〃 
 〃You do what you set out to do?〃 Lincoln asked。 
 〃Always;〃 Jones said; pointing to the case containing the Golden Buddha。 〃Now get me below to the sick bay and fill me up with painkillers。〃 
 〃Up you go;〃 Lincoln said as he reached into the inflatable and carefully lifted Jones from the floor as easily as plucking a puppy from a litter。 
 THREE MINUTES TO fire;〃 a voice said over the inter on board the Santa Fe。 
 Down in the launch bay; the pair of modified Tomahawk cruise missiles with the experimental FRITZY electronic destruction modules sat ready to launch。 The FRITZY system used a burst of electronic waves to scramble the circuitry of any powered electronics。 Captain Farragut was waiting anxiously for the launch。 The anxiety did not stem from being worried about his crew's actionsthey were highly trained and would perform the task flawlessly。 It was caused by the unknown。 Farragut was curious if FRITZY was all it was cracked up to beand if he could soon claim the crown as the first mander to use it in battle。 That fact might help at promotion time; at the very least it would be worth a few free drinks once the Santa Fe made port again。 〃Doors open; sir;〃 the chief of boat said; 〃and all is in order。〃 
 Only when all the lights on the Oregon went dark in the fog did he it a second thought。 
 〃I SEE YOU;〃 Hanley said to Adams; 〃but you need to land WE SEE now。' 
 Adams was making his approach behind the stern of the Oregon and lining up for his descent onto the landing pad。 
 〃Two minutes or so;〃 Adams said。 
 〃In a minute thirty;〃 Hanley said; staring at a timer; 〃your electronics will cease to function。〃 
 〃Clear the decks;〃 Adams said loudly。 〃I'll climb; then shut the engine off and initiate auto…rotation。〃 
 〃Fire…foam the decks;〃 Hanley said over the inter。 〃We shut down all the electrical power in one minute。〃 
 Many people think that once a helicopter loses power it plunges frpm the sky。 Actually; if power to the rotor is lost; the pilot can use the wind from his descent to spin the blades。 The procedure; auto…rotation; is tricky; but the maneuver has saved more than a few lives over the years。 Usually the pilot has a reasonably large field or clearing to land on。 Doing a forced auto…rotation onto a pad just slightly bigger than the helicopter herself takes nerves of steel and fortitude。 Adams used his minute to gain altitude。 Then he lined up behind the landing pad。 When his watch said it was time; he flicked off the governor and rolled back the throttle。 The R…44's freewheeling unit engaged and the drive shaft to the main and tail rotor disconnected。 
 Adams reached up and turned off the key。 
 Suddenly; without the noise from the engine; it was strangely quiet; the only sounds the whooshing of the wind racing past the fuselage and the sound from Adams's lips as he whistled Bobby Damn's 〃Mack the Knife。〃 The R…44 was making a steeper descent than normal; but Adams was in plete control。 
 ONE AWAY;〃 THE chief of boat said quietly。 〃Now two。〃 
 The cruise missiles left the launch tubes and streaked skyward; then turned and dived down to wave level。 Programmed to the target by a sophisticated puter; the missiles raced toward the Chinese corvette and the frigate at 450 kilometers an hour。 Once the cruise missiles were close to the two ships; they sent out a concentrated burst of electronic friction similar to that emitted after an atomic bomb blast。 The electronic circuits throughout both ships shorted as cleanly as if a switch had been thrown。 The engines ceased to function and the electronics in the wheelhouse and below went black。 Both ships slowed in the water just as a burst of wind and rain raked across the sea。 
 〃A…HA!〃 ADAMS SHOUTED as the wind hit the R…44。 
 He was eighty feet back of the stern and twenty feet in the air when he initiated his flare。 Pulling up on the cyclic; he pitched the nose up using the drag on the powerless rotor to bleed off forward speed。 He was four feet above the pad when the forward speed ceased and the Robinson dropped down on the deck with a thud。 The foam reached halfway up the fuselage as Adams pulled on the rotor brake to stop the blades from spinning。 Then he unlocked and pushed the door open。 Next; he began to unsnap his harness。 
 Richard Truitt waded through the dissolving foam to the door as soon as the rotor stopped。 
 〃You okay?〃 he asked。 
 〃Shaken but not stirred。〃 Ada
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