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 〃And this one?〃 
 〃It's growing by the minute;〃 the man admitted。 
 〃I've got a massive Russian war exercise on the border with Mongolia; Tibetan separatists in downtown Beijing; and I'm not sure what's going on in Macau province。 This spring is not ing up with fresh…smelling flowers。〃 
 〃Do you want me to order troops to disperse the protesters?〃 the head of state security asked。 
 〃Absolutely not;〃 Jintao said。 〃Our world standing still has not been repaired from Tiananmen Square; and that was in 1989。 We take action against peaceful Buddhist monks; the repercussions will reverberate for decades。〃 
 〃Then do nothing?〃 
 〃For now;〃 Jintao said; 〃until we figure out what is happening。〃 
 〃WHERE ARE WE at on this thing?〃 the president of the United States asked。 
 〃Off the record; sir?〃 the Director of Central Intelligence asked。 〃I did not sneak you into the White House through the underground tunnel so that I could discuss it tonight on Larry King; Director。 Yes; pletely off the record。〃 
 〃It's progressing perfectly;〃 the DCI noted。 〃And we are shielded behind an armor of deniability that couldn't be penetrated with an antitank round。〃 
 〃How soon before you need me to do my thing?〃 the president asked。 
 〃Tomorrow;〃 the DCI said; 〃if all goes according to plan。〃
 〃Then;〃 the president said; rising; 〃you make sure it does。〃
 〃Yes; Mr。 President;〃 the DCI said as the president walked through the door and down the hall to a state dinner that was already in progress。 
 THE OREGON WAS flying across the water。 The schedule called for the ship to stop in Ho Chi Minh City。 Once there; the operatives that would be needed in Tibet would be off…loaded and flown in a C…130 northwest to Bhutan。 Then the Oregon would continue on; passing Singapore。 Traversing the Strait of Malacca; the vessel would race north into the Bay of Bengal; arriving off Bangladesh on Easter Day。 
 That was the closest to Tibet that the Oregon would ever be。 
 No one in the Corporation enjoyed it when the Oregon and her battery of electronics and firepower were far from the operation。 The ship was the lifeline to the crew; their home away from home; their anchor in the stormy sea of intrigue where they operated。 
 Ross and Kasim were doing their best to smooth the difficulty。 
 〃I've tested the satellite uplink;〃 Kasim said。 〃The Oregon will have mand…and…control capability。 Everyone will be reachable either by radio or secure telephone。〃 
 Ross glanced up from her puter screen。 〃I'm programming the drones。 We have two。 That's less than I would like; but they're just so damn expensive。〃 
 〃Who will fly them?〃 Kasim asked。 
 〃They will need to be operated from within three hundred miles;〃 she noted。 〃Thimbu or inside Tibet itself。〃 
 Kasim nodded。 
 She scanned a sheet of paper that listed crew qualifications。 〃Four of us are trained in the operation。 You; me; Lincoln and Jones。〃 
 〃Lincoln would stand out in Tibet like a debutante at a tractor pull;〃 Kasim noted。 〃If he operates the drone; at least he'll be hidden inside a tent。 If I were you; I'd remend to Hanley he get the job。〃 Ross nodded her head in agreement。 〃He's good;〃 she said; 〃and the drones are criticalthey will be our only eyes in the sky。 If Lincoln can keep them over station above Lhasa Airport; the control room here can watch the action unfolding。〃 
 〃What have the Chinese got in Tibet to shoot them down?〃 Kasim asked。 
 Ross glanced at the sheet listing Chinese defenses that had been recently smuggled out of Tibet by the underground freedom movement。 〃Some old antiaircraft guns and one ten…year…old missile defense battery。 Around Gonggar Airport near Lhasa there's not much;〃 she said。 〃Looks like a couple of cargo planes; some helicopters; and rifles carried by the troops。〃 
 〃I'd make a note to Hanley to target the antiaircraft guns for early destruction;〃 Kasim said; 〃then have Lincoln fly only one drone at a time。〃 
 〃That's what I was thinking;〃 Ross said。 〃If he flies high; he can scan the entire city; plus keep the bird out of sight of riflemen。〃 
 〃Makes sense;〃 Kasim said。 
 〃What do you find for radio and television transmitters?〃 
 〃There is one television;〃 Kasim said; 〃and a pair of radios。 We need quickly to gain control of both so we can keep the Tibetan people alerted。〃 
 〃What's the report say?〃 Ross said。 〃Will they rally against the Chinese when the time es?〃 
 〃We think so;〃 Kasim said; 〃and God help the Chinese when they do。〃 
 〃The Dungkart〃 Ross said。 
 〃Tibetan for blackbirds with red beaks;〃 Kasim said。 〃The fighting arm of the Tibetan underground。〃 
 Ross glanced at the sheet holding the assembled intelligence。 〃When it is time; we will feed on the carcasses of the oppressors and the beaks will be red with blood and the day will be black with death。〃 
 〃Brings a chill to my spine;〃 Kasim said。 
 〃And I thought;〃 Ross said; 〃we had the air conditioning too cold。〃 
 ONE FLOOR BELOW where Ross and Kasim were planning; Mark Murphy was in the armory。 Munitions and crates were piled to one side; and Sam Pryor and Cliff Hornsby were slowly moving them toward the elevator to be taken to an upper storage area where they would be off…loaded in Da Nang。 On each crate to be used; Murphy attached a red…taped sticker。 Then the contents were labeled with a felt…tipped pen。 He was singing a ditty while he worked。 
 〃I'm a gonna blow some stuff up tomorrow;〃 he said。 〃Gonna blow me up some stuff。〃 
 Pryor wiped his forehead with a handkerchief before bending down to lift another crate to carry to the elevator。 〃Shoot; Murph;〃 he said; 〃you packing enough C…6?〃 
 〃You can't have too much;〃 Murphy said; smiling; 〃at least in my opinion。 Heck; it doesn't spoil and you never know what might e up。〃 
 〃You got enough here to blow up an Egyptian pyramid;〃 Hornsby said; walking into the room after placing his crate in the elevator; 〃and enough mines to register shock waves on a seismograph。〃 
 〃Those are for the airport;〃 Murphy said。 〃You don't want the Chinese to be able to land troops; do you?〃 
 〃Land?〃 Pryor said。 〃You use all these; there won't be an airport。〃 
 〃I have other plans for some of them;〃 Murphy said。 
 〃I've got the feeling you're looking forward to this;〃 Hornsby said。 
 Murphy started singing again as he walked over to crates of Stinger missiles and began to attach the red tags。 Letting loose a long whistle; he finished with the sound of a blast。 
 Hornsby and Pryor carried crates out the door and headed for the elevator。 
 〃I'd sure hate to have him mad at me;〃 Pryor said。 
 THE ANTONOV WAS less than a hundred miles from Da Nang; heading due west。 At its current speed; the plane would touch down in about forty minutes; or just around 4:30 p。m。 local time。 The biplane; although slow; had performed flawlessly。 Gunderson balanced the yoke with his knees and reached into the air and stretched。 〃This baby's a peach;〃 he said to Cabrillo。 
 〃After this mission is pleted; you can check into buying one for the pany; if you think we'll use it enough;〃 Cabrillo said。 
 〃Take the wings off and we could probably fit it into a forty…foot shipping container;〃 Gunderson said。 〃If we had Murphy mount a fire cannon out the door; we'd have a hell of a gunship。〃 
 For the last hour Cabrillo had been checking arrangements with the Oregon over his secure telephone。 The last call from Hanley had placed the Gulfstream G550 on final approach to Da Nang airfield。 Cabrillo was nodding at Gunderson's ment when his telephone buzzed again。 
 〃The Gulfstream's on the ground and refueled;〃 Hanley told him。 〃The pilot is setting the course now。 I contacted General Siphondon in Laos and received permission for you to cross through their airspace。〃 
 〃How is the general?〃 Cabrillo asked。 
 〃His usual self;〃 Hanley said。 〃Dropping hints about a classic car he'd like。〃 
 〃At least he's upfront about his wants;〃 Cabrillo said。 〃And an old…car fetish I can understand。 What is it he's after?〃 
 〃Hemi Roadrunner convertible;〃 Hanley said。 〃Apparently some Air America pilot had one shipped over to use during the war。 The general was only a kid then; but it stuck in his mind。〃 
 〃Any around?〃 
 〃I've got Keith Lowden in Colorado checking out the market;〃 Hanley said。 〃He'll get back to us when he knows what's available。〃 
 〃Excellent;〃 Cabrillo said。 〃Now what about Thailand and Myan…mar?〃 
 〃All cleared;〃 Hanley said; 〃so it'll be a straight shot to India。〃 
 〃She's due to leave Bhutan and touch down in Da Nang just after eight p。m。〃 
 〃Do you have the team ready?〃 Cabrillo asked。 
 〃They'll be ready by the time the Oregon reaches port;〃 Hanley said。 
 〃This is a tight timetable;〃 Cabrillo said; 〃and we only have one shot at this。〃 
 〃No do…overs;〃 Hanley said quietly。 
 〃No do…overs;〃 Cabrillo agreed。 
 IN NORTHERN INDIA at Little Lhasa; the oracle was deep in a trance。 The Dalai Lama sat to one side as the man spun and danced。 From time to time the oracle would race over to a sheet of rice paper and scribble notes furiously; then return to his ritualistic motions。 A strange animal…like sound seeped from his vocal cords and drops of sweat flew through t
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