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deck and navigation lights blinked out; leaving the ship in darkness as she narrowed the gap between the two vessels。 The lights inside the mand center dimmed to a blue…green glow。 
 By the time the Red Dawn entered the ship's channel and passed the first of the string of marker buoys; the darkened Oregon was trailing only fifty yards off her stern。 Cabrillo kept his ship just far enough back so that the Chinese vessel's deck lights would not cast their beams on his bow。 It was a long shot; but he was betting the silhouette of his ship would be mistaken for the shadow of the Red Dawn。 
 Cabrillo glanced at a large twenty…four…hour clock on the wall above the window just as the long minute hand clicked onto 11:39。 Only twenty…one minutes to go before the Cubans' defense systems test。 
 〃Following the Red Dawn is slowing us down;〃 said Linda。 〃We're losing precious time。〃 
 Cabrillo nodded。 〃You're right; we can't wait any longer。 She's served her purpose。〃 He leaned over and spoke into the puter's voice receiver。 
 〃Go to full speed and pass the ship ahead!〃 
 Like a small powerboat with big engines and a heavy hand on the throttles; the Oregon dug her stern into the forbidding water and lifted her bows clear of the waves as her thrusters erupted in a cloud of froth; creating a vast crater in her wake。 She leaped down the channel and swept past the Chinese cargo ship less than twenty feet away; as if she were stopped dead in the water。 The Chinese sailors could be seen staring in stunned disbelief。 Faster and faster with each passing second she raced through the night。 Speed was the Oregon's crowning achievement; the thoroughbred heart of the vessel。 Forty knots; then fifty。 By the time she passed Morro Castle at the entrance to Santiago; she was making nearly sixty…two knots。 No ship in the world that size could match her speed。 
 The beacon lights mounted high on the bluffs were soon little more than blinking specks on a black horizon。 
 THE ALARM SPREAD quickly onshore that a ship was making an unauthorized departurebut the radar and fire control operators did not unleash their shore…to…surface missiles。 Their officers could not believe that such a large ship was moving at such an incredible rate of speed。 They assumed their radar systems were malfunctioning; and they were reluctant to unleash missiles that they did not think could lock on to such an inconceivable target。 
 Not until the Oregon was twenty miles out to sea did a general in Cuban security put two and two together and deduce that the sudden departure of the ship and the escape of the Santa Ursula prisoners were somehow tied together。 He ordered missiles fired at the fleeing ship; but by the time the word filtered down through the sluggish mand; the Oregon was out of acceptable range。 
 He then ordered jets from the Cuban air force to intercept and sink the mystery ship before it reached the protection of a United States Coast Guard cutter。 It could not possibly escape; he thought; as he sat back; lit a cigar and contentedly puffed a cloud of blue smoke toward the ceiling。 Seventy miles away; two geriatric MiGs were sent aloft and set a course toward the Oregon as directed by Cuban radar。 
 CABRILLO DIDN'T NEED to study a chart to see that sailing around the tip of Cuba from Santiago through the Windward Passage and then northwest to Miami was little more than a suicide run。 For nearly six hundred miles; the Oregon would be less than fifty miles from the Cuban coast; a voyage in a shooting gallery。 His safest option was to set a course southwest around the southern tip of Haiti and then almost due west to Puerto Rico; which was a territory under the U。S。 flag。 There he could unload his passengers; where they would be safe and cared for at proper medical facilities before being flown to Florida。 
 〃Two unidentified aircraft closing;〃 announced Linda。 
 〃I have them;〃 Murphy announced; hunched over a console with enhanced radar screens and an array of knobs and switches。 
 〃Can you identify?〃 asked Linda。 
 〃puter reads them as a pair of MiG…27s。〃 
 〃How far out?〃 Cabrillo probed。 
 〃Sixty miles and closing;〃 Murphy answered。 〃Poor beggars don't know what they're in for。〃 
 Cabrillo turned to his munications expert; Hali Kasim。 〃Try and raise them in Spanish。 Warn them we have surface…to…air missiles on board and will knock them out of the sky if they show any sign of hostility。〃 
 Kasim didn't have to speak Spanish to deliver the warning。 He merely ordered the puter to translate his message over his radio; which was tuned to twenty different frequencies。 
 After a couple of minutes he shook his head。 〃They are receiving; but not responding。〃 
 〃They think we're bluffing;〃 said Linda。 
 〃Keep trying。〃 Then to Murphy: 〃What's the range of their missiles?〃 
 〃According to specs; they're carrying short…range rockets with a range of ten miles。〃 
 Cabrillo looked solemn。 〃If they don't break off within thirty miles; take them out。 Better yet; launch one of ours。 Then manually guide it for a close flyby。〃 
 Murphy made the necessary calculations and pressed a red button。 〃Missile on its way。〃 
 An audible swoosh swept the mand center as a rocket lifted from an opening in the foredeck and swept into the sky。 They all watched on the monitors as it raced to the northwest and soon disappeared。 
 〃Four minutes to flyby;〃 said Murphy。 
 Every eye turned to the big clock above the window。 No one spoke; all waiting in anticipation。 Time dragged as the second hand on the clock seemed to take forever to make a sweep。 Finally; Murphy spoke mechanically。 〃Missile passed two hundred yards over and between the hostiles。〃 
 〃Did they get the message?〃 asked Cabrillo; a slight tone of apprehension in his voice。 
 There was a long pause; and then; 〃They're turning for home;〃 Murphy reported happily。 〃Two Cubans who are very lucky men indeed。〃 
 〃Also smart enough to recognize a no…win situation。〃 
 〃Indeed;〃 Linda said with a broad smile。 
 〃No blood on our hands this day;〃 Cabrillo said with an obvious sigh of relief。 He leaned over in his chair and spoke to the puter。 〃Slow to cruise speed。〃 
 The clandestine operation was almost plete; the contract fulfilled。 The Oregon and her crew of executives did not consider themselves lucky。 Their achievement had e from a bination of special skills; expertise; intelligence and precise planning。 Now; except for a technician to watch over the mand center and the navigation systems; everyone could relax; some headed for their staterooms for well deserved sleep; while others congregated in the ship's dining room to snack and wind down。 
 Cabrillo retired to his teak…paneled cabin and removed a packet from a safe under the carpet mounted in the deck。 It was their next contract。 He pulled out the contents; studied them for nearly an hour; and then began planning the initial levels of tactics and strategy。 
 Two and a half days later; the Oregon sailed into the port of San Juan; Puerto Rico; and discharged the Cuban exiles。 Before the sun set; the remarkable ship and its strange crew of corporate officials were once again at sea on a course toward their next assignment。 Before it was through; they would steal a priceless artifact; return a divine leader to power and free a nation。 But when the Oregon left port; Cabrillo was not on board。 He was winging his way east against a rising sun。 
 THE BURGUNDY FALCON 2000EX left Heathrow at just after six in the morning; arriving in Geneva around half past nine Swiss time。 The jet aircraft cruised at Mach 。80 with a 4;650…mile range; it cost 24 million。 Winston Spenser was its sole occupant。 
 After arriving at Geneva International Airport in Cointrin; Spenser was met by a chauffeured Rolls…Royce that delivered him to the hotel。 There; he was immediately taken to a suite without having to register。 Once in his room; Spenser took a few minutes to freshen up。 Standing in front of the beveled…edge mirror; he stared at his image。 Spenser's nose was long and patrician; his eyes pale blue and distant and his skin in need of a tan。 Neither his cheeks nor his chin were very defined。 Truth be told; his image always appeared to be slightly out of focus; as if lacking character。 His was not the face of a man others would follow。 It was the face of a high…priced minion。 
 When he finished his examination; he placed his expensive cologne back in a Burberry toiletry bag; then left the room to get a midmorning meal。 The art auction he was in Geneva for was due to start soon。 
 WILL MR。 SPENSER require anything else?〃 the waiter asked。 Spenser stared for a moment at the remains of his meal and said; 〃No; I think that will be all。〃 
 The waiter nodded; removed the plates; then took a brush from his apron and whisked up the few crumbs on the table。 Then he silently retreated。 No bill was presented; no money changed hands。 The cost of the breakfast and the gratuity would appear on the room charge; which Spenser would never see。 
 In the far corner of the dining room; Michael Talbot stared toward Spenser。 Talbot; an art dealer from San Francisco; had crossed paths with Spenser before。 Three times in the last year; the stodgy Britisher had out
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