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 man who had been arrested in front of the Capitol Building for taking off his clothes and masturbating。 He later explained that the masturbation symbolized what was soon to happen to the world。 Nick thought about it but could see no connection between a public orgasm and time displacement。 The last person on the list was a college kid who had been arrested for holding tourists hostage in a cave put in Oregon。 He too had anticipated the end of the world。
 Each of Elizabeth's rogues' gallery had an individual file。 Nick thumbed through them and whistled silently through his teeth。 The psychics each had a thick bundle of papers; including faxed air force reports。 〃Why would the air force keep files on psychics?〃 Nick wondered。 The religious fanatics had FBI files and the masturbator a thick police record。 The college kid's file was empty except for a note saying an air force colonel and a psychologist were bringing him out from Oregon。 Now that was curious; Nick thought。 A psychologist and a colonel; not a lieutenant; or a sergeant; but a colonel! Nick put the kid's file to the bottom and prepared himself to meet 〃Madame Sylvia。〃
 Madame Sylvia was large but not fat…instead; what Nick's mother liked to call 〃big boned。〃 Her hair was a mass of dyed brown ringlets。 Fond of makeup; Madame Sylvia used it generously。 She was also delighted at being called to the White House。 Madame Sylvia's file noted she had a contract with a supermarket tabloid。 Nick could only guess what a White House summons would do for its circulation。
 〃I understand you predicted the world would end?〃 Nick probed gently。
 〃I predicted catastrophe; not an end。〃
 〃An end to the world as we know it。〃
 〃The world as you know it。 I am part of a greater world;〃 Madame Sylvia announced loftily。
 〃A different world than this?〃 Nick inquired。
 〃This world is part of a greater world。 The essence of my being is part of the greater consciousness that is the spiritual fabric of the universe。〃
 〃Is that what allows you to see the future?〃
 〃It is an explanation your mind can grasp?〃
 〃But not all of your predictions have e true; have they?〃
 〃True。 My physical self clouds my vision。 Once I am released from my body I will see with perfect clarity。〃
 Nick thumbed through the file and pulled out a three…month'old tabloid clipping listing Madame Sylvia's predictions for the next six months。 Elizabeth; or someone; had circled one in red: 〃Earthquakes; floods; and storms will wreak unprecedented havoc。〃
 〃Can you tell me more about this?〃 Nick asked politely。
 〃New York is gone。 There are floods; landslides; hurricanes; tornadoes。 These are the catastrophes I predicted and they have e true。〃
 Nick was surprised to hear her say New York was gone。 The last Nick had heard the media people were still calling it a blackout。 He made a mental note to check Cable Network News。
 〃What is the source of these catastrophes? Why did they happen all at once and why now?〃
 〃It is part of a larger plan。 A plan I cannot explain in terms you could understand。〃
 Nick dug deeper into the pile。
 〃I see you predicted cataclysms six 。 。 。 no; seven times in the past three years。 In the last five years you also predicted contact with aliens three times; two presidential assassinations; that California would slide into the sea; and that cancer would be cured 。 。 。 you predicted that four times。〃
 〃As I told you; my vision is sometimes clouded。〃
 〃That physical…self problem?〃
 〃Thank you for ing。〃
 The religious fanatic was next; painfully thin with a pinched; lined face and dark emotionless eyes。
 〃Mr。 Love? Is that your real name?〃
 〃That is the name I received upon sanctification。 Jesus gave it to me;〃 Mr。 Love intoned。
 〃It's a good name。 Why did you think the world was going to end?〃
 〃Jesus told me。 In a vision。〃
 〃Something has happened; but the world did not end;〃 Nick countered。
 〃God has only begun。〃
 〃What will happen next?〃
 〃I see hellfire and brimstone。 I see the wrath of God poured out from the heavens。 Not a stone will be left standing。 Not a being left living。〃 Mr。 Love stood up; eyes burning。
 〃Thank you for ing。〃
 〃Vengeance is mine; sayeth the Lord 。 。 。〃 The man leaned forward; gesturing wildly;
 〃Guard?〃 Nick turned。
 Mr。 Love was still speaking as the marine led him away。
 〃。 。 。 turn to Jesus while there is still time。〃
 The masturbator was nothing like Madame Sylvia or Mr。 Love。 Mr。 Gauthier did not seem to take himself; or anything else; seriously。 He was a short pudgy man; with a round cherubic face; a ready grin; and long wisps of golden hair bed across a balding head。
 〃I understand you predicted the end of the world。〃 As soon as Nick said it Mr。 Gauthier began to laugh。 
 〃That's good。 That's good。 I pre…dick…ted it all right。 Right there on the Capitol steps。〃 
 Nick flushed as he pressed on。 〃I mean you anticipated that something was going to happen to the world。〃
 〃I never said the world was going to end。 I jerked off to symbolize what is happening。〃
 〃And what's that?〃
 〃We're all getting screwed by the government。 Here; let me show you。〃
 Mr。 Gauthier unzipped his pants and began fumbling inside。
 〃I get the point; Mr。 Gauthier; you don't have to show me。 Thanks for ing。〃
 Mr。 Gauthier looked up and chuckled again。
 〃Well; I haven't e yet but just give me a minute。〃
 He was laughing and masturbating when Nick left the room。 After closing the door Nick turned to the marine guard。
 〃Tell Elizabeth Hawthorne she needs to see Mr。 Gauthier immediately。〃
 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth; and they stopped building the city。 That is why it was called Babel…because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world。 From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth。
 …Genesis 11:8…9
 Forest; former site of Portland; Oregon
  Cubby and John backtracked until they came to the spot where Ripman disappeared。 They called out softly; afraid to shout。 They searched fruitlessly until they found themselves deep in a darkening forest。
 〃Cubby; you think the dinosaurs got him?〃
 〃No way! Not Ripman。 Besides; they were following us。〃
 〃Then where did he go? Wouldn't he be looking for us?〃
 Cubby didn't answer; he just flopped down on a clump of grass and took off his pack and bow。 John thought Cubby; like him; was worried about Ripman。
 〃What's going on; Cubby? Those were dinosaurs 。。。 I mean I've never seen one 。。。 a real one; but I know that's what those were。 What else could they have been?〃
 〃Noah's Ravens;〃 Cubby answered。 〃That's what they used to be called; that's what a lot of people in our church still call them。 It's an old name。 It used to be all the evidence of dinosaurs they had were footprints。 They make a three…toed track that looks like the footprint of a big bird。 Since there were no birds around that make a track like that people thought Noah's flood had killed off all the giant birds; so they called them Noah's Ravens。 Even when they started finding bones; many believers refused to accept the idea of dinosaurs。 A lot of people still don't accept the idea。 Man; what are they gonna say now?〃
 Cubby picked up a stick and broke it into pieces; flicking them into the grass; lost in his own thoughts。 John's mind jumped from the impossibility of the dinosaurs; to his family; to his missing friend。
 〃I'm gonna go on; John;〃 Cubby said finally。 〃I don't know what happened to Ripman; maybe he made it to Portland already; but I've got to find my mom and dad。 My dad will know what's happened 。。。 he can explain this 。 。 。 Noah's Ravens 。 。 。 everything。 He has the gift of discernment。〃
 At that moment John realized that if Ripman had wanted to go on; John would have gone with him right away。 But when Cubby said the same thing; John lacked confidence; and suddenly Ripman's idea of heading to the cabin sounded better… especially since the incident with the dinosaur。
 He didn't exactly understand what Cubby meant by the 〃gift of discernment;〃 but John already knew what Cubby's dad would say…using words like judgment; sin; and repentance; he'd spiritualize what had happened and Cubby would e away feeling better。 But it wouldn't do anything for John; who was betting that Cubby was wrong and that God didn't have anything to do with this。 John didn't need his parents in the same way Cubby needed his; John simply wanted them。
 In the end the prospect of walking through the forest by himself led John to decide to stay with Cubby。 Besides; John's confusion about reality scared him。 Despite all the evidence of a new; dramatically changed world; John couldn't help but think that just over the next hill; or through the next stand of trees; they would run into a Burger King or a McDonald's; and there would be Ripman with a Big Mac in his hand asking what kept them。
 Finally; he just nodded to Cubby and suggested they rest until morning。 It was getting dark; so they began looking for a safe place to spend the night。 Because of the big tree lizards they were afraid of sleeping in the trees; and besides; they doubted they could climb high eno
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