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 John was still talking when Cubby fell silent; staringvat Portland; Concerned; John followed his friend's gaze。 Portland was there in the gap; shimmering and shifting。 Then John saw something else…the hills on the other side of Portland。 No…the hills through Portland;
 〃I can see through it;〃 he said aloud。
 〃No you can't。〃
 〃Cubby; I can see through those buildings。〃
 〃It's an illusion。 You can't see through a building。〃
 John didn't argue with Cubby; but he was sure the image was transparent。 How could it be? he asked himself。 But then there couldn't be dinosaurs either。
 Cubby led off down the hill without speaking; John following; but his enthusiasm dampened。
 The trip downhill was more difficult than it had seemed from the bald peak。 The sparse forest suddenly gave way to a section of trees crisscrossed in every direction; and Cubby and John had to climb over and under them。
 Suddenly; a high…pitched roar pierced their ears and rattled the trees。 They turned in time to see two dinosaurs racing out of the woods。 The one in front had a domed head and a short thick neck。 Bipedal; pumping hard to get away; it was easily fifteen feet high; and the biggest dinosaur John had seen。 Until he saw what was behind it。 Towering ten feet above the domed head were massive gaping jaws John recognized as belonging to Tyrannosaurus rex。 Blood was running down the side of the dome…headed dinosaur; and it ran out of the forest with a limping gait。 When it reached the edge of the fallen section it slowed its pace。 John could see it was weakening; the tyrannosaurus would have it soon。
 John and Cubby ran for a pile of fallen trees and crawled underneath。 The ground began to shake; and the smaller dinosaur began to scream。 Cubby; peeking between the logs; jerked on John's sleeve。 Scared to look; but too scared not to; he pushed himself up into a squat and peeked out。 The dinosaurs were fighting seventy…five yards away; the tyrannosaurus crunching the neck of the dome head。 The dome head was screaming in pain and struggled violently to break the grip of the tyrannosaur; swinging wildly with its tail。 The tyrannosaur rotated away from the blows and repeatedly slammed its own tail to counterbalance its victim's moves。 Chunks of turf and debris were kicked up and rained down on the boys as the dinosaurs struggled。
 Blood streamed down the neck of the dome head; across its chest and legs; making its skin a slick red。 The tyrannosaur kept its lock on the dome head's neck as dome head's struggles weakened and its screams softened。 The dome head collapsed to its knees and then to the ground。 The painful screams of the dome head became a mournful whine; and then the whine died with its last breath。 The tyrannosaur kept its jaws tightly clamped on the still form for another minute and then shook the body several times。 Only then did it release the still form。 John expected the tyrannosaur to raise its head and bellow in triumph; but instead the tyrannosaur took a long lingering lick across the neck of the dead dinosaur; soaking its tongue in blood。 Then it slurped in its tongue and smacked its jaws loud enough to echo through the forest。 When Cubby whispered 〃God protect us;〃 the dinosaur's head snapped around and it stared at their hideaway; as if it heard。
 〃Don't move;〃 Cubby whispered。
 John wanted to shout at Cubby to shut up but instead he froze。 After a long hard stare the tyrannosaur turned back to its meal。 John slipped silently to the floor; Cubby next to him。 John watched his hand shake; thinking he couldn't get any more afraid。 Then the sounds of eating echoed through their hiding place。 The tyrannosaur made great smacking and slobbering sounds; but the worst sounds of all were of flesh ripping and bones crushed in massive jaws。
 30。  DEBRIS
 Towns will be turned upside down and the below ground will bee the above ground。
 …Zorastrus; Prophet of Babylon
 Off Naples; Florida
  Saltwater; thick with sticks and leaves; washed over the family; shocking them awake。 It was late morning but the dense cloud cover and fog made it as dark as night。
 〃Put down the sides to keep the waves out;〃 Carmen said。 〃Rosa? Can you sit up?〃
 Ron looked at Chris。 His eyes were open; but he looked groggy。 The gash on his forehead was surrounded by a large swelling。 〃Chris; are you okay? Can you move down; opposite Rosa?〃
 Chris didn't speak; but he nodded and scooted。 Ron worked opposite Carmen to drop the sides of the raft; which were tied up at the top of the canopy。 It wouldn't keep out an entire wave; but it would cut down on the sea spray。 When Ron stretched up to unite the top he spotted another large wave ing toward them。
 〃Everyone hang on!〃 he yelled。
 They all grabbed for the cords strung around the inside of the rait。 Carmen wrapped an arm around Chris and Ron hooked Rosa's arm with his。 They all hunkered down; and the wave broke over them…another muddy one; and full of debris。 Leaves and twigs slapped them on their heads and arms。 The raft tossed and rocked violently。 After the wave had passed; Ron broke out a bailing cup and went to work while Carmen and the others lifted out the branches and the other debris。
 Rosa was having trouble lifting her left arm over her head; and finally gave up and used only her right one。 Ron suspected cracked or broken ribs。 Chris was helping too; scooping up handfuls of leaves and twigs and dropping them over the side; when he stopped; staring into the gloom。
 〃Hey; there's a lot of smoke out there。〃
 Ron turned to see a cloud bank broiling toward them。 〃Everyone hang on again。〃
 The family ducked down as the raft rocked violently; hot moist steam enveloping them。 The steam was sulfurous and they coughed; their noses and throats  burning。 The pitching slowed and the air cleared slightly。 Ron looked over the side but could see nothing in the dense fog。
 〃It's just steam;〃 he said reassuringly。 〃Nothing to worry about。〃 He didn't add that they had enough to worry about already;
 Ron helped clear debris and bail out the raft。 Then he checked the supplies。 There were cans of water; food; a pocket knife; four flares; fishing tackle; and a paddle。 He was repacking the supplies when something rammed the raft。
 〃It's a log;〃 Carmen yelled。 〃Help me push it away。〃
 Ron used the paddle。 The branches were thick and Ron had trouble getting a solid push。 Finally; the raft drifted off only to spin around and butt up against the bare trunk。 Ron wedged the paddle again and pushed。 Suddenly; something came running the length of the trunk。 Green; lithe; and frantic; it was a foot…tall lizard。 Ron instinctively swung with the paddle; knocking it off its feet。 The lizard hung over the side of the log briefly; its tail in the water; then it launched itself again。 Ron was ready and hit it with a full swing; knocking it into the water。 The lizard churned the water; trying to reach safety。 Ron pushed off from the log; and then paddled furiously; leaving the log in the haze。
 〃What was that?〃 Carmen asked。
 〃I'd never seen one before。 Its head was huge。〃 Ron didn't add it had a wicked set of teeth。 〃It's gone now。 We're fine。〃
 The kids settled back but Carmen and Ron exchanged worried looks。
 Exhausted from the night before; the family rested silently; worrying privately。 Chris soon leaned over the edge; watching the waves。
 〃He looks better;〃 Carmen said。
 〃His color's good。 I wish we could get him to a doctor。〃
 Helpless; the parents fretted。
 〃There's another lizard out there!〃 Chris suddenly shouted。
 Rosa popped up next to him and confirmed it。 〃It looks like more than one。〃
 〃Switch with us; kids;〃 Ron ordered。 Quickly; Ron realized the creatures were ing toward the raft。 〃Hand me the paddle; Rosa。〃
 Paddling furiously; Ron futilely tried to move the raft away。 A thick soup of debris made paddling difficult。 Looking back; Ron could see the bobbing heads gaining; but there were more than two。 Carmen appeared next to him armed with the knife。
 Paddling only slowed the inevitable。 The bobbing green heads were mostly jaw; with small black eyes…eyes fixed on the raft。 Finally; Ron raised the paddle for battle。
 〃Ron! There's a dozen of them!〃
 Ron drove the first one under with one blow; but it came up snarling。 Two more blows sent it down for good; but others were taking its place。 Ron struck violently; delivering blow after blow。
 〃Over here!〃 Carmen screamed。
 Ron spun; batting one off the lip of the raft。 As it fell it slashed an air cell。 Chris's scream brought him around to see the other side of the raft suddenly dip。 A head appeared and Ron fought to keep his balance; swinging with all his might。 The blow stunned the beast; but its claws clung to the side。 Turning the paddle sideways; Ron cracked its skull with the blade; the lifeless form slipping into the water。
 Ron knocked two more off from behind and then heard Chris scream again。 Another animal was crawling up his side。 。     〃Duck; Chris!〃
 Chris flopped into the bottom of the raft just as the paddle cleared his head; catching the lizard just under the jaw; snapping the neck。 Ron swung recklessly now; smacking head after head; driving them back 
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