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 〃Yeah; here we go。 Remember though; this thing's a piece of crap and I had nothing to do with the programming。 The colonel here won't even let me clean it up。〃 Phil shook his head and punched a key。
 As they presented it; Nick's own ideas were confirmed and expanded。 Yet when they were finished he was left wanting to know more。
 〃There must be something else。 Weren't there equations or notes somewhere?〃
 Colonel Conrad described the rest of the materials and then named a Dr。 Piltcher; a Dr。 Coombs; and someone named Phat as colleagues of Kenny's。 He also spoke of a manuscript from a Babylonian prophet named Zorastrus; which wasn't among Kenny's things。 Colonel Conrad's people were already searching for Kenny's friends; so Nick made a mental note to get a copy of the manuscript。 It was a long shot; but no more impossible than what was happening in the streets。 Nick asked a guard to bring the rest of Kenny Randall's possessions。 He was going to take this to the Security Council; and if he was going to convince them; he first needed to convince himself。
 〃Okay; let's start with the puter programs。 Show me everything;〃 he said。
 Nick found out how efficient government could be when a young marine delivered a cardboard box containing the plete known works of Zorastrus; the Prophet of Babylon。 There were copies in multiple languages。 Selecting the English copies; they scanned them。 Colonel Conrad found what they were looking for。
 〃Here; in this one called the Apocrypha of Zorastrus。 He writes about things falling from the sky: water; fish; rocks; and a whole tree。 There's one about a strange animal appearing。 He describes it as a huge beast that came walking on two legs and ate whole cattle。〃
 〃Is this in the program?〃 Nick asked。
 〃I don't think so;〃 Colonel Conrad said。 〃The dates on most of this stuff are too vague to work in the program。 Here; let's cheek it against the list。〃 While Phil; Terry; and Colonel Conrad worked with the program; Nick dug out a copy of the Zo…rastrus text in a German translation。 Nick found Zorastrus had done more than just list the strange events; he had tried to explain them。 His predictions were specific and described events much like they had experienced。 Zorastrus believed the things that fell from the sky came from the past; and that they were the debris of a collision of eras。 As Nick read; his respect for this prophet grew。 Nick could find no specific predicted date; but it didn't matter。 There was plenty of proof the ancient seer had been right。 Now if only Nick could convince the Security Council。
 The Eilean Mor light went out ten days before Christmas。 When the provision ship reached her on the 26th; the three lighthouse men were missing。 All was in good order; the wicks were trimmed; the lanterns filled with oil; and the beds mode。 Three good men; gone to God only…knows where。
 …David Rose; Scotlond; 1900
 Carlton; Oregon
  Ellen's back and bottom ached。 Looking for a way into Portland; she'd been bumping down back roads filling with people trying to find some way around the mountain on I…5。 Most of them were tourists trying to find a way home to the city or north of it。 Mixed in were other travelers and rubberneckers; going to see what had happened; and more had happened than Ellen had realized。
 She had spent several fruitless hours trying to phone friends in or near Portland; ones who could check on her son; but the phone system was a mess。 Many of the interstate long…distance lines were still accessible; but the limited intrastate made calls to Portland impossible。 Ellen's frustration at that; bined with her anger at Terry; reached critical mass late that night。 She couldn't just sit in a motel doing nothing; and since Terry wouldn't help find their son; she decided to do it herself。 Loyally; Angie had started packing her own suitcase as soon as she realized what Ellen was up to。 Ellen protested; but only politely; privately she was relieved to have Angie's pany。
 They were now about ten miles southeast of Portland near a wide spot in the road called Carlton。 The traffic on the road was once again at a standstill。 They waited; listening to the CB and switching channels; trying to pick up someone at the head of the line。 They finally picked up a woman who knew something; and from the sound of her voice she was angry。
 〃There's some smart ass cop up here who's barricaded the highway。 He says there's no place to go。 Says the town's already full of people and there's no road on the other side。 Over to you; Hot Rod。〃
 Angie flipped off the radio。
 〃Looks like we walk from here。 Maybe this cop knows what's going on。〃
 They pulled the Jeep to one side; locked it up; then started walking througbr the parked cars。 There weren't as many cars here as on I…5。 But because the road was two lane; and the cars were backed up only on the right side; the hike was longer。 Angie and Ellen hiked around curves and over hills listening to other people talking。 Many were walking forward too; but some had unpacked picnics; lawn chairs; or blankets。 Kids ran around the cars playing tag。
 Angie had suggested cutting cross…country; the Willamette valley was thick with farms; and she reasoned they might be able to use the four…by…four to cross them。 But on this side of the city there were fewer farms; and lots of forest。 There must be logging roads or fire district roads; Ellen thought; but they had no idea how to find them。
 At last they came to the barricade; four sawhorses with two…by…fours stretched across them; with a hand…lettered sign reading:
 Nearby; two uniformed men stood。 One was surrounded by a mob of people。 It was clear he was in charge。 The mob around him was a mixture of the angry; the frustrated; and the curious。 The cop kept repeating; 〃One at a time; one at a time。〃
 Angie gave Ellen a look that said 〃I'll take care of this〃 and then plowed into the crowd and struck a provocative pose near the cop。
 〃Hey; darlin'; why is the road blocked? she drawled loudly。
 The cop turned; looking angry until Angle's voluptuous figure softened his response。
 〃Listen;〃 he began; then he spread his voice to cover the crowd; 〃listen to me; everyone。〃 The crowd of people quieted。 Looking at Angie he said; 〃The road is blocked because there is no place for you to go。 The road continues on the other side of town for only a mile and then it ends。 There are cars and trucks abandoned all over that road。 There is no room in town left for you to park and no place to stay。 You can walk down the road if you don't believe me。〃
 Disappointed voices rang out; 〃But we've got to get to Portland;〃 moaned someone from the back of the crowd。 〃I've got relatives waiting for me。 When's the road going to be clear?〃
 〃Everyone here has the same problems;〃 the officer said。 〃I can't clear the road for you。 Go take a look for yourself if you don't believe me。〃 Then he shook his head and shooed the crowd away。
 Grudgingly the people dispersed and wandered off; telling new arrivals what they just heard。
 Angie sidled up to the cop; looking as sexy as she could after a twenty…hour drive; and Ellen was impressed with how sexy that was。 The cop seemed to agree; and it irritated Ellen; but she told herself she was merely annoyed; not jealous。
 〃Yes; what can I do for you?〃 the officer asked while trying not to stare at Angie's cleavage。
 〃My friend here has to get home; officer;〃 Angie said sadly; nodding repeatedly toward Ellen。 〃Her son is home all alone and she's afraid something might have happened to him。〃 The officer; enthralled with Angie; gave Ellen only a brief glance。
 〃There's nothing I can do!〃 he said with exhaustion。 〃The road isn't just blocked; it's gone。 There used to be houses up there and stores。 Bill Brandt; the guy who owns the hardware store; he lives 。 。 。 lived just on the other; side of where the road ends。 He had five kids。 Where are they? I don't know! There's nothing there now but trees。〃 His tone was a mixture of fear and anger。 〃Nothing but trees and ferns;〃 he repeated。
 Ellen had heard stories like this on the CB all the way to Carlton。 They still frightened her; but that fear created only a stronger need to find her home and her son。 She had no idea when Terry and Bill would get back; and she was still angry with Terry for going in the first place。
 Angie blinked worriedly; stepped closer; and slid her hand through the officer's arm。 〃I know it's been tough on you。 Officer 。 。 。 Peters? I'm not asking you to let us through; but maybe you could tell us if there are any other roads into Portland from here? Any other way we could get in to look for her son?〃
 The cop's voice softened as Angle's charm took effect。
 〃I do sympathize;〃 he said; giving Ellen a quick look and a nod of his head; 〃but this isn't just the road that's gone; it's everything。 Portland isn't there anymore。 Every road we've checked just ends。〃
 Ellen was tired of being ignored。
 〃We've been listening to the CB and some people say Portland is there;〃 she said defensively。 〃Besides; how do you know the city isn't there; you can't see it from here can you?〃
 〃Ladies; I'm 
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