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dy progress。
 Chris was still in the front sitting between Carmen's legs with Carmen's arms around his waist。 Rosa was sitting behind Carmen; her left arm folded across her body and held in place by her right arm。 Ron was in the back; staring around the others。
 Ron heard Carmen's whispered voice。
 〃Ron; back down。 Let's get off here。〃
 Ron started to move but then hesitated。 They had spent the night on the animal; too afraid to move off; and with no place but the lizard…infested ocean to go to。 The beast had shown no awareness of their presence during that time; let alone hostility。 The few hundred pounds of weight they added to its bulk would be insignificant; like a bird riding the back of a rhino。 Ron also guessed the animal was preoccupied with saving itself。 The animal was heading straight toward the sun; and that meant they were traveling in the right direction。 If it kept going in a straight line it would eventually reach the coast of Florida。 Estimating its speed; Ron calculated that it would take maybe two days to get to the coast。 Otherwise; Ron and his family had no chance of swimming to shore; and no boat or raft to take shelter in。 He agreed they had to get off; but thought maybe they should wait for a good…size log or some other wreckage to e by before abandoning their ride。
 〃Carmen;〃 he whispered。 〃I don't know 。 。 。 maybe we should stay。 It's going in the right direction。〃
 〃Are you kidding?〃 she whispered back。 〃Do you know what this is? It's a brontosaurus。〃
 Ron had been shocked too many times in the last few hours to be surprised now。 All he could do was mutter numbly; 〃A brontosaurus? You mean a dinosaur brontosaurus?〃
 〃It's not called a brontosaurus anymore;〃 Rosa whispered。 〃It's an apatosaurus。〃
 〃Yeah;〃 Chris said in a normal voice; 〃it's a potosaurus。〃 Carmen visibly cringed at the volume of Chris's voice and hushed him。 Ron found the strength of Chris's voice not frightening; but reassuring; confirming that Chris was alert and strong。
 〃I don't care what it is; I want off;〃 Carmen whispered harshly。                                                          
 〃Mom; they were herbivores; they only eat grass and leaves;〃 Rosa said。
 Rosa said it as if she were an authority; and Carmen seemed to listen。 Ron had to admit that it looked like a dinosaur; but he also knew such a thing couldn't exist。 Dinosaurs were long extinct。 But there shouldn't have been an island at that longitude and latitude either。 It seemed likely this animal and the other lizard things had e from the island; but he couldn't make the jump to calling them dinosaurs。 There had always been stories of large animals in the ocean; even in lochs。 Of course this one didn't seem to be a sea mammal。 It showed no intention of diving below the surface; and had no blow hole。 It might be a relative of dinosaurs; Ron rationalized; but dinosaurs were extinct。 They could call it a brontosaurus or apatosaurus if they wanted to; but Ron suspected any big animal would be an apatosaurus to the children。
 〃Besides;〃 Rosa continued; 〃I don't think I could take that water much longer。〃
 〃Hey look;〃 Chris said; in an even louder voice。 〃There's another one。〃
 Ron looked to their left to see a smaller shape in the water; a miniature version of the one they were sitting on。 It was swimming just off the shoulder of the big one。
 〃It's got a baby;〃 Rosa whispered。
 〃Yeah;〃 Chris said in a normal voice。 Then after a shush from Carmen he continued softly; 〃It's got a baby。〃
 Ron estimated the baby was bigger than a full…grown elephant。 Its neck was proportionally much shorter than the mother's; but even then it cleared the water by six feet。 The baby didn't seem to be having much trouble keeping up; but Ron suspected the mother was holding back considerably。 It made him wonder about the bone structure and anatomy of these animals。 They seemed to be using all their energy to move through the water and little or none to stay on top。 If the bone structure was light enough; the fat content high enough; and there was enough lung capacity; they could float。 Ron suspected that was the case; and it was another reason to stay onboard。 They wouldn't; find a better raft; or one easier to spot from the air。
 〃Carmen;〃 Ron whispered; 〃maybe we should stay here for a while。 There might be more in the water; or those other things…at least until we find a log or something。〃
 Carmen looked around fearfully。 Ron knew she was thinking of the lizards they had fought in their raft。 After thoroughly scanning the surrounding ocean; Carmen whispered back; 〃All right; but only for a little while。〃
 Somehow staying on the monster had bee the safe thing to do; although everyone except Chris was cautious enough to sit perfectly still until their bodies ached。 When the pain finally forced them to move; Carmen made sure they moved one at a time; and very slowly。 Ron found the sun on his bare back and the rhythm of the animal restful; and soon; like the rest of his family; fell asleep。
 We often refer to civilization as a thin veneer; but the constant violence in our country suggests it might be better characterized as a net; with great gaping holes that people are constantly falling through。 As the net fills with population growth; the net stretches; making the holes bigger and more people slip out of civilization's control。 God help us if the net should ever tear open。
 …Dr。 Chorlene Hall; The Violent Society
 New York City
 The sounds of Mrs。 Weatherby in her kitchen brought Luis back to consciousness。 He was feeling better。 The headache was finally gone。 The lump on his scalp was still there; but the swelling in his lip was down noticeably。 He sniffed the aroma from the kitchen and realized with a start he had slept through the night。 Mrs。 Weatherby was fixing breakfast。 Luis could pick out the smells of coffee and frying bacon; they reminded him of his family; Melinda must be out of her mind with worry; Luis knew he had to go and he wanted Mrs。 Weatherby to e with him。
 Luis sat up slowly。 When he was sure he wasn't going to faint he walked to the kitchen and leaned against the door frame。 Mrs。 Weatherby; wearing a red and white checked apron; was cooking a pan of eggs and bacon over a propane stove。 When she saw him she flashed him a grandmother's smile and motioned to the table。
 〃Sit down; Luis。 You're just in time。 I'm afraid there's no  toast this morning。 The toaster is out; you see。 I do hope the electricity es on again soon。 I know; I'll toast a piece of bread over the flames of the stove。 That just might work you know。〃
 〃No; Mrs; Weatherby。 This is fine。 More than I ever hoped for。〃
 〃I'd be happy to try toasting the bread。〃
 〃I'm fine; really。〃
 Luis sat down at the table and ate greedily。 When he was about halfway through; Mrs。 Weatherby clucked her tongue and began frying the last two eggs in the carton。 He felt guilty。 〃Mrs。 Weatherby; you're feeding me the last of your eggs。 There won't be anymore; you know。 At least not for a while。 There's no law out there。 Take a look at my face if you don't believe me。 Let me take you to Melinda's brother's place。 The kids are there。 You could really help us out。 You know; you watch the kids while Melinda and I look for a new place。 The kids would love it。 Especially Katrina。 You know she loves you。〃
 〃Katrina is a dear; Luis; and you give her a hug from me。 But this is my home and I see no reason to leave it; I can do without a few eggs。 As for food; I have everything I need to last me a month right here in this apartment; and when that runs out I've got lots of neighbors to borrow from。 I've been through blackouts before; Luis; and they're no problem if you're prepared。〃
 〃But; Mrs。 Weatherby; there's a dinosaur out there。〃
 〃Many dinosaurs; Luis。 It's been a constant parade。 Some of them I haven't learned the names for yet; but I know I saw a polacanthus and a pachycephalosaurus and those awful deinonychus。 They're terrible killers! And。of course there's my iguanodon friend。 A vegetarian; you know。 He has a sweet tooth。〃
 She scooped the eggs onto Luis's plate; then took apple juice from the refrigerator and filled a glass for Luis。 〃I don't know why I keep the apple juice in the refrigerator。 It isn't working; of course。 I guess it's just habit。〃
 Luis sighed。 〃That big dinosaur; he doesn't have to eat you; you know。 Stepping on you would turn you into a pancake。〃
 〃He's really quite careful。〃 Then Mrs。 Weatherby looked thoughtful。 〃Would you like some pancakes; Luis? I could whip them up real easy。 I've got lots of syrup。 I've got one of those mixes that doesn't use any eggs。 Of course…〃
 〃No; please no。 This is fine。 I'm already full。 I said that dinosaur will turn you into a pancake; I didn't mean I wanted any。 He's not smart enough to be careful。 He's going to hurt you。 He won't mean it but it will happen。〃
 〃He is so smart;〃 Mrs。 Weatherby replied defensively。 〃You should see how quickly he learned that sugar trick。 Now I'm teaching him to stay away from my garden。 Why I think I could…〃
 Mrs。 Weatherby was interrupted by the now familiar 〃aaaah〃 sound drifting in from the living room window。
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