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t is time displaced suddenly appears in a region of space occupied by matter traveling in normal space time。 These clumps would then coalesce into galaxies and solar systems。 The missing matter isn't really missing; it has only been time displaced and has been; and will continue; to appear。 What we have experienced is a smaller version of what is a natural cosmic event。〃
 Gogh frowned darkly; immediately rejecting a theory he had considered for only a few minutes。 〃The mass is insufficient to produce the effect you claim。〃 He shoved his yellow pad across the table toward Nick。 It was covered with putations。 Nick ignored it but Gogh continued; 〃There are theories to account for both the lumpy universe and the missing matter。〃
 〃But no unified theory that takes into account both; plus the unexplained historical events and the time displacement we have experienced。 As to the insufficient mass to produce the effect; you're looking for enough mass to produce a black hole and a plete disruption of the laws of physics。 My theory doesn't require a wormhole; only a ripple in the space/time continuum 。 。 。 a black ripple;〃 Nick argued。
 Silence returned as every mind in the room tried to digest the ideas presented。
 Then the secretary of defense leaned forward to make eye contact with the President。 Natalie Matsuda was a listener; not a talker; but when she talked; she used such force and seriousness that her few words had enormous impact。
 〃Mr。 President; I've read reams of reports on what has happened; but I've seen only two theories to explain it。 One is supernatural punishment; which I'm not prepared to accept。 So I suggest we accept Dr。 Paulson's theory as our working assumption and move on from there。〃
 〃I agree; Natalie。〃 The President looked relieved and seemed anxious to move on。 〃Arnie; I appreciate your input。 It's important for us to get all perspectives on a problem; but please put aside your concerns for now and work with this new theory。 I want all of you and your respective departments to go to work on a way of reversing what has happened。 Let's get our people back。〃
 As the President broke up the meeting he whispered to Elizabeth; who moved to Nick and held him back until the others left。 This time the President spoke without waiting for a whisper from Elizabeth。
 〃Nick; when time displacement takes place; what happens to the people displaced? Where do they go?〃
 〃I'm not sure; sir。 1 believe they are displaced into the future or the past。〃
 〃The past? I thought everything was pushed forward。 We don't have any reports of people from the future appearing; do we?〃
 〃No; sir。 But if we assume that the sections of land displaced are swapped with sections of land in the past or the future; and this happens in a predictable way; then in the future we would avoid building on these sites。 We should be able to determine this by examining the flora and fauna; but it hasn't been done yet。〃
 〃So one of our cities could have ended up in a prehistoric period?〃
 〃Yes; sir。〃 Nick wanted to add there was a seventy percent chance the city had ended up in an ocean; but the President seemed pained enough。
 The President thanked Nick and urged him to get to work on a solution。 Nick didn't bother to protest。 As they were leaving; Elizabeth turned and slipped Nick another worried look。
 The extinction of the Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrates was one of the five greatest extinctions in history。 The cause of such a mass extinction; and its nature; has long been debated; yet remains a mystery。
 …K。 Carmen Sontag; Nature's Lost Species
 Forest; former site of Portland; Oregon
  The sun was peeking through the trees when something moving through the ferns woke John。 He bolted upright and carne face…to…face with a dinosaur; its head about half the size of John's and its mouth full of greens。 When John screamed with the shock; the dinosaur's mouth dropped open and the half chewed ferns dropped in John's lap。 Spinning around; it took off in the opposite direction; its long tail whipping around behind and toward John's head。 He rolled with the blow; but even so the tail knocked him sideways and out of the fern patch。 He jumped to his feet and looked around wildly; scanning for other dinosaurs; but saw only the tail of the little one disappearing into the underbrush。 Then he heard Cubby laughing。
 〃Jeez; John。 You kill a tyrannosaurus one minute and then you're running from a baby the next。 My hero!〃
 〃I was just surprised; that's all;〃 John argued lamely。 Then trying to hide his embarrassment said; 〃Anyway; I don't think that was a tyrannosaurus last night。 It was too small and its front legs were too long。 Besides; I didn't kill that dinosaur; I just made it mad。〃
 〃Maybe。 But a needle in the eye ain't bad。 Maybe it'll die of infection? Maybe it's on its way for a tetanus shot right now;〃
 Cubby laughed at his own joke and John joined in。
 〃Wait'll its mom finds out what happened; I can hear its mama now。 'I told you not to play with sticks; and if I've told you once I've told you a hundred times you'll put your eye out。' 〃
 Cubby and John laughed together。 It was the first time John had felt good since Ripman disappeared。 Sitting in this weird forest; and laughing at stupid jokes; John understood why he was friends with Cubby and Ripman。 This was the feeling they had shared riding in Cubby's van; sipping Big Gulps; and insulting each other。 They were too different to be lifelong friends; John had always known that。 Someday Cubby would follow his dad into the ministry; John would go off to college; and Ripman 。 。 。 well; Ripman would be Ripman。 They would keep in touch for a while; but eventually; John thought to himself; we'll be so different that we'll even stop sending Christmas cards。 Knowing that made John even more determined to enjoy the feeling while he could。
 Cubby and John still had their packs; so they ate the last of their energy bars and emptied their canteens; then took stock of what they had left。 There was still a little trail mix but it wouldn't last the day。 They both had their hunting knives and packs and John still had the snake…bite kit。 John had been so afraid the night before; his hand had frozen around his bow; and they found it in the fern patch。 Cubby's bow and their quivers of arrows; however; were back in the forest。
 〃I'll tell you what; John;〃 Cubby said; pulling a coin out his pocket。 〃We'll flip to see who goes back for the arrows。 Heads; I stay here and you go back; tails; you go back and I stay here。〃
 〃Screw you; Cubby。 Maybe we can make some arrows?〃 John pulled out his hunting knife and started looking for a straight branch。
 〃Maybe Ripman could; but you and I will be lucky to keep ourselves off some dinosaur's menu;〃 Cubby said。 They both knew it was true。 〃Even if we could make some arrows; you saw how much good my arrow did with that one last night; and it had a steel tip。 What do you think a sharpened stick would do? Besides; do you want to sit still long enough to make some arrows? We're almost to Portland; and I say we keep going。 Hey; we get to my house and my mom will cook us up hash browns and eggs; and some of that thick bacon you like。 Rip…man's probably already there laughing at us because we're taking so long。〃
 Cubby was sniffing at a make…believe plate and rolling his eyes。 John had eaten at Cubby's before and it was always a feast。 His mother; a transplanted southerner; was the best cook in Portland。 John's mom was a good cook; but her beans tasted like beans。 Cubby's mom's beans had bacon bits and two or three spices; making them a full meal。 Now John's stomach was doing his thinking for him。
 They left the useless bow behind and started off through the jungle。 As John followed Cubby the good feeling was lost; replaced by fear。 The arrows hadn't been much more than a security blanket; but now even they were gone。 They had already been chased by dinosaurs twice。 He wondered what the odds were of getting away three times。 They walked on in silence; working their way downhill and to a creek bed with pools in it。 From the look of the banks; the creek was once a foot or two deep。
 〃Wonder what happened to the water?〃 John asked。
 〃Maybe some dino got thirsty and slurped it up。〃 Cubby meant it as a joke; but that started both of them looking around cautiously。
 They found a clear pool and dipped their canteens in; watching the bubbles break on the surface。 Cubby ran his fingers around the edge of the pool a couple of times; then his eyebrows went up and he jerked his canteen out of the water and fumbled the cap back on。
 〃What's up; Cubby?〃
 〃Take a look at these pools。 Notice anything?〃
 To John; they seemed just ordinary water。 Then it hit him。 The pools were in pairs; two straight lines; one on each side of the creek bed。 He saw Cubby disappearing into the trees and followed; nearly running into him。 John looked down and saw Cubby's footprints…two impressions in the grass side by side… and remembered those in the creek bed。 The boys kept running。
 Ellen and Angie met Coop's 〃off…road recreational enthusiasts〃 early the next morning。 The group turned out to look
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